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Questions tagged [unix]

NOTICE: All Unix questions must be related to programming; those that aren't will be closed. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using Unix APIs or Unix-specific behavior, not just because you happen to run your code on Unix. General software issues should be directed to Unix & Linux Stack Exchange or to Super User.

-7 votes
0 answers

Misaligned variable declaration erro [closed]

i am coding on vim this seems to have a problem: int i; char z; it says they're Misaligned i don't know what to do tried to rewrite it and fixed the tabs and spaces
Julie's user avatar
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Cannot kill Popen process [duplicate]

I have a Python program with the following structure and necessary imports: def startLogger(logger_dir): command0 = 'adb logcat -c' command1 = 'adb logcat' command2 = 'python3 '+logger_dir+...
Priyansh Gupta's user avatar
-2 votes
0 answers

Understanding the Connection and Differences between Shell, Bash, Unix, Linux [closed]

This is my first question on StackOverflow!Over the last months, I have been struggling to get my mind around the topics that I have mentioned above in the title.I have been trying to learn key-...
funky13's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

character like '\' coming in SQL output while assigning the output to a variable in shell script [duplicate]

I am trying to run a SQL query in shell script and assigning its output to a variable. When I run the script in Putty in the output variable character like \ is coming in data. But when I run the same ...
Rohit Bansal's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How to interface with a UNIX port? [closed]

I have encountered this same question in numerous forms over the past year, and have not been able to find the solution I am after. As the question has yet again reared its head, I am asking here with ...
BrownianBridge's user avatar
0 votes
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Where should a binary file that must be executed by another program be stored on a UNIX system?

I am writing a program that uses a library which requires that my program be called by a driver which initializes the environment etc first. This is done by passing the path of my executable (or just ...
user21749640's user avatar
-2 votes
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Unable to read multiple output returned from a sql query in shell script [closed]

How can I read multiple columns output from a sql and assign them to a variable and then read each row returned one by one and use those variables in each loop run to perform my if else function ...
Rohit Bansal's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to make nohup release prompt?

The script below never prints done unless you manually hit the enter key. The dev machine is osx, the server ubuntu 22.04. It's a script to restart the remote web server. Web server uses bun.js ...
Alex Craft's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Multiple variables in input and output using wildcards snakemake

rule all: input: expand("tissues/{id}/atac_seq/{srr}/{srr}_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz", id =IDs, srr = df[df['library_type']=='Chromatin Accessibility']['Library']), expand("...
user25645294's user avatar
-2 votes
0 answers


I have a tcp server which on connecting send the custom message 0000050 to know it is intializing the server to accept transaction and after that it send 0000051 to know the client it is ready to ...
Ankit Vashisht's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

if(fork()) and if(!fork()) - how do they work?

Let's say we have the following: pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { if(fork()) printf("A"); else printf("B"); printf("C"); } else { ...
RhoThanos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Nested Parameters in unix

export ABC=1 a="RESOLVED VALUE IS : ( \$ABC )" echo $a ...emits as output: RESOLVED VALUE IS : ( $ABC ) I would like to resolve the ABC parameter value when I do echo/eval or anything on ...
Rowdy's user avatar
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"end of file unexpected" error on my sh script, how can I fix this? [duplicate]

I keep getting the error, what's wrong with my sh script?? I'm very new to this and I don't fully understand what I'm doing but this should work right? v=0 while [1 == 1] do echo $v v=`...
captainretro's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

How to insert a character in front of a line one line above a specific character?

In my text file there are many lines whose contents are almost the same. Here are some of them. So, what I want is to overwrite the / with - on every line and then insert - in front of the line ...
kuninox's user avatar
  • 25
1 vote
1 answer

How to select files in subdirectories by name and move all files containing "XXX" and "YYY" into new directories

Hello all, how can I move all files with the name "ATAC" and all files with the name "RNA" into separate folders? The context is that in the current the directory, I have many ...
user25645294's user avatar

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