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Questions tagged [vagrant]

GENERAL VAGRANT SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked on Vagrant is a command line tool for provisioning virtualized environments on top of various providers, including VirtualBox, VMware and AWS.

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jenkins not exposing in browser in custom nat network

I had configured my vagrantfile with my custom nat network for some use to connect the remote servers but the problem is I am not able to access the jenkins at port 8080 on browser debug trials done: ...
Jasvinder singh's user avatar
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Receives error after running docker compose up -d [closed]

Receives error after trying to run a command This is in vagrant vm - run vagrant up → vagrant ssh → sudo -i Downloaded the git clone Changed directory to ...
Elizar Dela Isla's user avatar
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How to restart all nodes in Vagrantfile without manual reloading

I'm new to Vagrant and I need help with a problem. I wrote the Vagrantfile you see below and I tried to bring up all my nodes. Unfortunately, when I run vagrant up, I see the message below and need to ...
Uncle_Moris's user avatar
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Where are Vagrant symbols (special values) documented? [closed]

Both in the documentations of Vagrantfile and in different Vagrantfile files we find symbols like the following: :id, :ssl, :plaintext, :negotiate :auto, :linux, :windows. Where are those symbols (...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Error with vagrant (and nokogiri) on fedora 40

On a freshly installed Fedora 40 distribution, I want to use vagrant but I got an error (seems to be a problem with nokogiri). I think vagrant is not packaged like it could be or maybe a dependance is ...
Btu Vuj's user avatar
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Vagrant-libvirt: could not get preferred machine for /usr/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 type=kvm

I'm having issues with running an arm64 machine using vagrant with the vagrant-libvirt plugin. Here's the Vagrantfile: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # Disable synced folders ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Vagrant 2.3.4 'Vagrant up' command error on Windows 10 with VirtualBox 7.0.8: 'Vagrant_up_error' [Screenshot Attached] [closed]

Recently i had reinstalled vagrant 2.3.4. With all the prerequisites configured i was facing error whenever I was trying to start my virtual machine using 'Vagrant up' command. Specs: OS= Windows 10, ...
TD_Shori's user avatar
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Run a set of commands on a particular vagrant box once everything is up

Suppose I have this Vagrantfile # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/debian-12" config.vm.define "box1&...
Amrou's user avatar
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How to login as the user (created using Ansible) inside a virtual machine created using Vagrant?

I have created a virtual machine using Vagrant, a user inside it (using Ansible), and configured the SSH keys (also using Ansible). Vagrantfile Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm....
suravshrestha's user avatar
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command not found, when I try to configure Tomcat via Vagrant

I want to install Tomcat 9 using Vagrant. I install java 17, and git but with Tomcat I got a problem. Can you help me please. this is my code of my provision config.vm.provision "shell", ...
Mouhamadou Moustapha MBAYE's user avatar
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Error while powering up the virtual machine

I keep on getting this error, even after i completely turned off my Antivirus. I cannot understand why this error process up and why i can't power up my VM? I did try boxname multiple times but ...
Alan Joseph's user avatar
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Vagrant : Permission denied (publickey) when trying to connect from vagrantbox1 to vagrantbox2 using SSH

I can't connect from vagrantbox1 to vagrantbox2 using SSH. I've opened a seperate port 1234 from both machines and by using command in vagrantbox1 nc -vz vagrantbox2ip 1234 I made sure that the port ...
Saku Laitinen's user avatar
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How to run React-Native-Expo App and Laravel by using Homestead

I'm working on an react-native-app with expo which is supposed to get data from an laravel based api. The laravel-application is running on a virtula machine by using homestead. Now I want to fetch ...
ST80's user avatar
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i can't run "npm run build" due dependency conflict between webpack & optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin

I would like to build the assets files (src folder) in the dist folder which contains the html files using Webpack. this is the structure of the project: -dist/ -index.html ... other html files -src/ ...
Yazid Daoui's user avatar
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Vagrant provisioner running shell script multiple times

I have Vagrant shell provision configured to run a shell script. The script runs fine but for some reason it is executed three times when I type vagrant up. Here is my vagrant file: # -*- mode: ruby -*...
caliGeek's user avatar
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