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3 votes

Where to save hashed passwords for user login?

Usually you save the hashed password in the database. So you have a user table and there you save all the informations like username, password etc.
Markus's user avatar
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2 votes

Where to save hashed passwords for user login?

The best would be to store hashed password in db. This article might help you to understand the basics of how the auth process might be implemented. It is about fastapi but still you might find it ...
ViAchKoN's user avatar
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1 vote

Angular CLI installation in Node 22 never completes

This is a known bug in node 22.5.0 Please use 22.4.1 until this bug is solved. See also: Node 22.5.0 started to crash and hangs on different cases
Jochen Kalmbach's user avatar
1 vote

Recommended access practice for blob storage

Is role assignments through service principle is vulnerable ? , if yes then what about SAS and its periodic request for token and validating it ? , any docs for reference will be helpful . For ...
Venkatesan's user avatar
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Amazon Inspector not detecting code vulnerability with transpiled Typescript file to Javascript on Lambda function

Amazon Inspector is a tool designed to analyze the security of your applications deployed on AWS. However, it might not always detect all types of vulnerabilities, especially those related to code ...
SangamAngre's user avatar
1 vote

Import JSON as a variable only to get its type and ensure the import gets removed when compiled

You might not like this solution but you could use a .ts file instead of a .json file: // src/json/countries-json.ts export const CountriesJSON = [ { "name": "Afghanistan&...
Remo H. Jansen's user avatar
1 vote

Why is the below piece of code giving error when I add console log line and working fine if I remove it?

It has to do with javascript automatic semicolon insertion. If a line starts with one of the below special character (, [, `, +, / - then the previous line should end with a semicolon. This line [a, b]...
brk's user avatar
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1 vote

Problem while packaging application with electron-forge "EPERM operation not permitted RMDIR"

In case someone is going to stumble on this problem after years with no answer. In short this was a fix for me: clean cache with npm cache clean --force install the latest version of npm globally ...
Alexei Drazdoff's user avatar

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