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Jan Żankowski's user avatar
Jan Żankowski's user avatar
Jan Żankowski
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
  • Warsaw, Poland
116 votes

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

59 votes

How to cleanup garbage in remote git repo

24 votes

WooCommerce: what's the difference between cart total and subtotal?

13 votes


12 votes

How to setup IE webdriver on a remote box

11 votes

Laravel's Artisan says nothing to migrate

10 votes

New template not showing up in Template dropdown

10 votes

in Android if OS kills my application, will getIntent() return the Intent with the same extras?

7 votes

How to run an RPC server on Apache Spark?

6 votes

How to convert a Java object (bean) to key-value pairs (and vice versa)?

5 votes

How to get a visualization of cross-app Spring Integration flow?

5 votes

Regular expression for nested tags (innermost to make it easier)

5 votes

Update/Upgrade PHP MongoDB driver

4 votes

Foreign Key to multiple tables

4 votes

Bitbucket is alarming that my git repo is too large but I cannot confirm large files

3 votes

In an Android test, how to check that a View is shown?

3 votes

Laravel: why a registered service provider is not called when instantiating its provided class?

1 vote

Laravel Artisan can talk to MySQL but Laravel web page cannot?

1 vote

Axios: which HTTP response status codes result in then() and which in catch()?

1 vote

What is an example in the real world that uses the "Mediator pattern"?

1 vote

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

1 vote

Where can I use 'GET_LOCK'?

1 vote

Renaming foreign-key columns in MySQL

0 votes

How to make an android app which contains three other apps?

0 votes

One CSS file vs multiple for different pages

0 votes

Can I limit scope of jQuery version I need using noConflict() if other scripts' loading order is unknown?

0 votes

Hibernate Null Pointer at AbstractUserTypeHibernateIntegrator User Type

0 votes

Laravel: Stripe No API key provided. (HINT: set your API key using Stripe::setApiKey()

0 votes

Laravel Error: Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

0 votes

RESTful url to GET resource by different fields