Matt Harrison - Python & Data Science Author, Instructor, and Consultant

👋Hi, I'm Matt. I've been working with Python and data since 2000. I have a computer science degree from Stanford.

I have worked at some amazing companies, created cool products, wrote a couple books, and taught thousands Python and Data Science.

I currently work as a corporate trainer, author, and consultant.

I'm not looking for a job, but I help a bunch of people who are. If you are looking to hire these people, let's work together!

Course participants hail from...

I have students from these amazing companies (and universities) enrolled in my courses.

Effective XGBoost

Classification with XGBoost

Fizz the Buzz: Get a (New) Tech Job

Need a job? Need to get a better job? Proven techniques.

Pandas Bundle

All of the Pandas content!

Refactoring Pandas

Real-world Pandas code.

Applied Pandas: Working with Survey Data

Have you ever needed to clean up data? Survey data can be some of the messiest. What are the techniques you need? How do you analyze the data after cleanup? 

Applied Pandas: Twitter Analytics

Curious about your tweet activity? Want to understand what is happening with your 280 characters as you post them in the ether?

This course takes you through gathering you twitter data to running correlations, visualizing it, analyzing trends, and running machine learning on it.

Twitter for Developers

Twitter is one of the best social platforms for engaging with others and learning. Learn how I've used it for:
  • Getting jobs
  • Getting speaking engagements
  • Meeting (internet) famous people
    * Learning a ton through interacting with interesting folks

Effective Book Authoring

Have you ever wanted to get a message across? Is there something inside you that you want to tell the world? This course will arm you will the skills and tactics you need to bring out a published or self-published book.

Effective Learning

Understand how the brain works and how to leverage that knowledge for creativity and productivity.

Python for Data Scientists (& Engineers)

Most Python courses are focused on programmers or people who want to know every feature of the language. To be blunt, that is a waste of time for data people. This  course preps you for being efficient with Python.

Effective Pandas

A course for teaching modern Pandas. Write pandas code that you can read and debug. Bonus that others can read it too!

SQL Selection

Getting started with SQL? This course is for you!

Live Workshops

Live public workshops to hone your skills.


  • $39

Effective Pandas Digital Book

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  • 4 files

This is a digital book! Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Pandas code.

  • $39

Illustrated Guide to Python 3: Python 3.10 Version

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  • 1 file

Are you ready to jumpstart your programming career? This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will allow a programmer to quickly become knowledgeable and comfortable with Python. Programming is fun and Python makes it delightful. Basic Python i...

  • $39

Intermediate Python Programming 2nd Edition

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  • 1 file

Python is easy to learn. You can learn the basics in a day and be productive with it. But there are more advanced constructs that you will eventually run across if you spend enough time with it. These constructs, while not necessary per se, allow you to be more succinct, re-use code, and think about code in a different way.  This book covers many of these intermediate constructs: Functional programming  List compr...

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