Matt Harrison - Python & Data Science Author, Instructor, and Consultant

👋Hi, I'm Matt. I've been working with Python and data since 2000. I have a computer science degree from Stanford.

I have worked at some amazing companies, created cool products, wrote a couple books, and taught thousands Python and Data Science.

I currently work as a corporate trainer, author, and consultant.

I'm not looking for a job, but I help a bunch of people who are. If you are looking to hire these people, let's work together!

Course participants hail from...

I have students from these amazing companies (and universities) enrolled in my courses.


  • Books
  • Live Cohort Courses
  • Live Workshops
  • On demand video subscriptions

Professional XGBoost

Take your XGBoost to the next level.


  • $49

Effective Pandas 2 Digital Book

  • Download
  • 3 files

This is a digital book! Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Pandas code.

  • $39

Effective Pandas Digital Book

  • Download
  • 4 files

This is a digital book! Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Pandas code.

  • $39

Illustrated Guide to Python 3: Python 3.10 Version

  • Download
  • 1 file

Are you ready to jumpstart your programming career? This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will allow a programmer to quickly become knowledgeable and comfortable with Python. Programming is fun and Python makes it delightful. Basic Python i...

  • $39

Intermediate Python Programming 2nd Edition

  • Download
  • 1 file

Python is easy to learn. You can learn the basics in a day and be productive with it. But there are more advanced constructs that you will eventually run across if you spend enough time with it. These constructs, while not necessary per se, allow you to be more succinct, re-use code, and think about code in a different way.  This book covers many of these intermediate constructs: Functional programming  List compr...

  • $49

Effective Polars 1.0 Digital Book

  • Download
  • 2 files

This is a digital book! Best practices for manipulating data with Polars. This book will arm you with knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy-to-follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Polars code.

Effective XGBoost

Classification with XGBoost!

Learning Python for Data

A Python crash course to prepare you for working with data. Don't learn Python with a generic book. Learn it with the goal of approaching data.

Upcoming Live Events

Weeklong courses to dive into a subject.

Planning for 2024. Stay tuned.

Upcoming Live Workshops

Single day explorations.

  • Python Functions
  • Python Decorators
  • Python Context Managers
  • Python Objects
  • Python Generators
  • Crafting Unittests and doctests
  • Getting started with Pytest
  • Advanced Pytest
  • Using Hypothesis
  • Creating ML Classifiers
  • Exploring data with PCA
  • Using ML to Cluster
  • Tree-based ML
  • Python Lists
  • Python Dictionaries
  • Understanding models with SHAP

On-demand Video Subscriptions

Our live courses are provided ala carte. However, if you want to enjoy many of them, you will want a subscription to discount them.
Subscribers will also get access to on-demand videos.

Why Live Courses?

In addition to first hand experience teaching thousands in the classroom, I also have consulted and seen the data on MOOCs and on-demand courses (completion rates are low). My conviction is that live courses have many benefits.

If you are one of those who "collects courses" but never does them, consider live courses a solution!

  • Being in a class with camera aids in learning.
  • You learn from interacting with others in the class.
  • You have an expert who you can interact with via video or text and get your questions answered instantly.
  • You can apply the teachings to your work and get feedback.

Course and Book Feedback

Good instructor and well thought out course.

IT Project Manager

I really enjoy Matt as an instructor.

Financial Data Scientist

The detailed drawing along with the explanation helped me a lot.

The practical assingments were the best part.

Blake Garvin

These training sessions are excellent. I have attended many of them.

GPU Engineer

The good number of exercises were the best part.

Data Engineer

Great introduction. 

The exercises really help to get a better understanding.

Lead Data Scientist

Very useful.

Great instructor.

Systems Analyst

Matt is an expert and amazing professor.

The best part was the steps that Matt teaches us to follow.

Data analyst

I learned a few new tricks and techniques that will be useful for me in my job.


To start with machine learning, one of the most important skills you should build:
• Learning how to manipulate data
"Effective Pandas" is probably the best book on the market.

This will single handily give you everything you need! 


Oh, and in case you don't know how to toy around with data in pandas DataFrames or just want to take it up to the next level, I can highly recommend Effective Pandas by my favorite Python teacher 
 . I thought I knew it all, but this book taught me otherwise.


I've been using Pandas for about 10 years, and I still improved my Pandas skill working through the Effective Pandas...


Matt Harrison is the Pandas guru, which in my opinion is equivalent to being Canelo Alvarez of boxers or the Esther Perel of therapists; he’s mastered the fundamentals and knows more than most anyone about the Pandas package. Python can take you far but mastering the Pandas package is a goal every data scientist worth their weight/paycheck should have high in their priority list.

Elijah J

I’ve been following your work for a while and have found your pandas philosophy transformative and super helpful in my own work. Effective Pandas has been a great perspective on the library for me, even after years of using it!


I’ve been following your work for a while and have found your pandas philosophy transformative and super helpful in my own work. Effective Pandas has been a great perspective on the library for me, even after years of using it!


Pandas is one of those libraries that suffers from the "guitar principle" (also known as the "Bushnell Principle" in the video game circles): it is easy to use, but difficult to master.

Truly, it is one of the most straightforward and powerful data manipulation libraries, yet, because it is so easy to use, no one really spends much time trying to understand the best, most pythonic way to employ the library to its full extent.

If you haven't read Matt Harrison's book and use Pandas, chances are you're like that Chad at the picnic or camping trip that pulls out his guitar to strum along the same basic chords for an hour straight... Well, NO MORE!

Matt Harrison is ready to drop some knowledge on you and have you riffing your own data manipulation solos like you're Slash in "November Rain", or Prince in "Purple Rain"...

The book goes beyond explaining the data structures and methods that underpin Pandas, but he also provides a ton of practical advice regarding best practices in data manipulation and transformations.

For instance, by the time you're done you'll know which functions to use to leverage Pandas' vectorized structures to ensure your code is fast and efficient, which data types provide huge savings in terms of memory allocation, how to chain operations to ensure you're always accessing the correct intermediary dataframe, how to utilize indices to give you superpowers over your data, how to debug chains, merge, join, melt, style, and more.

It is by far, the best book you can get yourself if you want to take your data science skills to the next level, after all, they say modern data science is 90% data cleaning. I mostly agree.

I have recommended this book to every member of my team. REQUIRED READING.

Highest possible recommendation

Amazon Review

Pandas Bundle

All the Pandas. Books and courses. Save by buying the bundle.

Python for Data Scientists (& Engineers)

Most Python courses are focused on programmers or people who want to know every feature of the language. To be blunt, that is a waste of time for data people. This  course preps you for being efficient with Python.

Effective Pandas

A course for teaching modern Pandas. Write pandas code that you can read and debug. Bonus that others can read it too!

Refactoring Pandas

Real-world Pandas code.

Applied Pandas: Working with Survey Data

Have you ever needed to clean up data? Survey data can be some of the messiest. What are the techniques you need? How do you analyze the data after cleanup? 

Twitter for Developers

Twitter is one of the best social platforms for engaging with others and learning. Learn how I've used it for:
  • Getting jobs
  • Getting speaking engagements
  • Meeting (internet) famous people
    * Learning a ton through interacting with interesting folks

Applied Pandas: Twitter Analytics

Curious about your tweet activity? Want to understand what is happening with your 280 characters as you post them in the ether?

This course takes you through gathering your twitter data to running correlations, visualizing, analyzing trends, and running machine learning on the data.

SQL Selection

Getting started with SQL? This course is for you!

Effective Learning

Understanding how the brain works, and how to leverage that knowledge for creativity and productivity.

Effective Book Authoring

Have you ever wanted to get a message across? Is there something inside you that you want to tell the world? This course will arm you will the skills and tactics you need to bring out a published or self-published book.

Fizz the Buzz: Get a (New) Tech Job

Need to get a job? Need to get a better job? Proven techniques.

  • $59

Effective Testing - Standard

    You test your Python code, right? So you know there aren't bugs, you aren't losing money, getting blamed for errors, and sleeping sound at night. Oh, you're not testing... Well time to get started. We will dive into unit tests, doctests, code coverage, test driven development, and more.

    • $39

    Effective Pandas Digital Book

      This is a digital book! Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Pandas code.

      • $39

      Illustrated Guide to Python 3: Python 3.10 Version

        Are you ready to jumpstart your programming career? This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will allow a programmer to quickly become knowledgeable and comfortable with Python. Programming is fun and Python makes it delightful. Basic Python i...

        • $39

        Intermediate Python Programming 2nd Edition

          Python is easy to learn. You can learn the basics in a day and be productive with it. But there are more advanced constructs that you will eventually run across if you spend enough time with it. These constructs, while not necessary per se, allow you to be more succinct, re-use code, and think about code in a different way.  This book covers many of these intermediate constructs: Functional programming  List compr...

          • $39

          Advent of Code 2020 Walkthrough

            Live Walkthroughs of 2020 Advent of Code. Hours of 🐍 insight. Watch me struggle and fuss as I code up Pythonic solutions. Covers:Functional programmingGeneratorsComprehensionsDoctestPytestPDBEmacs!Regular ExpressionsObjectsRefactoringIterationFixtures Over 10 hours of content! Note that the price goes up each day as I add content 😉

            Need Live Training?

            If you want live training for your organization check out my offerings at

            Public Workshops

            Live workshops to hone your skills.

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