My laptop is a Lenovo E550:

OS:         Arch Linux
KERNEL:     Linux 6.9.6-arch1-1
SHELL:      zsh
CPU:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
GPU:        Intel Corporation HD Graphics 5500

I want to install hybrid conky. The version on KDE store is buggy so I downloaded the source from bitbucket. I have installed latest version of conky-lua-nv.

I extracted source in ~/.config/conky/hybrid/

Installed fonts via fontmanager system-wide.

Inside the project search for deploy.sh file (for v1.6.0 and above, please use install.sh instead)

using install.sh would wipe the whole conky directory so I tried without it and by deploy.sh script! Copy content of hybrid.conf from conky directory into ~/.conkyrc

I don't know if I should run deploy.sh or not.According to documentation it should be run for v1.6.0 and above and (I use v1.6.1) so I should use install.sh which will delete conky directory)

Run conky: $ conky -c ~/.config/conky/hybrid/hybrid.conf &

And this is I get: enter image description here

Where am I wrong?

  • “Where am I wrong?” - You need to run the install script before the deployment script. Just backup your configuration before you install.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 11:03


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