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Questions tagged [bash]

Bash is a free shell for Unix-like operating systems from the GNU Project.

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Why is GNU wget only returning an index.html.tmp file, instead of the actual files I want?

I want to download a lot of satellite data (organized by each day of each year) in .hdf format from NASA's LAADS DAAC archive. They have a helpful guide that provides a code sample to use with GNU ...
Seyong Chang's user avatar
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Desktop shortcut with a command line argument which contains filename with random numbers

I'm trying to create a desktop shortcut which launches a terminal app with commandline arguments which contains a path to a file with a randomly generated number in the filename. I've tried everything ...
zyntrax's user avatar
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Set background colour in Windows Terminal, with git bash ANSI escape OSC 11 doesn't work

How do I get git bash to set terminal background colour using OSC Ansi Escape sequences? printf %b '\e]11;rgb:30/00/00\a' It works when I do it from WSL bash and for some servers when I ssh to them ...
Badger's user avatar
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SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B

Schematic: ssh ssh A ------> B ------> C ^ ^ using A's using B's ssh key ssh key Preconditions: A is running ssh-agent A can access B B can access C A can't ...
J.Nexus's user avatar
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How to detect even or odd minutes in bash script

I need to detect whether the current minutes are even or odd regardless of the time zone. I tried this according to answers from several sites: #!/bin/bash n=$(date +"%M") r=`expr$n%2` if [ ...
freetoair's user avatar
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exit code segment causes Bash prompt to freak out

My Bash prompt (based on mike kasberg's) generally works fine. But when I get an error code, and then write over to the next line, no newline is generated, so the text goes back over my previous ...
Smiley Tiger's user avatar
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How to Identify and Terminate Idle tmux Sessions on a Debian Server

I have a Debian server with multiple tmux sessions running. Some of these sessions are idle and not running any active processes. How can I identify and terminate all tmux sessions that are not ...
maxime de smedt's user avatar
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Does bash support variable substitution in return statement?

Does bash support variable substitution in return statement? From man bash: return [n] Causes a function to stop executing and return the value specified by n to its caller. Is n allowed to be ...
pmor's user avatar
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Provide argument while starting a service using systemctl

I have a service installed on an old server and it is started using; service load-simulator start medium The value medium acts as a profile of sorts. It can have values like low, medium, high, and ...
Rajkishan Swami's user avatar
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ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" – file not found

I'm trying to run cat < /tmp/test.txt on remote host host2 through host1. The file /tmp/test.txt exists on host2. I try: # locally ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" The ...
Daniel YC Lin's user avatar
3 votes
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bash see if element inside array is inside a different array

I am trying to test to see if an element inside an array exists. A test case is array1=(a b c) array2=(c d e) for ((i=0; i < ${#array1[@]}; i++)); do if [[ ${array1[$i]} == "...
Abbatrombone's user avatar
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Font size issue with xterms started through icewm's hotkeys

Recently got a new laptop with 1920x1080 monitor instead of 1366x768 on old laptop. All my many xterms suddenly smaller and text illegible. After investigation, decided easiest solution was an alias ...
user985675's user avatar
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Dealing with whitespaces in file names after git grep -l

I'm trying to run the script below and I'm struggling with pathspec error when the filename has whitespaces. I have already read some other posts around here, but since I am not an expert I was not ...
O Pardal's user avatar
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How to transfer a file to a remote host using parallel + ssh?

I am writing scripts to poll a large number of remote hosts over ssh using gnu parallel. I copy the script to them, run it and get the results. Right now I'm using two bundles parallel + scp to ...
Дмитрий Брыкалов's user avatar
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How to merge all mp3 files located in the same directory?

The command below used to work but stopped around ubuntu/kubuntu 20.04. ls *.mp3 | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/file '\1'/" | ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist 'file,pipe' -f concat -i - -c copy output.mp3 ...
Cortez's user avatar
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