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Questions tagged [prompt]

The prompt is what asks a user for their interactive input

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exit code segment causes Bash prompt to freak out

My Bash prompt (based on mike kasberg's) generally works fine. But when I get an error code, and then write over to the next line, no newline is generated, so the text goes back over my previous ...
Smiley Tiger's user avatar
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How can I have a colored Powershell prompt and still have conda env label?

When I add the code below to C:\Users\USERFOLDER\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1: function prompt { $ESC = [char]27 "$ESC[46mPS $($executionContext.SessionState....
Homero Esmeraldo's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to disable the prompt "do you want to stop this program (y/N)" when killing program in powershell

I run my program, I enter Ctrl+C, obviously I want to stop the program. But powershell always asks "do you want to stop the program ? (y/N)". How can I disable this ? I just want the program ...
Genku's user avatar
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Why is there a save icon and a number next to my git branch in PowerShell oh-my-posh?

I am new to using PowerShell to do my git commands and on some of my repositories, I see the following symbol: what does this symbol mean? I looked up symbols but did not find much.
EveryDayDev's user avatar
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Ubuntu password prompt freezes, have to hard reboot. On 22.04 Studio

I have a wireless USB mouse and keyboard and randomly when booting the password prompt is frozen, no blinking cursor. Seems a random annoyance thing. Thinking the USB port is getting claimed or not ...
Frank Smith's user avatar
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How do I set a default directory when opening a Command Prompt on Windows 10?

I'm using Windows 10 without admin privileges. I would like the command prompt to default to a directory when I open an instance. I have tried setting the following environment variables for my user ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to make shorten mac terminal prompt in bold using powerlevel10k?

I'm using oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k, colorls and fig to customize my mac terminal. Now i have just one issue that i want the current directory name in bold. And one more problem that i want to change ...
ami_PBJ's user avatar
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Outlook 365 is prompting IMAP settings when adding a specific google domain account

I have been quite frustrated on this issue and Google has no solution for me. I have created a domain in Google domains and added a users account in the workspace. The first 3 days it works well. I ...
Assist IT's user avatar
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Powershell custom prompt with posh-git git status prompt

I made my own custom prompt for PowerShell and my prompt be look like : [HH:mm] omkrbhagat C:\Users\onkar ~ Then, I installed posh-git module and import in my profile. Auto tab completion for git ...
Omkar Bhagat's user avatar
1 vote
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git-show-branch output showing in my git prompt

When I navigate to the directory of my git repo, my command line shows me a lot of stuff. It looks like the output of git-show-branch. I've tried to edit my git config file to change the default for [...
chargerstriker's user avatar
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TMUX does not print full prompt on the windows terminal

Hello I have the following config for TMUX: set -sg escape-time 50 # set-option -sa terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB" set -g mouse on ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
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Adding color to bash right prompt causes unwanted behaviour

rightprompt() { green=$(tput setaf 156) yellow=$(tput setaf 228) red=$(tput setaf 203) printf "%*s" $COLUMNS "${green}$(date +%a), ${yellow}$(date +%b\ %d), ${red}$(date ...
Lord Royce's user avatar
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2 answers

BATCH: Correctly interpret environment variables passed by user through set /p

I want to support variable comprehension from user input in my script. >set target=%programdata% >echo %target% Gives me: C:\ProgramData All well and good, however... >set /p target= >%...
Luke Faez's user avatar
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How to answer 'yes' automatically to prompts in a recursive powershell loop?

I have this block that I use to resize videos in nested subfolders with ffmpeg and then delete the original Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 -Recurse | % { ffmpeg -i $_.FullName -vf "scale='if(gt(ih,...
cudnn_account's user avatar
71 votes
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How can I block the “Sign in with Google” prompt on websites? [duplicate]

On many websites that require login, those annoying Google login prompts appear: There are several tutorials on the Internet on how to avoid this, for example, this one on How-To Geek, which suggest ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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