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Questions tagged [pecl]

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how to install memcached via pecl?

I'm trying to install memcached and am having some difficulty. Here's what I tried: apt-get update apt-get install memcached libmemcached-dev libzip-dev pecl install memcached pecl install memcached ...
neubert's user avatar
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Error Installing OCI8 on Ubuntu 23.10 PHP 8.2

I'm running Apache 2.4 on a Ubuntu 23.10 server with PHP 8.2 and I can't install the OCI8 extension in order to connect to Oracle. I previously had a PHP 5.6 built from a makefile which I recently ...
arthur k's user avatar
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How to Install PHP-7.3 pecl packages in Amazon Linux 2018.03?

Upgrading PHP v5.4 to v7.3 in the Amazon Linux AMI VERSION="2018.03". I am unable to install these following PECL packages to PHP v7.3 as they are not found in the AVAILABLE packages list in the ...
yellow's user avatar
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Make failed for PECL install ssh2 on Ubuntu 14.04

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and want install ssh2 module for php 7 using this command : pecl install -f I've got this return : downloading ssh2-1.1.2.tgz ... ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Install php trader on mac os

I am trying to install on my MAC the trader modul from PHP. I am running on PHP 7.1 Here my error: sudo pecl install trader Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in Downloader.php on ...
nnikolay's user avatar
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Pecl error when installing php71 on Centos6.9 by yum, remi repo

I got package related error like this. Error: Package: php-pecl-xhprof-0.9.4-4.el6.remi.5.6.x86_64 I guess it is related with dependency about pecl though... can't figure out. I use to use php56 ...
whitebear's user avatar
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Need uploadprogress in Debian 9 / php 7

For a drupal installation on debian 9, I want to install php pecl uploadprogress. In Ubuntu there's an easy way with ondrej's ppa, but I can't find anything on how to get it to work in Debian. For ...
Jakke's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I idempotently pecl install a module twice?

I have a bash script which should be re-runnable. It includes pecl install foo || { echo "Could not install foo!"; exit 1; } If this runs twice, it errors pecl/foo is already installed and ...
spraff's user avatar
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FreeBSD install PECL php7

I want to active the gnupg extension for php7. But I can't find a package for pecl for php7. Does anyone know a way to install pecl for php7 or how to activate gnupg without pecl?
Jan Wytze's user avatar
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Unable to install php mongodb driver on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I have been trying to install php driver for mongodb on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS. Tried to install as follows : sudo pecl install mongodb output is No releases available for package "
Mahesh's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP PECL Sphinx module won't install

I'm trying to install the PHP Sphinx client (PHP 5.6) on my Debian 7 server using PECL. I get the misleading error "wrong libsphinxclient version or lib not found" when trying to build, even though I'...
Mikkel's user avatar
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Cannot install PECL ev package(OS X Yosemite)

I am trying for an hour already to install the g..amn ev package so I can use EvTimer in php but with no success. I am running sudo pecl install ev in terminal but I get the following error. /bin/sh /...
axel's user avatar
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2 answers

PECL SSH2 Installation issue

I am running this command: sudo pecl install ssh2 It resulting the following log and exit with an error: libssh2 prefix? [autodetect] : building in /var/tmp/pear-build-rootHyRX5L/ssh2-0.12 running: ...
Rana's user avatar
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3 answers

Bash script to run "pecl install oci8"

I am trying to create shell script that will do the initial provisioning of a vagrant vm (running Ubuntu 12.04). Everything (installing php, apache, oracle instantclient, etc,) works fine, except for ...
Samuel Lindblom's user avatar
4 votes
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How do you install PHP PECL extensions with Macports?

I'm using PHP 5.5 installed through Macports. I'd like to add the APCu PECL library. But there's no macports package and I can't see a way to install the PEAR/PECL command line utility. So how does ...
Matt S's user avatar
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