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Questions tagged [regex]

Also known as regular expression or regexp, a description of a set of strings, often used for searching and validating strings.

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How to correct punctuation with a regex in Notepad++?

My sample text is this: This is a demo . Of all the places you want to go here! Superb work ! Is your name John ? Or is it that you are hiding your name? Seems to be a good work.But as you know this ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Notepad++ Match pattern across lines

I have a file with pairs of variables separated by other text: THING_1 Number_Of_Thing = 7 Other lines Type_Of_Thing = 1 THING_2 ... I want to find each pair of Number_Of_Thing = 7 and Type_Of_Thing = ...
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Regex pattern to find all matches in string with conditions

I am currently stuck with a regex problem. I have a string: Take dog, dog, dog, cat, dog; Dont dog, dog, cat, dog; How would I match all of the "dog" and skip "cat" with pcre2 ...
Rbvys Punka's user avatar
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How to escape an already escaped string in Regex

I am using the below code, as part of a script to turn a canonical name into a distinguished name. However should I present the CN "\/is\/a\/escaped/\space/\OU/person, I get ...
user66001's user avatar
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How to Preend or Append File Name to Reflect Number of Pages in PDF using "qpdf" and "perl"

I am running the script at the bottom as a one-liner but have expanded for ease of reading. Assume the directory contains the following file: File (11).pdf. When the script executes, it simply repeats ...
Brian's user avatar
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\G Token in Regex [closed]

I am trying to get a grip of \G token and struggling to understand its proper use. I went through some of the constructs using \G token and I am totally at a loss, how to use them, when to use them or ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Add an underscore after numbers in Notepad++

I have a scenario where I have list with some numbers in Notepad++. Here is the sample text: 1-This is item one 2_This is item two 3This is item three 4_This is item five 5This is item six 6 This is ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Insert a char just before a particular set of words using Regex

I want to use GREP/Regex in Adobe InDesign. Following is the sample data: Rat: a mammal. Camel: an animal who lives in desert. An aeroplane: a machine that flys. The muddy water: water full of mud and ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Find regex pattern and use it in the next set of repeating lines until another like it replaces it

I'd like to find a pattern that rapeats every few sets of the second where I'd like to move it to. The only example I could think of right now is a file listing; but I've needed this so many times. ...
Vita's user avatar
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regexp multiple lines grep

I am looking for a correct regexp to return the first match and the new line. Let's say the logfile is like: Warning-[ABC] blablabla$ /path1/path2/path3/file The dollar at the end of the first line ...
Ste3191's user avatar
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3 answers

Which regex can I use to replace Greek capital vocals with tonos to ones without it, in Bulk Rename Utility application?

I would like to replace in a lot of filenames, the Greek capital vocals with tonos, with the ones without it: Ά > Α Έ > Ε Ή > Η Ί > Ι Ό > Ο Ύ > Υ Ώ > Ω I know how to replace them ...
geotso's user avatar
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Apple Numbers RegEx not working as expected (Negative lookahead)

RegEx.Extract Negative lookahead help needed due to what works in RegEx Support website does not work in Apple Numbers (?<=XYZ((?!\d+).)*)\d+ This is invoice from company XYZ - 1234545 product name ...
sit123's user avatar
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regex to find non-price consecutive digits not immediately after certain word for Apple Numbers

0 How to find invoice number from different companies which may have different order of invoice number, unit cost and total cost? Following is specific example of a company XYZ which I need to get ...
sit123's user avatar
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2 answers

adding quotes to set of comma separated IP addresses in notepad++

Please, I have a set of comma separated IP addresses and I want to add quotes to each IP addresses to that I can assign the set a powershell variable and parse each IP address strings in the variable ...
rmon's user avatar
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How to extract a text in between two patterns (potentially containing floating lookbehind) with only one invocation?

I'm trying to match any characters (except line break characters) in between xxx<1+ whitespaces>" and whitespace. The format of the input string is the following: xxx<1+ whitespaces>&...
pmor's user avatar
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