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Satellite TV error codes and troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Satellite TV error codes

You can resolve many error code messages quickly without having to contact Bell. Please try the following before calling in.

Most common errors

Most common errors
Error Code Definition Troubleshooting

Error 002, 015 & 025

Please stand by for the satellite signal / Signal temporarily unavailable

There are variety of reasons why your receiver may be showing these error messages.


Attention 005

Attention 013 & 014

Your receiver has not yet been authorized

This is a subscription channel that has not yet been purchased

There are a variety of reasons why your receiver may be showing these error messages.


Error 021

Insert SmartCard

To resolve this error, try reinserting your SmartCard. Here’s how:

  1. Remove the SmartCard located behind a door in the front of the receiver, on left side.
  2. Wait 15 seconds.
  3. Reinsert the SmartCard with the arrow facing up and towards the receiver.

Once the card has been reinserted, the receiver restarts and programming should resume.

If you’re still having issues, please contact us.

Error 024

Unable to access feature

Try resetting your receiver by pressing and holding the POWER button on your receiver for at least 5 seconds until it resets.

If you’re still having issues, please contact us.

Error 023

Unable to acquire program guide

Try resetting your receiver by pressing and holding the POWER button on your receiver for at least 5 seconds until it resets.

If that does not resolve the issue, you can check the switch. Here’s how:

Note: If you have a 7500 Whole Home receiver, perform the following steps on the 9500 Whole Home PVR.

  1. Press MENU on your remote.
  2. Select System Setup (6) > Installation (1) > Point Dish (1).
  3. Select the Check Switch option.
  4. Select Test.

Warning 061

Vital program information will now be downloaded into your receiver.

Try resetting your receiver by pressing and holding the POWER button on your receiver for at least 5 seconds until it resets.

If that does not resolve the issue, you can get rid of the error message. Here’s how:

Note: If you have a 7500 Whole Home receiver, perform the following steps on the 9500 Whole Home PVR.

  1. Press the POWER button on the remote control twice. This sends you to the default page (Point Dish).
  2. Select Check Switch.
  3. Select Test.
  4. Once the test is complete, select Done.
  5. The Point Dish page reappears. Select Done.
  6. The Attention 055 message appears. Select Yes.
  7. Warning 061 reappears. Please wait from 15 minutes to 2 hours.

    • If Warning 060 appears (instead of 061), please contact us
    • If Warning 061 stays on the screen for more than 2 hours, please contact us

Error 311, 521 & 0457

A serious problem has been detected with your hard drive

  1. Unplug the receiver’s power cord from the power outlet or bar.
  2. Wait 30 seconds and plug it back in.

If you’re still having issues, please contact us.

Attention 129

Your receiver has not yet been authorized

This message appears when a new or replacement receiver or SmartCard is in the process of being activated.

If your receiver or SmartCard has been activated and this message has been on the screen for more than 2 hours, then sync your programming

If you have not yet activated your new or replacement receiver, do so now. Activate my receiver

If you have not yet activated your new SmartCard, do so now. Activate a SmartCard

Other errors

Other errors
Error Code Definition Troubleshooting

 Error 349

SmartCard version is incompatible

There’s a variety of reasons why your receiver may be showing these error messages. To troubleshoot, please try the following:

  • Sync your programming
  • Reset your receiver by pressing and holding the POWER button on your receiver for at least 5 seconds until it resets.

If you’re still having issues, please contact us.

 Error 019

SmartCard not inserted correctly

 Error 020

Inserted SmartCard not valid

 Error 122

Internal communication failure

 Error 124

Internal SmartCard invalid

 Error 970

Activate PVR feature on external hard drive

Satellite TV error codes with definitions

For reference, the following is a table of possible error codes you may receive on your receiver and their definitions.

As we cannot list every single error code, please review Troubleshooting Satellite TV error codes to attempt to resolve the error you get.

Satellite TV error codes with definitions
Error Code Definition

 Attention 330

Program guide is being downloaded

 Attention 005

SmartCard does not have authorization

 Attention 009 & 010

This pay-per-view program is no longer available

 Attention 015 & 025

Please stand by for satellite signal

 Attention 017

Acquiring access rights for this event

 Attention 018

The credit limit on your SmartCard has been exceeded

 Attention 055

Is the mounting and positioning of your dish complete?

 Attention 057

Select 'Check' to check installation

 Attention 058

Please wait while the installation is checked

 Attention 076

This event is locked

 Attention 124

Internal SmartCard is not authorized

 Attention 128

Receiver is being authorized

 Attention 129 & 022

Your receiver has not yet been authorized

 Attention 395

 A USB Wi-Fi adapter has been disconnected from the USB port

 Attention 396

 A USB Wi-Fi adapter has been connected to the receiver

 Attention 428

Connected hard drive is being used for archiving

 Attention 499

You have connected an external hard drive

 Attention 507

 This option is currently in use by TV1

 Attention 508

This event is currently in use

 Attention 531

 Please wait while we search events

 Attention 743

The program is not available in your area

 Attention 770

System integrity check

 Attention 833

A problem has been detected, please wait while we check your switch configuration

 Attention 850

You have connected an unsupported device to the USB port

 Attention 851

Connected too many devices to the USB port

 Attention 853

You have disconnected a multimedia device from the USB port

 Attention 860

There is no multimedia device connected to the USB port

 Attention 879

An event is currently being played back from the attached external USB storage device

 Attention 890

The receiver has detected that the HD TV does not support HDCP

 Attention 954

The attached USB hard drive needs to be reformatted to support the PVR feature

 Attention 970

To activate the Bell TV PVR feature on your external hard drive

 Confirmation 059

You have attempted to exit screen without performing check switch

 Confirmation 994

Your TV’s resolution is not compatible with this event

 Error 349

SmartCard not valid

 Error 002

Signal temporarily unavailable

 Error 004

Problem detected with multi-dish switch

 Error 006

Purchase cannot be completed

 Error 011 & 012

Program is blacked out

 Error 013 & 014

This is a subscription channel that has not yet been purchased

 Error 019

SmartCard not inserted correctly

 Error 020

Inserted SmartCard not valid

 Error 021

Insert SmartCard

 Error 023

Unable to acquire program guide information

 Error 024

Unable to access feature

 Error 028

Pay-per-view events cannot be purchased until the receiver has downloaded new software

 Error 032

You have attempted to create a VCR event timer, but have not completed the VCR setup

 Error 072

The password you entered was not correct

 Error 073

The password you just entered does not match your original password

 Error 074 & 075

The number of password retries has been exceeded

 Error 077

The front panel buttons are locked

 Error 121

Unable to access this feature at this time

 Error 122

Internal communication failure detected

 Error 124

Internal SmartCard invalid

 Error 311, 521 & 0457

A serious problem has been detected with your hard drive

 Error 336

Serious problem detected with PVR data

 Error 346

Low operating temperature error

 Error 355

High operating temperature error

 Error 363

Pay-per-view credit limit exceeded

 Error 502

 A problem has been detected with your switch box configuration

 Error 760

Content on external hard drive is corrupted

 Error 787 

External hard drive not authorized

 Error 835

Problem detected with satellite connections

 Error 855

An error occurred while transferring events to your USB storage device

 Error 892

This event has expired

 Error code 04 & 07

A problem was encountered when opening the files for this PVR event

 Warning 060

Signal not from selected satellite

 Warning 061

Vital programming information being downloaded

 Warning 504

TV2 is currently in use

 Warning 526

 Errors have been detected on your hard drive

 Warning 530

One of the satellite inputs or switches is not connected properly

 Warning 836

 The check switch has found you have fewer satellites than previously detected

 Warning 865

The attached USB storage device needs to be reformatted

 Warning 866

The attached USB storage device is currently configured with another Bell TV receiver

 Warning 867

The attached USB storage device is about to be formatted

 Warning 981

Boot recovery

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