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Mission statement

The Pega Support Center is your first stop for self-support while developing Pega Applications, sharing your best practice knowledge, and for keeping up to date on Patch Releases, Support Docs, Security Alerts, Resolved Issues and more. The Pega Support Center is the place to ask questions or report issues within Pega Academy and we welcome feedback on product features as well as feedback on the Support Center. Whether you are asking a question or sharing your knowledge in a discussion, our robust user base, including our Moderation team, is here to help you.


Our Pega Support Center Moderators monitor for appropriate content and effective engagement and provide coaching when it’s needed – behind the scenes or in the PSC.


Apply basic practices for collaborative work:

  • search for your question in the Support Center first. If you're a beginner, chances are the questions have been asked before.
  • be as detailed as possible with your question. 
  • use a good title. 
  • use simple language. Explain your problem so that all users can understand.
  • supply concrete examples if possible. The clearer the picture of your issue, the better other users can help.
  • mark answers as Accepted Solution where appropriate. It helps future users narrow down what responses to look at.
  • when asking questions, avoid sending messages to other users on third-party sites. These message interactions could be helpful to many users within the Support Center.
  • if you find valuable content on the Pega Community and/or Pega Docs authored by a SME, choose to link the content to your post.
  • be honest, respectful, and helpful. Honesty yields respect and trust. Respect and trust-worthiness boost your reputation as helpful.
  • be transparent by using your real name and your role. 
  • avoid using slang, which can impede cross-cultural and international communication.
  • answer questions authoritatively and concisely. Avoid cluttering discussions with noise.
  • acknowledge, credit, and verify the content posted by others.

Do not post content that:

  • is objectionable (threatening, obscene, defamatory, discriminatory).
  • is confidential or proprietary information of Pega or any other company or party. Confidential or personal information includes the name of a company (customer account), personal number and email. Explicitly referring to a company by name when you are not an employee of that company is a privacy breach.
  • violates or infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights (including trademark, copyright, privacy, publicity, or other rights).
  • violates any local, state, national or international law.
  • contains marketing materials, advertising, solicitations, software codes, software viruses, worms, malware or that constitutes spam.


Frequently Asked Questions


Creating a post

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Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the various sections of the screen:

  • Best Practices: Located on the right pane. Use this as your guide to ensure you are successful in receiving helpful replies.
  • Type: There are three post types GeneralProduct, and Pega Academy. Select General when your post doesn’t pertain to a particular product or Pega Academy. Select Product when your post is pertaining to Pega products and/or services. Select Pega Academy when your post is pertaining to Pega Academy.
  • Title: While you create your post title, the system searches previous titles for posts that may answer your question.
  • Suggested Content: Suggested content displays previous titles similar to yours. Click a title link to view that post. You can expand and collapse this section.
  • Body: Enter your question or discussion in this field. Include all relevant information, including screenshots.
  • File Attachments: Upload any related attachments. Supported file types: .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docs, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .png, .gif, .zip.
  • Add Tags: This is the taxonomy portion of all posts. This helps to filter content within our search as well as subscriptions. Multiple tags can be added for each of the following sections:
    • Product: *Required if you chose Product Type for your post. Select your Pega Product and version from the drop-down list.
      • If you chose a product tag and you were directed to the Support Center from within My Support Portal(MSP), or requested to open a ticket in MSP, you can use this field Support Tags to enter Support Request IDs (SRs), Feedback IDs (FDBK-IDs). 
    • Platform Capability: Select the capability that you are referencing in your post.
    • Industry: Select your industry (ex. Government, Education).
    • Role: Select your role (ex. System Architect, Product Owner)

    Do not include any proprietary information within your post, including IP addresses, company information, your contact information, URLs, or screenshots/images with class names.
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  • Make the title as descriptive as possible.
  • Put your post in the right category by choosing appropriate tags.
  • Add an image to support your post where appropriate.
  • If you have supporting artifacts, attach them.
  • @mention others to draw them into the post.
  • Take ownership of your post by responding to replies promptly and thoughtfully.
  • If a reply has answered your question mark it as the Accepted Solution so others will know.
  • Be respectful.
  • Don’t post anything confidential.
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When deciding between the two post options, keep the following in mind:

  • A question post is used when you want a direct answer to an issue you have encountered. You might be stuck and require help in order to proceed.
  • A discussion post is used when you want to discuss best practices, share your knowledge, or submit Ideas for future Pega Products or the Support Center.
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There are three post types General, Product, and Pega Academy.

  • Select General when your post doesn’t pertain to a particular product or Pega Academy.
  • Select Product when your post is pertaining to Pega products and/or services.
  • Select Pega Academy when your post is pertaining to Pega Academy.
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Create your Question and enter as much information as possible to match your Support Case, including your product version. Add screenshots/images or attach log/tracer files and enter your Support Case number in the Support Tags field, if applicable.

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Supported file types: .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docs, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .png, .gif, .zip. Files must be less than 256 MB.



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To reply to a post, click the blue Reply button at the bottom of the initial Question, Discussion, or Support Doc.
Clicking Reply opens the text editor where you can type in your reply. You can also format your reply using the formatting header. Inserting tables, hyperlinks and images are supported within this box. 
When you are ready to publish your reply, click Post Your Reply. If you change your mind, click Cancel to navigate back to the top of the post.

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If a reply has already been made on a thread, you have the ability to reply directly to that specific user by clicking Reply located next to the thumbs up icon.
Clicking Reply opens a text editor with a formatting header to customize your text. Inserting tables, hyperlinks and images are supported within this box. 
When you are ready to publish your reply, click Post Your Reply. By replying with this button, you are replying inline to that specific person's reply and creating your own thread within a post.

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When a post has been archived, users can no longer reply to the thread. Also, the content within the post is no longer updated. You can write a new post to ask the same/similar question or start a discussion. These posts can be easily identified by the lock icon displayed on the search results and at the top of a thread is a blue banner explaining that the post is closed to future replies.


Post and reply actions

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The following actions can be taken on the post and replies you have written:


  • Edit
  • Share
  • Like
  • Delete - Note: A post cannot be deleted if a reply has already been posted.
  • Follow | Unfollow
  • Favorite | Unfavorite


  • Edit
  • Like
  • Share
  • Delete - Note: A reply cannot be deleted if a reply has already been posted.
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  • Follow | Unfollow
  • Favorite | Unfavorite
  • Report
  • Like
  • Share


  • Report
  • Like
  • Share



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Access your post and click Edit with the pencil icon on the bottom right. The authoring screen opens where you can make any necessary changes. When your changes are complete click Ask your Question to save your edits.

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Access your reply and click Edit with the pencil icon on the bottom right. The authoring screen opens where you can make any necessary changes. When your changes are complete click Post your Reply to save your edits.



How do I delete my post? Located in the bottom right of your post, you can click Delete. A confirmation page displays. Note: Deleting cannot be undone. Once you delete, this information is no longer stored in the Pega Support Center and cannot be retrieved. You can only delete your post if there have been no replies. How do I delete my reply? Located on the bottom right of your reply, click Delete. A confirmation page displays. Note: Deleting cannot be undone. Once you delete, this information is no longer stored in the Pega Support Center and cannot be retrieved. You can only delete your reply if there have been no replies to your reply.



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Click Contact a Moderator (yellow button on right pane) and a member of the Moderation team will reply when available.

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All posts and replies within the PSC can be reported to the moderators for review.
To report a post or reply:

  1. Click Report.
  2. Choose the reason for reporting.

A notification is sent to the moderators for the next steps.

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When your content is reported, it is hidden from view, and sent to the moderators for review.

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If you have received an email and/or Unpublished/Under Review page, your content is currently being reviewed by a moderator. The moderator will contact you if more information is needed and/or next steps.


My content

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The My Community Activity screen is where you can view all your created posts/replies, favorited posts, and subscribed to posts.



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Visit the Notifications FAQ page to learn how to set up your notification preferences.

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The best way to stay current with this content is to create a tag set to enable email notifications.

  • From Hello [username]
  • My Preferences
  • At the top of the page you will see all the content that you follow
  • Scroll down to the bottom to find Tags You Follow
  • Click Create Tag Set 
  • On Step 1, Click Discussions, Support Docs, and Resolved Issues (whichever are applicable for you) under Support 
  • Click Next
  • On Step 2, under Support Tags, choose the tag you wish to be notified about.
    • Please note: You will need to create multipe tag sets if you wish to be notified of more than 1 item in Step 2.
  • On Step 3, choose how you'd like to be notified:
    • Instant Bell icon notification
    • Weekly email digest
  • Step 4, give your tag set a name and click Save.




My profile

How do I update my profile? Access your profile from the Hello [username] drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the page.


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