Why We Need You 🫵

Techlore can not exist without our supporters. You all enable us to:

  • pour time & energy into managing our projects ⏰
  • maintain independence & eliminate external influence 🙅
  • continue making more and more people safe 🌎
  • yes, quite literally put food on our tables 🥦

You'll find free & paid methods of support below. Everything is appreciated 🤍

Free Support

Paid Support Methods 🌟

  • Join our Patreon to support our work in exchange for exclusive benefits like our private Signal community, your name in our videos & descriptions, and more:
  • Purchase (or gift!) Go Incognito Premium for lifetime access to our course:
  • Support us on Liberapay for a safer alternative to most websites:
  • We offer a few more options in the event nothing above works for you:
  • Become a sponsor of Techlore and showcase your brand to our audience!
  • Directly sending us Monero:

    Techlore XMR Address
  • Our XMR OpenAlias:
