I'm trying to create a block diagonal matrix with labeled blocks as shown in the images below: enter image description here

I have tried:



        \mathbf{D} & & & \textbf{\Huge 0} \\
        & \mathbf{S}_1\\
        &   & \ddots \\
        \textbf{\Huge0}&  &    & \mathbf{S}_r\\

enter image description here

The location of the zeros, however, is not well aligned.

4 Answers 4


You might check the documentation of nicematrix. Here's a “manual” implementation.


      \normalfont\fontsize{1cm}{0pt}\bfseries 0%
    \smash{\normalfont\fontsize{1cm}{0pt}\bfseries 0}%


  \mathbf{D} &              &        & \topzero     \\
             & \mathbf{S}_1                         \\
             &              & \ddots                \\
  \botzero   &              &        & \mathbf{S}_r

  \mathbf{S}_1 &        & \topzero     \\
               & \ddots                \\
  \botzero     &        & \mathbf{S}_r


enter image description here

If you use a different math font package, you don't need fix-cm. Adjust the ad hoc height of 1cm to suit your taste.


Something like this? (Note that I've changed bmatrix from a 4x4 to a 5x5 matrix.)

enter image description here


    \left[ \begin{array}{@{} ccccc @{}}
        \mathbf{D} & & & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%
        \multirow{3.5}{*}{\Huge$\mathbf{0}$}} \\
        & \mathbf{S}_1 \\
        \multirow{2.5}{*}{\Huge$\mathbf{0}$}} & \ddots\\
        & & & \mathbf{S}_{r\mathrlap{-1}}\\
        & & & & \mathbf{S}_r\\


A suggestion with {bNiceMatrix} of nicematrix.



    \mathbf{D} & & \Block[r]{2-2}<\Huge>{\mathbf{0}} \\
    & \mathbf{S}_1\\
    \Block[l]{2-2}<\Huge>{\mathbf{0}} &   & \Ddots \\
    &  &    & \mathbf{S}_r\\


Output of the above code

  • Great answer! It might be more consistent to use \ddots instead of \Ddots as the question's matrix features three diagonal dots. Commented Jul 10 at 15:21

OpTeX users have the \puttext macro:

     D &     &        & \puttext -1.5em -4.5ex \bigzero  \cr
       & S_1 &        &     \cr
       &     & \ddots &     \cr
          \puttext 0pt .5ex \bigzero
       &     &        & S_2 \cr


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