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Firefox Desktop Search and Navigation Team

The purpose of this team is to maintain, improve and innovate on the functions of the Firefox frontend around search and navigation. Firefox surface areas that the team often works with are the location bar, the search bar, the library and related preference panes.


  • Mark Banner (Standard8)
  • Michael de Boer (:mikedeboer)
  • Marco Bonardo (:mak)
  • Bridget Kaluzny
  • Javaun Moradi (:javaun)
  • Drew Wilcoxon (:adw)
  • Mike Connor (:mconnor)
  • Dão Gottwald (:dao)
  • Dale Harvey (:Dale)


Team Meeting

Day of week Pacific Time Eastern Time UTC Central European Time
Mondays 10:00AM - 10:30AM 1:00PM - 1:30PM 6:00PM - 6:30PM 7:00PM - 7:30PM
  • Frequency: One meeting per week on Monday.
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Vidyo Room: searchmeeting
  • IRC: #fx-search, #fx-team
  • Mailing list: fx-search, firefox-dev


Bugzilla components don't tend to align properly with project boundaries, so this team is monitoring bugs across a number of components that contain the whiteboard tag [fxsearch]. Common components of interest are Firefox:Location bar, Firefox:Search, Toolkit:Places and more.

Selecting a New Bug for the Current Release

  1. Select any 'P1' bug which is currently unassigned and not blocked on a dependency. If no 'P1' bugs are available then select from the available 'P2' bugs, and so on.
  2. Add the following if not already present:
  • [fxsearch] whiteboard tag.
  • QE verification flag.

Adding a New Bug to the Backlog

  1. Add the [fxsearch] whiteboard tag.
  2. Set the bug as a dependency of a user story bug or a meta bug if applicable.
  3. The bug priority will be set during the Weekly Meeting:
  • 'P1': Must Have - development occurring in the current release.
  • 'P2': Should Have - targeted for next release.
  • 'P3': Could Have - planned for development in an upcoming release.
  • 'P5': Will Have - not scheduled for any particular release, patches accepted.

Submitting a Bug for Triage

  1. Add the [fxsearch] whiteboard tag.
  2. Leave the priority field empty (--).


Collection of work waiting for the team to review and determine if it should be included in the Product Backlog

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Current Release

P1: Must Have - development occurring in the current release

Next merge: Mar 18 (soft-freeze is one week earlier)

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Current Release: Completed
Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to Priority
1382456 Intermittent browser/components/urlbar/tests/browser/browser_raceWithTabs.js | New tab still has about:newtab - Got about:blank, expected about:newtab RESOLVED [fxsearch][test disabled on linux][stockwell unknown] bulk-close-intermittents, intermittent-failure Marco Bonardo [:mak] P3
1499648 Make search alias (@ token alias) formatting work with UrlbarView RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P2
1512648 Implement an event bufferer RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1512653 Show the alternative text on a match hover/selection RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2
1515083 Re-implement telemetry for selected index/type on the new QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1521366 Initially hitting space in Quantumbar input causes CPU spike and freezes browser RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1521494 QuantumBar results view does not close if something is typed then deleted. RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P3
1521534 Make urlbar mochitests use a BASE_URL provided via head.js RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P5
1522280 Add autofill tests RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P1
1522438 Port tests in browser/components/customizableui/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522495 Port tests in browser/components/search/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522504 Port browser/modules/test/browser/browser_PageActions.js to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522508 Port WebExtension tests to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522512 Port tests in browser/base/content/test/performance/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522514 Port tests in browser/base/content/test/popups/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522516 Port tests in browser/components/privatebrowsing/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522521 Port browser_bug555767.js/browser_bug655584.js to QuantumBar (and move their location) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522530 Port tests in browser/components/sessionstore/ to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1522536 Figure out what to do with Firefox UI tests relating to the address bar wrt QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2
1523332 Check if QuantumBar can work with a pref flip study (and fix if not) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1523952 Keyword Searches don't work with QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1524218 Move some more tests to run with QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1524536 Port some tests to QuantumBar (Search Engine results, a11y label ...) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1524564 [Accessibility] arrowing among search results does not generate any accessibility events RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2
1524950 Resolve backspace handling in browser_urlbarValueOnTabSwitch.js RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P2
1525018 Copying a search suggestion from QuantumBar can copy a bad URL instead of the suggestion RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P3
1525035 Verify and fix IME composition RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P3
1525048 Port more tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1525429 Port function for stripping unsafe protocols when pasting to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1525439 Port even more tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1525547 QuantumBar: Figure out broken delete key handling on Windows/Linux RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1525910 QuantumBar: Pressing the down key should first go to the end of line, then open the results RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2
1526051 History tagged results should be returned by the Quantum Bar even if bookmarks are filtered out RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P3
1526069 Port drag and drop code to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1526228 Port lots more tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1526815 QuantumBar: implement page up/down behavior and enable browser_autocomplete_autoselect.js RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2
1526817 Enable browser_autocomplete_enter_race.js for QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1527724 Firefox inserts space after search engine keyword in quantum bar RESOLVED [fxsearch] regression Dão Gottwald [:dao] P1
1527940 Port one-off search button tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1527947 QuantumBar: Moving selection to one-off search buttons doesn't update the "Search with" action text RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P2
1528255 Intermittent failure: test-verify browser/modules/test/browser/browser_UsageTelemetry_urlbar_remotetab.js | Should not have recorded browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar - 1 == 0 RESOLVED [fxsearch] intermittent-failure, regression Mark Banner (:standard8) P3
1528744 Port browser_urlbar_search.js / browser_urlbar_keyed_search.js to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P2
1530334 Port Toolkit WebExtension tests to the new address bar implementation (quantumbar) RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1530405 Port UITour tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1530961 [Search Quantumbar] One-click search in new tab function doesn't open a new tab RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P3
1530983 Move browser_bookmark_popup/titles.js to browser/components/places and fix them for running with QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1530985 JavaScript Error: "listener[name] is not a function" from viewContextChanged@resource:///modules/UrlbarController.jsm RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1530987 Popup notification fails to re-appear in some cases in QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1531039 Fix a couple more tests in browser/base/content to work with QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1531295 JavaScript error: resource:///modules/UrlbarView.jsm, line 586: TypeError: item is undefined RESOLVED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw P2
1531347 Finish porting the urlbar tests to QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P1
1531737 browser_switchToTab_closes_newtab.js fails with QuantumBar when run after browser_switchTab_override.js RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1531787 browser_raceWithTabs.js fails with QuantumBar RESOLVED [fxsearch] Marco Bonardo [:mak] P2
1533366 UrlbarInput's blur handling should respect ui.popup.disable_autohide preference RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P3
1533691 Uncomment the selection setting code in UrlbarInput RESOLVED [fxsearch] Jawad Ahmed [:jawad] P2
1534322 The guids for virtual mobile and other bookmarks are invalid RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P3
1534661 Fix the QuantumBar results view to have an accessible role of ROLE_COMBOBOX_LIST RESOLVED [fxsearch] Mark Banner (:standard8) P2
1534830 Ci.nsIFaviconService.FAVICON_DEFAULT_URL is undefined RESOLVED [fxsearch] Dão Gottwald [:dao] P2

58 Total; 0 Open (0%); 58 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Next Release

P2: Should Have - targeted for the current release if production capacity exists

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to
1393440 Investigate an alternative way to chunk async statements results notifications NEW [fxsearch]
1396562 Convert uses of to use CustomizableUI NEW [fxsearch]

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


P3: Could Have - planned for development in an upcoming release

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to
346001 Should nsSearchService's loadListener implement nsIAuthPrompt? NEW [fxsearch]
348142 Escape key has different behavior between Address Bar and Search Bar NEW [fxsearch]
386205 Automatically resolve conflicts between existing user aliases and shipped/added ones NEW [fxsearch]
387070 Consider adding aliases/keywords to default/shipped search engines NEW [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][search-parity] parity-chrome, parity-opera
408991 Find a way to efficiently extract bookmarks paths NEW [fxsearch]
435932 Same-document URL changes (e.g. clicking anchor links) don't update the URL bar if its value has been edited NEW [fxsearch]
519514 [meta] Add an asynchronous bookmarking API NEW [polish] [Snappy:p3][fxsearch] dev-doc-needed, meta, perf
643554 hard to bookmark redirects NEW [fxsearch]
661590 Repeated calls to location.hash = "#foo" cause large amounts of disk activity NEW [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][places-performance] perf, perf:responsiveness
715336 Favicon is not stored if a new bookmark is added with history disabled NEW [fxsearch]
769557 search.sqlite should be removed from user profile NEW [fxsearch]
804695 search feature for history should have an option for date range NEW [fxsearch]
842280 Consider accents and umlauts for approximate search/matching NEW [qx][fxsearch]
933698 Investigate why browser_views_liveupdate.js works although it should probably be broken NEW [fxsearch]
1051082 Store homepage configuration outside of prefs NEW [hijacking][fxsearch]
1064098 Mac OS X: cmd-alt-F and cmd-K do not open a new window when no window is available NEW [fxsearch]
1089141 Provide some feedback for invalid uris entered in edit-bookmark dialog/pane NEW [fxsearch]
1093030 Proper solution for implementing "Cancel"/"Undo" in the bookmarks dialog and Star Panel NEW [fxsearch]
1109851 support the "multiple searches in a row with default engine" search case (for shoppers and researchers) NEW [fxsearch]
1123442 Middle-click on a search bar completion or search engine options doesn't open new tab in foreground like location bar and bookmark NEW [fxsearch] regression
1154300 Searches via new tab searchbar executed with keyboard take into account the mouse position NEW [fxsearch]
1154835 whitespace should be stripped out of search engine names NEW [hijacking][fxsearch]
1194283 Expand Windows 10 search redirection to POST plugins NEW [fxsearch] addon-compat
1226613 Search plugins with a name that's very similar to the name of plugins we ship shouldn't get installed NEW [hijacking][fxsearch]
1226918 New location bar UI takes away the possibility to see and copy the actual url of bookmark if user types keyword in urlbar NEW [unifiedcomplete][fxsearch]
1229685 Search Aliases function only in address bar NEW [consistency][fxsearch]
1252184 Location bar fails to copy correct url if page haven't started loading properly (e.g. pending) NEW [fxsearch]read comment 2 first, [sng-scrubbed], [search-papercut] regression
1254971 First urlbar suggestion doesn't show favicons for visited sites when I type url NEW [fxsearch]
1260275 Urlbar doesn't show decoded url during page loading if I clicked a link NEW [fxsearch]
1269480 For a new profile, second character is lost when typing into the URL bar NEW [fxsearch]
1276124 Urlbar doesn't highlight search terms in result URLs NEW [fxsearch] blocked-ux
1296013 Search [telemetry]: Log usage of one-click search buttons in Search field NEW [fxsearch][search-telemetry-backlog]
1299777 Awesomebar result items url font size too small NEW [fxsearch] regression
1304931 font size in location bar drop down on Linux makes em dash look misplaced NEW [fxsearch]
1308419 Clean up "keyword-search" Telemetry NEW [fxsearch]
1308716 Update the heuristic result contents for canonize url NEW [fxsearch]
1309354 Firefox adds http:// and / when browser.urlbar.trimURLs = false and keyword.enabled=false NEW [fxsearch]
1311292 If a one-off has focus, clicking a result/sugestion results in a search that is always made with default engine even if the "Search with.." says differently NEW [fxsearch]
1311691 Clean up uses of |_selectionDetails/telemetrySearchDetails | in autocomplete NEW [fxsearch][search-telemetry-backlog]
1315674 Selecting a synced tab from the awesome bar should open a new tab rather than replacing the current tab, for consistency with "switch to tab" NEW [fxsearch]
1320836 Record telemetry for how often certain awesomebar types are presented NEW [fxsearch]
1322022 Need test for location bar spoofing via drag and drop of broken javascript: URI NEW [needs test][fxsearch] csectype-spoof, reporter-external, sec-low
1327640 Tags field in "New bookmark" panel stays forever focused (illogical behavior) NEW [fxsearch]
1330462 Using a different search engine to search for the same thing one just searched for is painful NEW [fxsearch][fce-active-legacy][snt-write-proposal][snt-scrubbed] blocked-ux, papercut
1334599 [meta] Add more telemetry probes for user interactions with the search and location bars NEW [fxsearch][search-telemetry-backlog] meta
1334611 Add a probe to measure location bar query length NEW [fxsearch]
1334619 Add a more elaborate probe for selecting a bookmark result NEW [fxsearch]
1334620 Add a more elaborate probe for selecting a history result NEW [fxsearch]
1334621 Add a more elaborate probe for selecting a switch-to-tab result NEW [fxsearch]
1334625 Add a more elaborate probe for selecting a synced-tab result NEW [fxsearch]
1334629 Add a more elaborate probe for the search suggestion NEW [fxsearch]
1334630 Measure the edit distance when selecting a search suggestion NEW [fxsearch]
1334633 Record the engine position in the list when a one-off button is clicked NEW [fxsearch]
1334636 Measure the interactions with the "show history" button menu items NEW [fxsearch]
1334639 Add a probe for the remembered suggestions in search bar NEW [fxsearch]
1334640 Add any missing search bar telemetry probes NEW [fxsearch]
1335467 Cleanup browser/components/preferences/in-content/search.js to remove the EngineStore object NEW [fxsearch]
1337397 Add mask-icon and average color support to favicons NEW [fxsearch]
1337409 Add more favicons telemetry NEW [fxsearch]
1340487 Use an FTS in Places NEW [fxsearch]
1340663 Figure out requirements to release top websites completion in the awesomebar NEW [fxsearch]
1341591 Create an automated way of generating the list of top sites we ship with Firefox NEW [fxsearch]
1342132 Location bar suggestions not having a title look bad NEW [fxsearch]
1356532 Try avoiding layout flushes in autocomplete::_handleOverflow NEW [fxsearch] perf:frontend, perf:responsiveness
1360769 Add test for ctrl/accel/shift-clicking results in the urlbar NEW [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][search-testing]
1364415 leave location bar suggestions open when I middle click or ctrl click an item NEW [qx:spec][fxsearch] polish, ux-natural-mapping
1368442 Missing favicon from the first suggestion to visit a website NEW [fxsearch]
1373549 Re-enable browser_BrowserUITelemetry tests on non-e10s NEW [fxsearch]
1395542 Crash in AsyncShutdownTimeout | profile-before-change | Places Connection shutdown NEW [fxsearch] crash
1400521 Work needed to enable browser.bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu by default NEW [fxsearch]
1402330 location bar "eyeglass" icon stays in location bar after editing the URL NEW [fxsearch] blocked-ux, papercut
1419039 Evalaute whether to always store both SVG and the perfectly sized icon REOPENED [fxsearch] regression
1419545 Export mobile bookmarks when exporting as HTML NEW [fxsearch]
1419805 Make search bar preferences illustrations clickable NEW [fxsearch]
1421219 Investigate pre-filtering moz_historyvisits when beginTime and endTime are provided NEW [fxsearch]
1425240 urlbar/location bar/address bar text/URL not updated when its popup/panel is open and pushState or replaceState is called NEW [fxsearch]
1426359 Don't autofill/autocomplete and/or don't suggest on 404 and maybe other non-2xx errors NEW [fxsearch]
1429786 URI reserved characters []!'()* get decoded in the location bar but not re-encoded when the URL is submitted NEW [fxsearch]
1430058 Firefox shouldn't put link of loading page in address bar if I'm typing in the address bar NEW [fxsearch][snt-write-proposal][snt-scrubbed] papercut
1432432 url content is announced before the tab switch event NEW [fxsearch]
1433263 "Restore Default Search Engines" is misleading NEW [fxsearch] blocked-ux
1436954 Bookmarks and history sidebars and both address bars don't respect preference to open new tabs in background; they always open tabs in foreground/selected NEW [fxsearch]
1438908 Present preloaded top urls in the Address Bar in a non-confusing way NEW [fxsearch]
1440070 PlacesToolbar updateNodesVisibilityTimer should use promiseDocumentFlushed NEW [fxsearch]
1440242 [Intermittent] Bookmarks are not correctly sorted in the Sidebar NEW [fxsearch]
1441695 Remove synchronous Bookmarks::InsertBookmark NEW [fxsearch]
1441697 Remove synchronous Bookmarks::CreateFolder NEW [fxsearch]
1441698 Remove synchronous Bookmarks::Get/SetItemTitle NEW [fxsearch]
1441702 Remove synchronous Bookmarks::SetItemLastModified NEW [fxsearch]
1442182 Add automated test for "Links can be bookmarked via context menu " NEW [fxsearch]
1442188 Add automated test for "The items from the Bookmarks Toolbar can be sorted by name" NEW [fxsearch]
1442805 Performing a bookmark restore simultaneously on 2 sync-connected devices causes strange things to temporarily happen NEW [fxsearch]
1452700 Add motion to help discover where one click search engines are added NEW [fxsearch]
1454566 Create separator on top (instead of middle) after multiple bookmarks are selected NEW [fxsearch]
1455079 Make asyncHistory APIs take strings instead of nsIURI NEW [fxsearch]
1455952 Recent Highlights ignore browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInTabs NEW [fxsearch]
1463429 Investigate using GetQueryParamIterator and URLParams::Parse in or instead of TokenizeQueryString NEW [fxsearch]
1463443 Intermittent browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_toolbar_overflow.js | The bookmark node should be visible - "" == "visible" - JS frame :: chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_toolbar_overflow.js NEW [fxsearch][test disabled on linux32 debug] intermittent-failure, leave-open
1467608 Evaluate postponing results that match on the query string NEW [fxsearch]
1471822 Crash in sqlite3_extended_result_codes NEW [fxsearch] crash, regression
1473861 Let PlacesCommandHook.bookmarkLink open a doorhanger instead of a modal dialog NEW [fxsearch]
1474521 Forcibly run idle maintenance if we were unable to run it for a while NEW [fxsearch]
1476517 Add new telemetry probes for autofill NEW [fxsearch]
1477934 Figure out a way to implement hasChildren on tags NEW [fxsearch]
1477942 [meta] A modular re-implementation of the Awesomebar results list NEW [fxsearch] meta
1477944 [meta] Model NEW [fxsearch] meta
1479083 URL bar seems to trigger multiple layouts when browser window is resized at certain sizes NEW [fxsearch] perf, perf:frontend
1487925 Race condition in opening the bookmarking popup NEW [fxsearch]
1494468 Autofill tests should use more realistic history ASSIGNED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw
1496772 [meta] Search @ keyword/alias/shortcut improvements NEW [fxsearch] meta
1497561 Bookmark star and confirmation animations are played at the same time NEW [fxsearch]
1502397 When a WebExtension keyword is searched for, only query the specific WebExtension provider NEW [fxsearch]
1518529 Bookmarks saved for non-secure sites (http) don't show for secure (https) sites NEW [fxsearch]
1524190 Provide better search suggestions when a search alias is used NEW [fxsearch]
1531273 SEARCH_COUNTS isn't incremented for keyword searches in the urlbar when the results list is closed NEW [fxsearch]
1557445 Strategy to identify and remove invalid urls NEW [fxsearch]

116 Total; 116 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Patches Accepted

P5: Will Have - not scheduled for any particular release, patches accepted

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to
236587 Allow bookmark/search keyword searches from the search bar / integrate toolbar and bookmark keyword searches NEW [fxsearch]
248955 search box should be tab-specific (content should not persist when switching tabs) NEW [fxsearch]
253331 Search bar's text should be cleared after a search is performed NEW [fxsearch] blocked-ux, polish, privacy
264199 Make Search Toolbar history easier to discover NEW [fxsearch]
274432 When dragging text to search bar, mouse over search engine should show list of search engines, and allow dropping text onto one to search that engine NEW [fxsearch]
275193 Clear Search Button NEW [fxsearch]
335448 Autodetect repeated use of a search field, and ask the user if they want that engine added to the browser search box NEW [gsoc][fxsearch]
354950 OpenSearch support doesn't honour 'pageOffset' and 'indexOffset' attributes of description NEW [fxsearch]
360907 Search current site with OpenSearch (use a site's search provider without installing it) NEW [fxsearch]
386591 Support "result URLs" for search suggestion results (OpenSearch) NEW [fxsearch]
414849 Support middle-click paste and go behaviour on search icon NEW [fxsearch]
529345 need to ensure that updateIntervals are not negative NEW [fxsearch]
565740 Clear the chrome search field input when navigated away from the results page, and make it tab-specific NEW [target-betaN] [Advo][fxsearch] polish, privacy
597237 "Paste & Go" should turn into "Paste & Search" when contents of the clipboard aren't a URI NEW [fxsearch]
765619 Add a preference to open the tab with search bar results in the background NEW [fxsearch]
980244 Clearing search bar form history doesn't provide any visible feedback NEW [bug][fxsearch]
1046943 SearchSuggestionController should move remote results that are also in form history to the local results NEW [suggestions][bug][fxsearch]
1053664 Bookmarks Menu collapses when collapsing a bookmark folder NEW [fxsearch]
1083465 [meta]Remove synchronous bookmarks API NEW [fxsearch] meta, perf
1104141 Deleting "Visit XYZ" doesn't delete the History-entry NEW [fxsearch]
1104738 The search bar blocks the overflow toolbar panel's dismissal if a search is performed via the arrow NEW [fxsearch]
1109839 Let the search engine selection work per tab NEW [fxsearch]
1120642 Add tests for the opensearch discovery support in the new search bar NEW [fxsearch]
1124678 Changing default search-engine with Ctrl+mousewheel closes and reopens search-panel NEW [ui][fxsearch]
1124747 closing the search panel with (shift+)<tab> doesn't revert the searchbox's text field value to what the user typed NEW [ui][fxsearch]
1126804 The search panel appears above the bookmarks panel NEW [ui][fxsearch]
1136131 Provide access to all search providers in context menu selection NEW [ui][fxsearch]
1138434 Search bar is ignoring language listed in opensearch definition NEW [fxsearch]
1172444 Update searchbar entries from the current search result page NEW [fxsearch]
1199577 Whole text in url/search bar selection while changing keyboard layout UNCONFIRMED [fxsearch]
1204242 There's no way to determine whether I should press Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to set the desired search engine as default one NEW [fxsearch]
1206968 One-click search button right-click menu: "search in new tab" logic should be inverted if is true NEW [fxsearch]
1233289 Focusing the searchbar shouldn't refetch suggestions NEW [fxsearch] privacy
1242906 On about:home, shift+backspace on a search suggestion from history should remove it from the history NEW consistency [fxsearch]
1253485 Location bar doesn't preserve scroll position of the url after switching tabs NEW [fxsearch] parity-chrome
1257642 Location bar displays many duplicates in suggestions when I delete items NEW [fxsearch] regression
1272292 Show default search engine in search field again NEW [fxsearch] blocked-ux
1290869 Allow the disabling of search history separately from other history NEW [fxsearch]
1293938 Search bar popup displays clock icons incorrectly if the search history has more than 7 candidates NEW [fxsearch]
1294954 Only one tag in awesome bar's suggestions. NEW [fxsearch]
1309930 [meta] Make all bookmarks syncable NEW [fxsearch] meta
1311678 Entering URL without hitting Enter in location bar then tearing the tab deletes the entered URL NEW [fxsearch]
1337404 Build ico files on-the-fly NEW [fxsearch]
1345133 Pressing ":" on an autofilled domain should directly move to editing the port number NEW [fxsearch] papercut
1354264 [meta][userstory] Ship v1 of Pre-populated topsites in Awesome Bar NEW [fxsearch] meta
1354268 Ability to localize the list of top sites pre-populated in the Awesome Bar REOPENED [fxsearch]
1356435 Styling bookmark item is no longer available NEW [fxsearch] regression
1357533 Moused-over urlbar results should turn gray only after you move the mouse ASSIGNED [fxsearch] Drew Willcoxon :adw
1359487 The root domain icon is preferred if it has an higher resolution than the local page favicon NEW [fxsearch][sng] nightly-community, regression, reproducible, ux-consistency
1360188 Navigating using Left/Right keys through the one-off buttons is not possible in about:home and about:newtab NEW [fxsearch]
1405242 [meta] Improve performance of bookmarks batch operations with Async Transactions NEW [fxsearch] meta, nightly-community, perf, regression
1410877 [meta] Improve the reliability of Places and the storage subsystem NEW [fxsearch] meta
1414617 Add option for the size of labels in bookmark toolbar NEW [fxsearch] dupeme
1417722 Control-option-B and -F don't work in URL bar NEW [fxsearch]
1420090 Add mouse-over to show properties of bookmark/bookmark folder in bookmark toolbar NEW [fxsearch]
1421431 Problems in Firefox with an encoded backslash in url. UNCONFIRMED [fxsearch]
1421562 Reduce the amount of I/O done by Places [meta] NEW [fxsearch] meta
1422464 collapse in bookmarks sidebar may cause unexpected folder expanded/collapsed NEW [fxsearch]
1422566 Add option to create new bookmark folder in library using "Ctrl+Shift+N" NEW [fxsearch]
1423334 The SSL lock icon's entrance/appearance should match the animated entrance of the tracking protection shield icon NEW [fxsearch] uiwanted
1423389 Favicons do not initially appear on tabs after refreshing profile NEW [fxsearch]
1424274 [Intermitent] If a bookmarked is changed into a specific website the bookmark icon is not highlighted. NEW [fxsearch] regression
1425288 [meta] Re-enable tests disabled due to intermittent failures NEW [fxsearch] meta
1425299 [meta] Remove technical debt NEW [fxsearch] meta
1425797 Add "Open as URL in new tab" from Address bar NEW [fxsearch]
1427282 One-off search engine buttons in urlbar are hard to click as the popup changes height NEW [fxsearch]
1427535 Address bar/Location bar/urlbar drops first few letters when typing immediately after opening a new tab with a custom new-tab URL NEW [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed] papercut
1429020 All text in address bar is selected on tab change NEW [fxsearch] papercut
1439081 Library provides no feedback that a batch bookmark move is in progress NEW [fxsearch]
1439195 Library does not enforce proper sequencing of cursor and delete key reactions NEW [fxsearch]
1441561 Address bar defaults back to wrong url on new input NEW [fxsearch]
1442977 Add a test for drag-and-drop in Places menus NEW [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][places-testing]
1448913 [meta] Remove nsNavBookmarks.cpp and merge with nsNavHistory / Bookmarks.jsm NEW [fxsearch] meta
1453636 Search drop-down list is mixed up if the user has less than five bookmarks NEW [fxsearch]
1457069 Title and favicon of OpenSearch engines offered by pages do not necessarily match title and favicon they're installed with (add search engine re-appears) NEW [fxsearch]
1493543 Improve how the new autofill algorithm handles redirects NEW [fxsearch]
1526372 urlbarBindings' blur event handler shouldn't import ExtensionSearchHandler.jsm NEW [fxsearch] perf

77 Total; 77 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


P4: (should be reprioritized to P3 or P5)

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to
1041338 Hitting Enter twice in SearchBar triggers installing add-on NEW [fxsearch]
1060847 Form history dropdown does not pop up by double click/up arrow key in search field of about:home/about:newtab NEW [fxsearch] regression
1106924 hidden open search providers should be offered in the list providers that can be added NEW [ui][fxsearch]

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

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