Explore data with Axiom

The Explore tab provides you with a robust computation and processing power to get deeper insights into your data. It enables you to filter, manipulate, extend, and summarize your data whenever you want, without having to worry about query speed or indexes.

Use the Explore tab

Go to the Explore tab.

Explore tab overview

Start performing queries on your dataset. A simple query has been performed on the ingested data as shown below.

Explore tab overview

  • The first line is the name of the dataset you want to query. In this case, the name of the dataset is http-logs.
  • The second line selects the fields to insert and embed into the new computed columns using the project operator.

Explore tab overview

The Explore tab’s query language is the Axiom Processing Language (APL), a data processing language that supports filtering, extending, and summarizing data. For more information, see Introduction to APL.

The Explore tab has a rich query engine featuring the intuitive Axiom Processing Language and powerful ingestion and storage capabilities optimized for low latency ingestion and super-fast query performance.

Axiom Processing Language

Below are some APL commands to get you familiarized as to what APL queries look like in the Explore tab.

In these queries below, the pipe symbol | separates the operations as they flow from left to right, and top to bottom.

APL is case-sensitive for everything: dataset names, field names, operators, functions, etc.

Use double forward slashes (//) for comments.

APL count operator

The below query returns the number of events from the http-logs dataset.

Explore tab overview

APL limit operator

The limit operator returns a random subset of rows from a dataset up to the specified number of rows. This query returns a thousand rows from http-logs randomly chosen by APL.

Explore tab overview

APL summarize operator

The summarize operator produces a table that aggregates the content of the dataset. This query returns a chart of the avg(req_duration_ms), and a table of geo.city and avg(req_duration_ms) of the http-logs dataset from the time range of 2 days and time interval of 4 hours.

Explore tab overview

Axiom Processing Language resources

For more resources on APL commands, operators, functions, see Introduction to APL and the guide on entity names and identifier naming rules.

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