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Release Notes for Embedded Reporting v6.1

Release History


Released on July 17, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Fixed the rendering of the background image in the Rectangle model when size is set to Fit.
  • Improved support for the InFilter operator against case sensitive fields in datasets.
  • Implemented support for ordering the dataset fields based on their dependent fields.
  • Included localization support (hi-IN) for the Report Viewer.
  • Fixed data repetition across successive pages when a tablix cell contains large data.


Released on July 4, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Added customer property support for hiding tooltips for chart report items in the Report Viewer.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred when double- clicking on the print option in the UWP platform.
  • Fixed an issue where images were not rendering properly when placed in the group header.
  • Resolved the deserialization issue in code modules reports when file storage is enabled.


Released on June 20, 2024

What’s New

Report Viewer

  • Implemented round border style support to all report items in the Report Viewer.
  • Added support for evaluating HTML markup text in the Report Viewer.
  • Provided Justify alignment support for single-run textboxes in PDF export.


Report Server

  • Added an option to hide the Bold ETL icon from the menu on the Report Server listing page.

Report Viewer

  • Provided custom property support for the useGroupingSeparator property in label format in Report Viewer v2.
  • Added support for custom properties for adding comments to Excel exports.
  • Implemented the EnableUniqueResourceNaming API for PDF export to enable or disable unique file content generation.
  • Implemented the XLSIO PageSetup API to choose the print page layout for the Excel export.
  • Fixed an issue where the Margin was not updating properly when set to 0 in print page settings.
  • Resolved the issue where the index value was not being updated properly with EnableFilterSearch in V2.0 Viewer.
  • Resolved the transparent background color issue in 1D Barcode caused by text overlapping in BarcodeLib library 3.0.3 upgrade.
  • Fixed a console error occurring when using default parameter values with allow multiple option.
  • Resolved an issue with the report path when the cache expires in the Report Viewer.
  • Support for WPF .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 has been removed in this version.
  • Fixed an issue with page orientation switching in the UI.
  • Upgraded the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis package to version 4.8.0.
  • Resolved the exception in ‘Object._destroyDocumentMapTree�� that occurred during the second consecutive report execution in mobile browser mode.
  • Resolved the column alignment issues and missing fields in Excel export when setting the ExcelLayoutOption to IgnoreCellMerge.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF and Excel export files were being generated as zero bytes in the ReportWriter application.
  • Subreports now render correctly without an additional rectangle when the data is empty in preview.
  • The progress bar is now hidden when PageCreation is set to OnDemand.
  • Fixed an issue with the report background image repeating when “Repeat” is set to “FIT” in the Report Viewer.
  • Resolved the issue of the report background image not appearing in the print PDF and preview when the page column was set to 2.
  • Implemented round border style support to all report items in the Report Viewer.
  • Resolved the issue of the toggle column missing in the Excel export.
  • Resolved the issue of an extra blank page being created when both the body and page width are the same.
  • Resolved the horizontal scroller issue in the document map tree in our Report Viewer V1.
  • Now, the document map icon is properly visible during the second run of the report in mobile layout.
  • Fixed an issue where the Chart item was not rendering in the UWP application preview.

Report Designer

  • Migrated the textbox report item to be based on the EJ2 standard.
  • Provided support to display the alias of an expression instead of the <<Expr>> tag in textbox report items.
  • Resolved the line spacing issue when copying and pasting multiple lines in the textbox report items.
  • Fixed the undefined issue when populating multiple textruns in a tablix cell.
  • Resolved the paste action failure when attempting to paste copied text from a Word document into the textbox report items.
  • Fixed the query execution failure in the MySQL, PostGreSQL and Oracle datasource when any fields in the database had a null value.

Bug fixes

Report Server

  • Fixed CORS issue in server API.
  • Fixed Issue on upgrading Bold Reports 3.1.31 to 6.1.34 with MSSQL.
  • Fixed OAuth logout redirection issue.
  • Fixed parameter validation issues in scheduling.


Released on June 06, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Fixed an issue with the report background image repeating when “Repeat” is set to “FIT” in the Report Viewer.
  • Resolved the issue of the report background image not appearing in the print PDF and preview when the page column was set to 2.
  • Implemented round border style support to all report items in the Report Viewer.
  • Resolved the issue of the toggle column missing in the Excel export.
  • Resolved the issue of an extra blank page being created when both the body and page width are the same.
  • Resolved the horizontal scroller issue in the document map tree in our Report Viewer V1.
  • Now, the document map icon is properly visible during the second run of the report in mobile layout.


Released on May 30, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Added support for evaluating HTML markup text in the Report Viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF and Excel export files were being generated as zero bytes in the ReportWriter application.
  • Subreports now render correctly without an additional rectangle when the data is empty in preview.
  • The progress bar is now hidden when PageCreation is set to OnDemand.


Released on May 22, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Implemented the EnableUniqueResourceNaming API for PDF export to enable or disable unique file content generation.
  • Implemented the XLSIO PageSetup API to choose the print page layout for the Excel export.
  • Upgraded the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis package to version 4.8.0.
  • Provided custom property support for the useGroupingSeparator property in label format in Report Viewer v2.
  • Resolved the exception in ‘Object._destroyDocumentMapTree’ that occurred during the second consecutive report execution in mobile browser mode.
  • Provided Justify alignment support for single-run textboxes in PDF export.
  • Resolved the column alignment issues and missing fields in Excel export when setting the ExcelLayoutOption to IgnoreCellMerge.

Report Designer

  • Resolved the issue of throwing null value errors while executing queries for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle extensions.


Released on May 15, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Added support for custom properties for adding comments to Excel exports.
  • Resolved an issue with the report path when the cache expires in the Report Viewer.
  • Support for WPF .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 has been removed in this version.
  • Fixed an issue with page orientation switching in the UI.


Released on May 09, 2024


Report Viewer

  • Fixed an issue where the Margin was not updating properly when set to 0 in print page settings.
  • Resolved the issue where the index value was not being updated properly with EnableFilterSearch in V2.0 Viewer.
  • Resolved the transparent background color issue in 1D Barcode caused by text overlapping in BarcodeLib library 3.0.3 upgrade.
  • Fixed a console error occurring when using default parameter values with allow multiple option.


Released on April 30, 2024

What’s New

Report Server

  • Support to customize database schema and table prefix upon tenant creation, allowing the use of a single database for multiple tenants.
  • Support deploying as a 64-bit application on Azure, enhancing memory handling and performance.
  • Added support for Bold ETL Service. This new feature allows users to easily transform and load data from data source connectors.
  • Report part improvements:
    • An option to create a report part directly from the Report Server has been included.
    • Supported draft report parts for editing and publishing at any time.
    • Enabled Info option for report parts to view basic details.
  • Support for integrating Azure Application Insights enables enhanced error logging and application health monitoring.
  • Added the option to test email credentials directly on the server email settings page.
  • Provided support for configuring Microsoft 365 email settings with OAuth authentication.
  • Exposed API to create MySQL data source.

Report Viewer

  • Report Viewer renders table group levels with millions of records in seconds via record limiting and on-demand processing. Refer to the documentation for enabling this feature through settings.
  • Added the option to include comments for all report items when exporting to Excel.
  • Introduced SVG image rendering for .NET Core platform report viewer and export.

Report Designer

  • Provided an option to connect to the Microsoft SQL datasource through an SSH tunnel.
  • Provided an option to add and configure SVG images to reports through the report designer for .NET Core platform
  • Introduced the ‘FetchLimit’ custom property to restrict the preview record limit
  • Enhanced the functionality to maintain the existing layout size while refreshing report parts.


Report Viewer

  • The QR and Barcode work properly in the .NET 8.0 framework.
  • The ‘XAxisEdgeLabelPlacement’ custom property now functions properly in Report Viewer v2.
  • Improved the chart item color palette change based on the expression.
  • Added localization support for the license message in the Report Viewer.
  • Now custom attributes support parameter expressions.
  • Resolved the time details missing in datetime parameters.
  • Improved error message for RDLC reports when containing an empty dataset.
  • Improved error message in PDF exports when the dataset contains an empty value for image data.
  • Subreport nested inner Tablix items now render properly in PDF exports.
  • The first day of the week expression works properly in the date part function.
  • Improved document map node navigation performance when `enablevirtualevaluation` is set to true.

Report Designer

  • Enhanced the icons and UI of the Report Designer’s dialogs
  • Improved the error message content on report open and save actions
  • Restricted unsupported file formats during uploads via report designer API calls
  • Fixed the serialization failure for chart ‘legend reversed’ property in EJ1 ReportDesigner
  • Fixed the issue with property panel tab switching when swiping the mouse
  • Resolved the issue where the font family was not applied to textbox report item when their font names contained special characters
  • Resolved the issue of displaying unwanted Unicode characters in the property panel tab header for French localization
  • Fixed the issue causing report save failures due to parameter and parameter layout details mismatch
  • Added tooltip and a search option for the Report expression listbox
  • Improved the description content of expressions within the expression editor

Breaking changes:

Report Viewer

The transparent background color is not supported in the 1D Barcode due to text overlapping issue in BarcodeLib library 3.0.3 upgrade.

Report Server

The old viewer and designer have been deprecated. The new viewer and designer will now be enabled by default in the following areas: report viewing, report designing, exporting, and embedding.

Removed the following options from the report server listing context menu as part of application security and usability improvements:

  • Views
  • Clone
  • Make Public


The context menu option to display all views associated with the report has been removed. However, users can still access the same views from the Report Viewer.


Existing cloned reports will continue to work without any issues. However, reports will no longer be cloned in the future.

Public Reports:

  • Existing public reports will render without any issues.
  • The “Make Public” option has been removed for reports.
  • The “Make Private” option will be shown for existing public reports. We recommend making all public reports private and disabling the “Mark reports as public” option from the report settings page.
  • As an alternative to the Public Reports feature, we recommend using the following embedding features as needed,
Note: The Public Reports feature will be removed in upcoming releases.

Known Bugs / Limitations:

  • ETL Service not supported in Azure App Service.
  • ETL Service – MSSQL connector doesn’t support spatial, Point, and geometry data types.


  • Provided support for known domains to mitigate both SSRF attacks and open redirect vulnerabilities.
  • Enhanced server security by implementing Subresource Integrity (SRI) and XSS prevention measures.


The Bold Reporting Tools ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms will not be deployed in the embedded build. However, bug fixes are diligently transferred to our public repositories until Microsoft officially announces the end of support for these platforms. For new web application development or to stay up-to-date, Blazor or ASP.NET Core are recommended.