Booz Allen's DarkLabs

Unleash the Power of DarkLabs: The Ultimate Defense Against Cyber Threats

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, the challenges posed by nation-state threat actors are more relentless than ever. Organizations face ever-changing environments, complex ecosystems, and rapid innovation that can outpace traditional security measures. Are you ready to take a disruptive approach to safeguard your business?

DarkLabs offers a portfolio of solutions built by industry experts with decades of experience countering nation-state-level cyber threats, offering actionable insights, force-multiplying research and training, and rock-solid defenses to secure your organization against even the most advanced adversaries.

Why DarkLabs Leads the Way

  • Unrivaled Expertise: Our team comprises top experts with unparalleled experience in combating cyber threats at the highest level. We understand the evolving cyber battlespace and deliver the deepest understanding of your adversaries.
  • Customized Integration: DarkLabs solutions integrate effortlessly into any security mission, empowering your organization with the tools to defend against threats effectively.
  • Multidomain Research: Access our tradecraft, tooling, and operational capabilities to accelerate your cyber and security research and development (R&D) efforts. Collaborate with our teams and harness the power of AI hypercomputing infrastructure.

DarkLabs Solutions: Your Pathway to Resilience

Don't let cyber threats hold you back. Join forces with DarkLabs today and unleash the true potential of your organization's cybersecurity solutions.

DarkLabs Research

Woman with a headset on looking at dual computer screens.
Map pin location.

DarkLabs Research

Booz Allen’s DarkLabs Research enables multidomain all-terrain cyber and security R&D through sponsored or collaborative R&D engagements and access to our tradecraft, tooling, and operational capabilities.

DarkLabs Detect

Woman with glasses detecting
magnifying glass

DarkLabs Detect

Booz Allen’s DarkLabs Detect levels you above nation-state threats with protections that expose adversary weaknesses and defend against them in any platform, any environment.

DarkLabs Attack

Two doctors looking at brain scans on desktop computers.
Target with an arrow in it

DarkLabs Attack

Booz Allen's DarkLabs Attack amplifies your staff and strategy. Upskill your team with customizable real-world APT malware modules and side-by-side training from embedded defenders. Gain an unprecedented understanding of your attack surface with subscription-based Sanctioned Breach Operations.

DarkLabs Protect

group of workers in a cyber control center

DarkLabs Protect

Booz Allen’s DarkLabs Protect accelerates the pathway to a resilient attack surface with proven blueprints and playbooks tested in the nation’s most critical missions.

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