


  • Basic Auth

    Username and Password

  • Key Auth

    API keys for users and applications

  • OAuth2

    Authentications and Authorization Flows

  • JWT

    JSON Web Token issuing and validation


  • Expression

    Execute JavaScript within the egContext object

  • Request Transformer

    Modify header or body in the request message

  • Response Transformer

    Modify header or body in the response message


  • CORS

    Cross Origin Resource Sharing


  • Lambda

    Proxy to AWS Lambda Functions

Quality of Service

  • Simple Logger

    Logging Format and Output

  • Load Balancer Proxy

    Load Balance and Proxy to Services

  • Rate Limiter

    Throttle API Requests


  • Rewrite

    Rewrite URL or Redirect Requests

  • Terminate

    Terminate a request with a status code and message


Get involved and join our community of developers, practitioners and technologists.

If you have come across what you think is a bug, or just want to make a feature request, open a ticket in the issue queue.


We are looking for community members to add to our growing list of contributors. There are a lot of ways to contribute:

  • Address an open issue in the project
  • Provide feedback on features and enhancements on the Express Gateway Feathub
  • Implement a feature on the roadmap or help with what's currently being worked on for the next release
  • Help answer questions with your expertise
  • Add examples and documentation so others can get onboard easier

Big or small, every effort counts! For more information check out the Contributor’s guide in the Express Gateway repo.

Get In Touch