Goodreads Italia

Goodreads Italia è un luogo d'incontro per gli utenti italiani e italofoni della piattaforma Goodreads.

Il gruppo, nato nel 2010 e in costante evoluzione, è suddiviso in sezioni, la maggior parte delle quali si occupa prevalentemente di lettura, di libri e di tutto ciò che gravita attorno ad essi.
Viene comunque dato respiro anche a svariati temi di carattere più generale, come ad esempio gli aiuti ai nuovi utenti o lo spazio off-topics.
Per migliorare la gestione del gruppo, vi preghiamo di post
group type
This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.
Benvenuto/a! Clicca qui per leggere …more

La vita davanti a sé
Start date
July 1, 2024
Finish date
July 31, 2024
Gruppi di Lettura
Why we're reading this
GdL narrativa luglio 2024
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Start date
July 6, 2024
Finish date
October 1, 2024
Letture in corso
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Showing 10 of 134 topics — 15,569 comments total
+ Benvenuti su GrI
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Appena arrivato? Leggi qui
By Moloch · 1 post · 12634 views
last updated May 01, 2012 04:51AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Regolamento del gruppo
By Nickname · 8 posts · 10388 views
last updated Feb 21, 2015 05:35AM
* Benvenuti! Presentatevi qui
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 4637 posts · 7798 views
last updated Jul 15, 2024 04:00AM
* Goodreads Italia e altri media
By Roberta · 46 posts · 1359 views
last updated Apr 30, 2022 08:05AM
* Gruppi in italiano su Goodreads
By Moloch · 32 posts · 6927 views
last updated Jul 07, 2024 12:56AM
Newsletter di luglio 2024
By Roberta · 3 posts · 549 views
last updated Jul 06, 2024 02:08AM
Newsletter di giugno 2024
By Roberta · 1 post · 685 views
last updated Jun 03, 2024 11:00PM
Newsletter di aprile 2024
By Roberta · 2 posts · 768 views
last updated Apr 01, 2024 01:03PM
Newsletter di febbraio 2024
By Roberta · 8 posts · 904 views
last updated Feb 13, 2024 02:32AM
Il Pozzo di Natale 2023
By Moloch · 333 posts · 430 views
last updated Feb 01, 2024 12:38AM
Showing 7 of -3 topics — 1,080 comments total
+ Letture in corso
Cosa state leggendo ora? Luglio 2024
By Moloch · 36 posts · 111 views
last updated 1 hour, 35 min ago
Tema del mesę - luglio 2024
By Roberta · 32 posts · 100 views
last updated 4 hours, 31 min ago
La parola del mese: luglio 2024
By Moloch · 33 posts · 206 views
last updated 4 hours, 38 min ago
Letture manga in corso
By Matteo · 49 posts · 182 views
last updated Jul 16, 2024 09:11PM
GdXL Luglio-Settembre 2024 - 22/11/'63
By Francesco · 5 posts · 95 views
last updated Jul 10, 2024 04:19AM
Gli acquisti e i prestiti di luglio 2024
By Moloch · 1 post · 28 views
last updated Jun 30, 2024 11:49AM
Showing 10 of 195 topics — 82,593 comments total
+ Aiuto con Goodreads
This topic has been closed to new comments. * FAQ: Come si usa Goodreads
By Moloch · 42 posts · 4780 views
last updated Jan 05, 2019 02:29AM
* Segnalazione errori e malfunzionamenti
By Moloch · 551 posts · 1205 views
last updated Jul 16, 2024 02:44PM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Tutorial: Come creare una scheda
By Moloch · 2 posts · 9215 views
last updated Aug 30, 2012 05:50AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Come trovare un libro su Goodreads
By Franco · 1 post · 2124 views
last updated Nov 24, 2013 10:56AM
* Novità da Goodreads
By Nickname · 596 posts · 2430 views
last updated Jan 02, 2024 03:41PM
* Goodreads per iPhone e iPad
By Ettore · 95 posts · 999 views
last updated Dec 28, 2017 09:55AM
Fondere profilo autore con il mio romanzo
By Noemi · 8 posts · 28 views
last updated 16 hours, 11 min ago
Add a new version of Monkey Grip
By ilaria · 2 posts · 34 views
last updated Jul 09, 2024 11:21PM
Inserire copertina mancante ad un libro
By Lorenzo · 2 posts · 73 views
last updated Jul 09, 2024 11:19PM
Aggiornare foto copertine
By Mathias · 2 posts · 44 views
last updated Jul 09, 2024 11:17PM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Il Manuale del librarian completo in italiano
By Moloch · 59 posts · 3190 views
last updated Sep 30, 2016 03:47PM
* Aggiornamenti del Manuale e Nuove funzionalità
By Moloch · 19 posts · 510 views
last updated Mar 15, 2024 01:00AM
* Serie: consigli ed accorgimenti
By Cronache di B… · 13 posts · 498 views
last updated Jun 06, 2023 06:08AM
* Dubbi, domande, di tutto un po' per e tra librarian
By Data79 · 807 posts · 1830 views
last updated Jul 14, 2024 11:58PM
* Gli strumenti necessari per il lavoro da Librarian
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 10 posts · 634 views
last updated Jun 29, 2013 06:42AM
* Alcuni suggerimenti sul combine
By Moloch · 18 posts · 516 views
last updated Jun 22, 2024 12:58AM
Audiobook VS Cartaceo in "Currently Reading"
By Andrea · 6 posts · 67 views
last updated Jun 12, 2024 04:00AM
Come segnare "Autori vari" o A.V.
By Michela · 4 posts · 30 views
last updated May 27, 2024 04:52AM
Problema grave con Bot di Amazon!!!
By Sara Booklove… · 9 posts · 181 views
last updated Mar 18, 2024 03:36PM
Addio all'aggiungere libri?
By dv · 76 posts · 445 views
last updated Aug 08, 2023 12:13AM
Showing 10 of 333 topics — 16,742 comments total
+ Gruppi di Lettura
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Elenco titoli già letti nei Gruppi di Lettura
By Nazzarena · 5 posts · 868 views
last updated Sep 07, 2020 06:52AM
* GdXL
By Roberta · 1580 posts · 2091 views
last updated Jul 02, 2024 10:19PM
GdXL manga luglio 2024 - Berserk voll. 1-2, di Kentaro Miura - commenti e discussione
By Pinkerton · 4 posts · 29 views
last updated Jul 17, 2024 11:36AM
GdL manga luglio 2024 - Randagi vol. 2, di Keigo Shinzo - commenti e discussione
By Pinkerton · 9 posts · 28 views
last updated Jul 12, 2024 12:46AM
GdL narrativa maggio 2024 - Le braci, di Sandor Marai - commenti e disccussione
By Nazzarena · 24 posts · 113 views
last updated Jul 07, 2024 09:10PM
Proposte per i GdL narrativa luglio, agosto e settembre 2024
By Nazzarena · 23 posts · 107 views
last updated Jul 01, 2024 03:30AM
Gruppo di lettura manga
By Matteo · 73 posts · 170 views
last updated Jun 29, 2024 07:54AM
GdL manga giugno 2024 - Randagi vol. 1, di Keigo Shinzo - commenti e discussione
By Pinkerton · 14 posts · 53 views
last updated Jun 29, 2024 01:23AM
GdXL aprile-giugno 2024 - Via col vento
By Roberta · 34 posts · 125 views
last updated Jun 20, 2024 10:27PM
* La classifica dei libri più venduti - 2024
By Moloch · 30 posts · 443 views
last updated Jul 14, 2024 09:03AM
* Ottobre 2023 - intervista al traduttore
By Roberta · 15 posts · 103 views
last updated Oct 11, 2023 08:27AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Liste di Goodreads Italia - ELENCO
By Roberta · 16 posts · 426 views
last updated Sep 22, 2022 12:13PM
* Listopie di Goodreads Italia - DISCUSSIONE
By Roberta · 655 posts · 2457 views
last updated Jul 04, 2024 03:33AM
* Cosa posso leggere? Consigli da e per lettori
By Moloch · 1784 posts · 3729 views
last updated Jul 08, 2024 12:09AM
Cosa state leggendo ora? Giugno 2024
By Moloch · 69 posts · 176 views
last updated Jun 29, 2024 01:05PM
Gli acquisti e i prestiti di giugno 2024
By Moloch · 7 posts · 49 views
last updated Jun 12, 2024 12:02PM
Cosa state leggendo ora? Maggio 2024
By Moloch · 89 posts · 237 views
last updated Jun 09, 2024 10:14AM
Gli acquisti e i prestiti di maggio 2024
By Moloch · 6 posts · 64 views
last updated May 20, 2024 12:26AM
Salone del Libro a Torino 2024
By Dolceluna ♡ · 8 posts · 93 views
last updated May 19, 2024 05:39AM
* Linee guida per l'inserimento di Manga
By Ere · 26 posts · 162 views
last updated Mar 11, 2023 04:52AM
* Linee guida per l'inserimento di Fumetti, Graphic Novel & Manga
By Nickname · 37 posts · 835 views
last updated Jan 22, 2023 11:26AM
* Dlin dlon: Importante - Elenco serie già inserite
By Kua · 88 posts · 1345 views
last updated Apr 08, 2022 05:42AM
* Diabolik: Elenco serie già inserite
By Nickname · 18 posts · 334 views
last updated Jan 03, 2023 02:33AM
Saint Seiya Edizione Shot 2000-2002
By MarcMiccia · 2 posts · 41 views
last updated Oct 06, 2023 02:15AM
Topolino libretto numeri mancanti in serie
By Francesco · 2 posts · 38 views
last updated Mar 12, 2022 07:45AM
By Moloch · 3 posts · 52 views
last updated Aug 27, 2021 02:54AM
Scomparso il disegnatore Tuono Pettinato
By Pierre · 4 posts · 52 views
last updated Jun 15, 2021 10:45AM
Scomparso Quino, il padre di Mafalda
By Pierre · 5 posts · 47 views
last updated Oct 02, 2020 11:42AM
Tex Willer
By Nickname · 1 post · 46 views
last updated Oct 03, 2018 11:32AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * FAQ su ebook/ebook reader
By Moloch · 2 posts · 718 views
last updated Sep 25, 2013 10:14AM
* Ebook Readers: commenti, consigli, richieste
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 1438 posts · 2255 views
last updated Mar 22, 2024 07:29AM
* Fonti eBook - In continuo aggiornamento
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 7 posts · 897 views
last updated Feb 04, 2024 05:17AM
Surrogato di copertine...
By Paolo · 3 posts · 44 views
last updated Jun 30, 2024 10:10AM
Kobo o Kindle?
By Erica · 38 posts · 211 views
last updated May 08, 2024 03:47AM
Kobo a colori!
By Vale76 · 23 posts · 114 views
last updated Apr 14, 2024 10:09AM
Perché gli editori italiani non credono nel digitale?
By Vale76 · 67 posts · 179 views
last updated Mar 20, 2024 09:24AM
Kobo Plus, sì o no?
By Vale76 · 1 post · 44 views
last updated Mar 19, 2024 01:19PM
Cose che odiate nella formattazione ebook
By J.P.K. · 56 posts · 346 views
last updated Mar 19, 2024 09:34AM
Come si caricano i/le font utente in kobo?
By Vale76 · 1 post · 31 views
last updated Mar 08, 2024 10:12AM
Showing 10 of 285 topics — 26,853 comments total
+ Giochi & Sfide
* Sfida di lettura 2024
By Roberta · 144 posts · 672 views
last updated 13 hours, 13 min ago
* Il Reading Challenge di Goodreads Italia - 2024
By Moloch · 37 posts · 309 views
last updated Jan 14, 2024 02:10PM
* Sfida di lettura 2023
By Roberta · 252 posts · 937 views
last updated Feb 05, 2024 07:07AM
* Citazioni e incipit
By Shardangood · 390 posts · 1060 views
last updated Jun 24, 2024 07:25AM
* Pagina 99 - Segnala una frase
By Sdrucciola · 257 posts · 1317 views
last updated Jul 18, 2023 09:13AM
* Che tipo di lettore sei?
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 286 posts · 2118 views
last updated Mar 22, 2024 01:50PM
* Viaggi da Poltrona
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 660 posts · 1331 views
last updated Nov 24, 2021 08:14AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Uso della Sezione
By Moloch · 1 post · 514 views
last updated Sep 02, 2012 06:04AM
* Proponi una nuova sfida
By Moloch · 187 posts · 678 views
last updated Jan 15, 2022 03:58PM
La parola del mese: giugno 2024
By Moloch · 43 posts · 221 views
last updated Jun 30, 2024 01:01PM
Showing 10 of 529 topics — 4,020 comments total
+ Spazio Autori
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Uso della Sezione
By Moloch · 1 post · 893 views
last updated Feb 27, 2015 02:58PM
* Mi offro per recensire
By Roberta · 398 posts · 1531 views
last updated Jun 23, 2024 02:13PM
* Qual è il modo corretto per promuovere le proprie opere su Goodreads?
By Dario · 257 posts · 1338 views
last updated Mar 25, 2024 04:38PM
Esiste una sezione Wattpad?
By Mario · 22 posts · 129 views
last updated Jul 17, 2024 01:19AM
"Giù, giù per mano ad Alice" gratuito per gli abbonati ad Amazon Prime!
By Rossella · 3 posts · 47 views
last updated Jul 16, 2024 02:58AM
Cerco pareri su sinossi
By Adriano · 22 posts · 70 views
last updated Jul 16, 2024 02:50AM
Escape Noir – Racconto fanta-thriller gratuito fino al 25 giugno compreso
By Rossella · 11 posts · 31 views
last updated Jun 23, 2024 06:30AM
"Sirio & Co"
By Simone · 1 post · 16 views
last updated Jun 22, 2024 04:56AM
Copie cartacee a disposizione per recensioni
By Alasdair · 3 posts · 38 views
last updated Jun 18, 2024 11:05AM
ATON3.0 - Romanzo distopico
By Alasdair · 1 post · 26 views
last updated Jun 08, 2024 05:46PM
Showing 10 of 26 topics — 8,447 comments total
+ Club di lettura
* Cerco compagni di lettura
By Roberta · 431 posts · 2173 views
last updated Dec 12, 2023 02:15AM
Società alternative
By Roberta · 1592 posts · 1912 views
last updated Jun 24, 2024 10:16AM
Incontri di reading partenopei
By Mario · 1 post · 40 views
last updated Nov 24, 2023 05:41AM
Stephen King book club
By Read me two t… · 711 posts · 1045 views
last updated Sep 07, 2023 05:23AM
GdL Classici (Aprile - Giugno 2023) – La signora Dalloway
By Melancholic ✨ · 9 posts · 118 views
last updated Jun 29, 2023 08:25AM
GdL Classici - 2023
By Melancholic ✨ · 48 posts · 283 views
last updated Apr 23, 2023 04:26AM
GdL Classici (Gennaio - Marzo 2023) – Cime Tempestose
By Melancholic ✨ · 33 posts · 266 views
last updated Apr 05, 2023 07:36AM
EUROPA 1848-1957
By deleted member · 234 posts · 434 views
last updated Feb 15, 2023 04:30AM
Unbooxing 📚🧡
By annamatita_ · 7 posts · 141 views
last updated Feb 13, 2023 02:45AM
Natale con Joyce
By Bruna · 184 posts · 260 views
last updated Nov 16, 2022 03:34AM
* Segnala una Novità
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 70 posts · 1410 views
last updated Jun 07, 2024 05:52AM
* Indice delle collane da edicola
By Moloch · 13 posts · 652 views
last updated Mar 01, 2021 07:46AM
Capolavori della letteratura giapponese (Repubblica/GEDI)
By luna bizantin… · 18 posts · 211 views
last updated Oct 11, 2023 03:08AM
Libri gialli/thriller/noir. Segnalazione uscite
By Vania · 6 posts · 231 views
last updated Jun 22, 2022 06:03AM
L'origine del Male di Gilbert V.Martin
By Gilbert V. · 1 post · 28 views
last updated Jun 20, 2022 01:37AM
Urania 70 anni di futuro
By Pinkerton · 6 posts · 87 views
last updated Jan 31, 2022 08:54PM
Indice delle collane RBA
By Martina · 31 posts · 514 views
last updated Oct 05, 2021 03:21PM
William Shakespeare con il Corriere della Sera
By Moloch · 8 posts · 181 views
last updated Jul 17, 2021 04:14AM
I racconti delle scienze (la Repubblica)
By Fabiana · 3 posts · 44 views
last updated Mar 05, 2021 09:51AM
Libri della domenica - Il Sole 24 ore
By Fran · 8 posts · 244 views
last updated Apr 15, 2019 08:08AM
* Spedire libri con Piego di Libro
By Roberta · 25 posts · 718 views
last updated Mar 27, 2021 03:21AM
* Promozioni in atto - Buoni sconto
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 513 posts · 2487 views
last updated Jan 24, 2024 08:41AM
* Scambio/vendita di libri attraverso il Gruppo
By Moloch · 61 posts · 1548 views
last updated Feb 26, 2024 10:31AM
Ricerca libro
By Marco · 1 post · 50 views
last updated May 03, 2024 05:41AM
Ricerca di libro di Furutani
By Matteo · 4 posts · 40 views
last updated Feb 04, 2024 07:43AM
Vangelo Yankee
By Matteo · 4 posts · 77 views
last updated Aug 22, 2023 12:11PM
Cerco "In due si uccide meglio" di Pastore e Valbonesi
By Fabiana · 1 post · 21 views
last updated Jan 23, 2023 12:50AM
Cerco "Tree of Codes" di Jonathan Safran Foer
By Francesca · 3 posts · 28 views
last updated Dec 12, 2022 01:18AM
Cerco: "I mille autunni di Jacob de Zoet" e "Sybil"
By Wanderer betw… · 14 posts · 49 views
last updated Aug 11, 2022 06:09AM
* Serie Tv
By Kua · 2221 posts · 1773 views
last updated Dec 18, 2021 02:05AM
* Ultimi film visti
By Data79 · 822 posts · 1374 views
last updated Jul 17, 2022 08:31AM
By deleted member · 126 posts · 324 views
last updated Apr 25, 2023 01:30PM
By Pinkerton · 12 posts · 136 views
last updated Jan 31, 2022 12:48PM
Libri e Vinili
By Andrea · 8 posts · 146 views
last updated Dec 28, 2021 03:48AM
Il libro è meglio del film?
By Roberta · 80 posts · 453 views
last updated Nov 16, 2021 11:46AM
Ultimi dischi ascoltati
By nevvero · 92 posts · 351 views
last updated Nov 09, 2021 06:19AM
Giunto al termine della mia vita di peccatore...
By Pierre · 113 posts · 183 views
last updated Apr 09, 2019 10:32AM
Seguiamo insieme L'amica Geniale?
By Virginia · 19 posts · 88 views
last updated Dec 10, 2018 12:26PM
Cineforum di GRI
By Roberta · 65 posts · 154 views
last updated May 02, 2017 12:29PM
Showing 10 of 247 topics — 5,802 comments total
+ Off-Topic
* Cosa avrà voluto dire? Problemi di interpretazione per chi legge in lingua
By Bruna · 47 posts · 245 views
last updated Jun 29, 2018 03:47AM
* Video
By ⚔️Kelanth⚔️ · 27 posts · 213 views
last updated May 05, 2019 02:24PM
Sto cercando di imparare l'italiano
By Kayella (semi… · 1 post · 39 views
last updated Jul 10, 2024 08:26PM
App per catalogare libri
By Daniela · 6 posts · 93 views
last updated Jun 02, 2024 01:21AM
Questionario destinato ai lettori Italia
By Yongjian Yang · 25 posts · 189 views
last updated May 12, 2024 06:38AM
Aiuto per tesi di laurea!
By Martina · 44 posts · 199 views
last updated May 11, 2024 08:14AM
Risalire a un libro
By Giuliana · 1 post · 53 views
last updated Mar 14, 2024 06:50AM
Come gestite le vostre librerie?
By Vale76 · 25 posts · 124 views
last updated Jan 24, 2024 07:32AM
Torino: dove leggere?
By Mattia · 2 posts · 66 views
last updated Nov 03, 2023 03:10PM
Torino: dove leggere?
By Mattia · 1 post · 38 views
last updated Nov 03, 2023 07:37AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Regolamento
By Moloch · 1 post · 307 views
last updated May 27, 2020 11:56AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. * FAQ
By Moloch · 1 post · 137 views
last updated May 27, 2020 11:57AM
I vincitori
By Moloch · 10 posts · 288 views
last updated Jul 28, 2020 01:03AM
Dr. Frankenstein: Richiesta punti
By Moloch · 157 posts · 193 views
last updated Jul 18, 2020 05:49PM
L'assembramento virtuale
By Moloch · 113 posts · 204 views
last updated Jul 14, 2020 09:32AM
Dr. Jekyll: Richiesta punti
By Moloch · 293 posts · 181 views
last updated Jul 14, 2020 09:24AM
Dr. Watson: Richiesta punti
By Moloch · 118 posts · 147 views
last updated Jul 14, 2020 05:10AM
Doc Daneeka: Richiesta punti
By Moloch · 296 posts · 162 views
last updated Jul 14, 2020 12:50AM
Dr. Zivago: Richiesta punti
By Moloch · 94 posts · 149 views
last updated Jul 13, 2020 03:05AM
Task VIII gara di lettura
By Moloch · 225 posts · 333 views
last updated Jul 12, 2020 06:32AM
* PyeongChang 2018 - XXIII Giochi olimpici invernali
By Roberta · 360 posts · 257 views
last updated Mar 04, 2018 01:35AM
Salto con gli sci - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 41 posts · 93 views
last updated Mar 01, 2018 12:47AM
Sci di fondo - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 7 posts · 71 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 08:13PM
Slittino - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 22 posts · 74 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 03:04PM
Pattinaggio di figura - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 38 posts · 102 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 02:59PM
Biathlon - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 26 posts · 68 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 02:43PM
Short track - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 61 posts · 83 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 02:41PM
Freestyle - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 68 posts · 89 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 01:50PM
Sci alpino - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 35 posts · 83 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 12:41PM
Skeleton - Commenti
By Rowizyx · 21 posts · 61 views
last updated Feb 28, 2018 12:33PM
* Regolamento
By Rowizyx · 1 post · 373 views
last updated Nov 06, 2017 10:53AM
Le task
By Veronica · 61 posts · 276 views
last updated Feb 03, 2018 03:42PM
Vista - Richiesta Punti
By Giuls · 265 posts · 187 views
last updated Feb 03, 2018 03:34AM
Udito - Richiesta punti
By Dondiegodelab… · 249 posts · 168 views
last updated Feb 02, 2018 07:50AM
Gusto - Richiesta punti
By Veronica · 261 posts · 184 views
last updated Feb 02, 2018 12:32AM
Tatto - Richiesta Punti
By Laura · 180 posts · 163 views
last updated Jan 31, 2018 11:21PM
Olfatto - Richiesta punti
By Rowizyx · 240 posts · 194 views
last updated Jan 31, 2018 03:00PM
Gusto - Domande task 11-19
By Veronica · 51 posts · 122 views
last updated Jan 25, 2018 09:44AM
Udito - Domande task 41-50
By Dondiegodelab… · 42 posts · 103 views
last updated Jan 22, 2018 08:25AM
Olfatto - Domande task 1-9
By Rowizyx · 58 posts · 136 views
last updated Jan 19, 2018 09:20AM
* Regolamento
By Martina · 42 posts · 237 views
last updated Nov 04, 2016 03:10PM
* Task
By Martina · 28 posts · 166 views
last updated Oct 09, 2016 12:28AM
* Gruppi
By Martina · 1 post · 106 views
last updated Oct 05, 2016 03:00PM
By Martina · 3 posts · 108 views
last updated Sep 29, 2016 07:46AM
Salottino del Tardis
By InsolitaMente · 21 posts · 182 views
last updated Nov 06, 2017 11:08AM
Vincitori V gara di lettura
By gizard · 7 posts · 116 views
last updated Dec 20, 2016 01:13AM
Emma: Richiesta punti
By Leady · 358 posts · 144 views
last updated Dec 14, 2016 01:44PM
Galileo: Richiesta punti
By gizard · 527 posts · 157 views
last updated Dec 12, 2016 09:24AM
Gutenberg: Richiesta punti
By InsolitaMente · 154 posts · 124 views
last updated Dec 12, 2016 03:04AM
HAL9000: Richiesta punti
By Martina · 283 posts · 141 views
last updated Dec 11, 2016 04:55AM
* Mondiali 2018
By Roberta · 685 posts · 428 views
last updated Aug 03, 2018 06:13AM
Finale - 16/29 luglio
By Rowizyx · 273 posts · 195 views
last updated Aug 03, 2018 08:34PM
Semifinali - 1/14 luglio
By Rowizyx · 298 posts · 100 views
last updated Jul 17, 2018 12:02PM
Girone 2 - 16/29 giugno
By Rowizyx · 162 posts · 73 views
last updated Jun 30, 2018 09:20PM
Girone 1 - 01/14 giugno
By Roberta · 173 posts · 143 views
last updated Jun 14, 2018 02:58PM
* Paesi e letture
By Roberta · 13 posts · 189 views
last updated Jul 13, 2016 12:02PM
* Europei di lettura 2016 - regolamento
By Roberta · 13 posts · 207 views
last updated Jun 13, 2016 05:55AM
7 luglio - Germania e Francia
By Roberta · 24 posts · 121 views
last updated Aug 08, 2016 05:54AM
26 giugno - Francia, Irlanda, Ungheria, Belgio, Germania, Slovacchia
By Roberta · 18 posts · 60 views
last updated Jul 28, 2016 11:48PM
22 giugno - Islanda, Austria, Italia, Irlanda, Ungheria, Portogallo, Svezia, Belgio
By Roberta · 47 posts · 64 views
last updated Jul 28, 2016 11:46PM
6 luglio - Portogalle e Galles
By Roberta · 14 posts · 45 views
last updated Jul 18, 2016 07:06AM
By Roberta · 3 posts · 80 views
last updated Jul 14, 2016 07:49AM
10 luglio - FINALE - Portogallo e Francia
By Roberta · 18 posts · 52 views
last updated Jul 13, 2016 01:50AM
3 luglio - Francia e Islanda
By Roberta · 15 posts · 54 views
last updated Jul 07, 2016 05:53AM
* Regolamento VII Gara di Lettura
By gizard · 1 post · 282 views
last updated Dec 08, 2018 02:55PM
* FAQ VII Gara di Lettura
By gizard · 11 posts · 156 views
last updated Mar 02, 2019 01:13PM
* Tutte le TASK
By gizard · 107 posts · 260 views
last updated Apr 02, 2019 04:53AM
* Gruppi VII Gara di Lettura
By gizard · 2 posts · 86 views
last updated Jan 12, 2019 04:11AM
* Iscrizioni VII Gara di Lettura
By gizard · 123 posts · 256 views
last updated Jan 17, 2019 01:34PM
By gizard · 36 posts · 190 views
last updated Apr 05, 2019 06:13AM
VERDE - Richiesta punti
By Pacladam · 215 posts · 139 views
last updated Apr 03, 2019 12:49PM
GIALLO/ARANCIONE - Richiesta punti
By gizard · 573 posts · 160 views
last updated Apr 01, 2019 02:48PM
ROSSO - richiesta punti
By Elisabetta · 330 posts · 156 views
last updated Mar 31, 2019 05:13AM
BIANCO - Richiesta punti
By Francyy · 555 posts · 137 views
last updated Mar 31, 2019 02:37AM
Showing 5 of 4 topics — 118 comments total
+ Archivio
* Uso della sezione
By Roberta · 3 posts · 206 views
last updated Dec 28, 2022 11:25PM
* La bacheca - notizie interessanti scovate in rete
By Roberta · 68 posts · 370 views
last updated Oct 14, 2019 11:28AM
Libri in tv e al cinema - calendario
By Roberta · 38 posts · 254 views
last updated Nov 08, 2019 03:41AM
Brindisi - Unione Italiana Ciechi cerca donatori di voce
By Pao · 1 post · 79 views
last updated Mar 17, 2019 09:38AM
RAVENNA - Rianimazioni letterarie di poesia intensiva
By Roberta · 8 posts · 80 views
last updated Feb 04, 2019 09:48AM
* Tokyo '20-'21: I Giochi della XXXII Olimpiade di Goodreads Italia
By Roberta · 571 posts · 945 views
last updated Aug 23, 2021 12:29AM
Squadra Saamiya Yusuf Omar - commenti
By Roberta · 224 posts · 181 views
last updated Aug 31, 2021 03:30PM
Aeroporto Internazionale di Tokyo
By Roberta · 46 posts · 144 views
last updated Aug 23, 2021 12:37AM
Squadra Hélène de Pourtalès - commenti
By Roberta · 394 posts · 151 views
last updated Aug 23, 2021 12:31AM
Squadra Nadia Comăneci - commenti
By Roberta · 430 posts · 210 views
last updated Aug 13, 2021 08:31AM
Squadra Ondina Valla - commenti
By Roberta · 170 posts · 120 views
last updated Aug 12, 2021 11:33PM
Squadra Hassiba Boulmerka - commenti
By Roberta · 287 posts · 152 views
last updated Aug 12, 2021 08:59PM
* 2022 - Letturiadi invernali
By Roberta · 32 posts · 181 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 02:32AM
Squadra Everest
By Roberta · 62 posts · 172 views
last updated Mar 16, 2022 05:53AM
Squadra Lhotse
By Roberta · 56 posts · 85 views
last updated Mar 08, 2022 05:06AM
By Roberta · 14 posts · 70 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 02:12PM
Squadra Kangchenjunga
By Roberta · 96 posts · 92 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 10:56AM
By Roberta · 133 posts · 113 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 10:38AM
By Roberta · 78 posts · 67 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 07:53AM
By Roberta · 43 posts · 65 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 06:18AM
By Roberta · 32 posts · 72 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 06:15AM
By Roberta · 36 posts · 65 views
last updated Mar 01, 2022 06:06AM
En route pour Paris
By Roberta · 56 posts · 306 views
last updated Mar 15, 2024 08:54AM
Marzo 2024
By Roberta · 2 posts · 53 views
last updated Mar 12, 2024 07:49AM
Febbraio 2024
By Roberta · 5 posts · 96 views
last updated Feb 05, 2024 06:04AM
Dicembre 2023
By Roberta · 6 posts · 106 views
last updated Dec 29, 2023 06:19AM
Novembre 2023
By Roberta · 7 posts · 110 views
last updated Nov 30, 2023 05:29AM
Ottobre 2023
By Roberta · 14 posts · 147 views
last updated Oct 30, 2023 03:42AM
Settembre 2023
By Roberta · 25 posts · 150 views
last updated Oct 06, 2023 09:26AM
Parigi '24: I Giochi della XXXIII Olimpiade di Goodreads Italia
By Roberta · 67 posts · 137 views
last updated 4 hours, 31 min ago
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Bookshelf (showing 1-12 of 229)

Olive Kitteridge
Jun 30, 2024
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Via col vento
Jun 30, 2024
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Le braci
May 31, 2024
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Zia Mame
Apr 30, 2024
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Ferrovie del Messico
Mar 31, 2024
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Il quadrato dei sette
Feb 29, 2024
view »
Jan 31, 2024
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Gli Effinger
Dec 31, 2023
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La macchina del vento
Nov 30, 2023
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Oct 31, 2023
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GdL narrativa marzo 2022 - spareggio

Ragione e sentimento
  28 votes, 52.8%

Resto qui
  25 votes, 47.2%