
Consequence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "consequence" Showing 1-30 of 121
Robert Frost
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Robert Frost

William Goldman
“Who are you?"
"No one of consequence."
"I must know."
"Get used to disappointment.”
William Goldman, The Princess Bride

Criss Jami
“Whether you try too hard to fit in or you try too hard to stand out, it is of equal consequence: you exhaust your significance.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Mike  Norton
“So long as we are brave enough to accept the consequences of our actions, no one can take away our freedom of choice.”
Mike Norton

Sándor Márai
“And yet, sometimes facts are no more than pitiful consequences, because guilt does not reside in our acts but in the intentions that give rise to our act. Everything turns on our intentions.”
Sándor Márai, Embers

Oscar Wilde
“Each man lived his own life and paid his own price for living it. The only pity was one had to pay so often for a single fault. One had to pay over and over again, indeed. In her dealings with man, Destiny never closed her accounts.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Billie Jean King
“Tennis taught me so many lessons in life. One of the things it taught me is that every ball that comes to me, I have to make a decision. I have to accept responsibility for the consequences every time I hit a ball.”
Billie Jean King

Hans Fallada
“I don't want any funny business, and above all I don't want to be dragged into other people's funny business. If it's to be my head on the block, I want to know that it's doing there, and not that it's some stupid things that other people have done.”
Hans Fallada, Every Man Dies Alone

Tony Burgess
“And now, no matter what I thought I had done or why I did it, it has become completely untrue because of what I have done since.”
Tony Burgess, People Live Still in Cashtown Corners

Khayri R.R. Woulfe
“I deserve my lollipop and I deserve my toothache.”
Khayri R.R. Woulfe

Seanan McGuire
“They needed to know because a choice you make without knowing the consequences isn't any choice at all!”
Seanan McGuire, Lost in the Moment and Found

Dai Sijie
“At various points in our lives, or on a quest, for reasons that often remain obscure , we are driven to make decisions which prove with hindsight to be loaded with meaning.”
Dai Sijie, Once on a Moonless Night

Katja Michael
“Well, I suppose that consequently makes you my favorite nightmare.”
Katja Michael, She Came at Dawn

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Most often, what I don’t know will have a vastly greater bearing on my life that what I do know.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Anne’s is a world very like this one, and you can move about in it with familiarity - but not freedom: it is a place of rigorous consequence, where the weak have to give way to the strong, where her governess heroine Agnes must walk as best she can in the cold shade of money and masculinity.”
Jude Morgan, The Taste of Sorrow

“Nothing is small when you magnify it by eternity.”
Reed S. Hansen, Ri Conquers the Multiverse

Dave Duncan
“No, she who rides the tiger can never dismount!”
Dave Duncan, Ill Met in the Arena

Yuval Noah Harari
“Our daily routines influence the lives of people and animals halfway across the world, and some personal gestures can unexpectedly set the entire world ablaze, as happened with the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia, which ignited the Arab Spring, and with the women who shared their stories of sexual harassment and sparked the #MeToo movement.”
Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "Be an active cause of success, no a consequence of someone's scorn."

Česky: „Buď aktivní příčina úspěchu,
ne důsledek cizího výsměchu.”
Sebastián Wortys

Terry Brooks
“Sometimes the choices you are given are bad ones, no matter which way you go. And therefore the consequences are bad ones, as well.”
Terry Brooks, The Gypsy Morph

Robert J. Tiess
“Tomorrows hinge / on one decision. / In all directions: / consequence.

(from Destinations)”
Robert J. Tiess, The Humbling and Other Poems

“If a drift is a rift, it's a shift.”
Martin Uzochukwu Ugwu

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Wise people are considering the interior because effervescence of interior will consequence the explosion.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Sarah J. Schmitt
“Everything you do has a consequence. Good, bad, indifferent, there is always a price to pay. The question is: who pays? Sometimes making the right choice means you might lose something that seems important at the time.”
Sarah J. Schmitt, It's a Wonderful Death

Thomm Quackenbush
“But that would be unsurprising given our innate short-sightedness to consequences. Why deal with the discomfort now when the agony comes to a future you? That is their problem.”
Thomm Quackenbush, The Curious Case of the Talking Mongoose

“The consequence of neglecting the family for career pursuit is costlier than the benefit of the career.”

“Wokeism, in its zealous pursuit of social justice, often inadvertently undermines the very principles it claims to champion. While the intention may be noble, the consequence is a stifling atmosphere where free speech becomes collateral damage. The suppression of dissenting voices, even through well-intentioned means, risks creating an echo chamber devoid of critical discourse. It's crucial to recognize that the path to a just society lies not in silencing opposition but in fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can coexist, allowing for the robust exchange of ideas that fuels progress.”
James William Steven Parker

Duncan Ralston
“I don't know, humane or not, man, a life is a life. Push a button half a million miles away or stick a shiv in a man's kidney while the dude stares you in the eye, you still got blood on your hands.”
Duncan Ralston, Dead Men Walking: a Novelette

Dara Horn
“There are so few Jews in the world: even in the United States, we are barely 2 percent of the population, a minority among minorities... Statistically speaking, nothing that happens to Jews should be of any consequence to anyone else.
Except that it is.”
Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present

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