da AL's Reviews > Project Do Better: Enough For All, in Four Phases

Project Do Better by Shira Destinie Jones
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it was amazing
bookshelves: non-fiction

Enough for all -- what a concept! By Jones drawing on her own economically challenging childhood, on what she learned globetrotting, on her experience serving in the military, and on the wisdom of people like President FDR -- she has come up with an ambitious plan where no one goes without. She not only hypothesizes that, with sober thought and implementation, there's no reason for destitution and loss of self -- she shows us how to achieve such a world!
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August 22, 2022 – Shelved
August 22, 2022 – Shelved as: non-fiction

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Shira Looking forward to seeing your thoughts, especially for Phase I. I'm posting short handouts for the start of the Public Financial Knowledge Infrastructure E1T1 groups and street corner seminars to give out.

Shira But there is a table of contents. Which version did you read?

Shira Here is the simple PDF version, BTW, showing my original table of contents directly in the doc:

https shiradest dot files for wordpress dot com/2022/07/dobetterdrft9.pdf

message 4: by da (last edited Aug 23, 2022 11:08AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL Shira wrote: "Here is the simple PDF version, BTW, showing my original table of contents directly in the doc:

https shiradest dot files for wordpress dot com/2022/07/dobetterdrft9.pdf"

ok - thanks, Shira -- I updated my comment

Shira Haha, I see the problem! I downloaded it on my phone accidentally, and I see that the PDF viewer on the phone doesn't bring up the left hand side set of thumb tools and bookmarks for the table of contents probably because the phone is too small. If you read it on your mobile you would need the draft nine version that had my old table of contents embedded, before draft to digital forced me to rip out my table of contents so they could put their table of contents in!

message 6: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL Shira wrote: "Haha, I see the problem! I downloaded it on my phone accidentally, and I see that the PDF viewer on the phone doesn't bring up the left hand side set of thumb tools and bookmarks for the table of c..."

glad it's worked out, Shira - readers can't imagine the amount of effort that goes into our babies -- a.k.a. our books <3

Shira da wrote: "Shira wrote: "Haha, I see the problem! I downloaded it on my phone accidentally, and I see that the PDF viewer on the phone doesn't bring up the left hand side set of thumb tools and bookmarks for ..."

Did you get a version with the ToC? I prefer the ePub version, personally, from The Archive.

message 8: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL the link I'd mentioned and then erased to sidestep confusing others didn't seem to have one - but now I don't have it any more so can't check

Shira Ok. I've updated a few things to try to clarify that the Epub is better to read on mobiles. Did you read it on your phone?

message 10: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL Shira wrote: "Ok. I've updated a few things to try to clarify that the Epub is better to read on mobiles. Did you read it on your phone?"

great & good luck! on my iMac

Shira da wrote: "Shira wrote: "Ok. I've updated a few things to try to clarify that the Epub is better to read on mobiles. Did you read it on your phone?"

great & good luck! on my iMac"

iMac? I've never heard of that! Is it a phone?

message 12: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL Shira wrote: "da wrote: "Shira wrote: "Ok. I've updated a few things to try to clarify that the Epub is better to read on mobiles. Did you read it on your phone?"

great & good luck! on my iMac"

iMac? I've neve..."

desktop computer - apple

Shira da wrote: "Shira wrote: "da wrote: "Shira wrote: "Ok. I've updated a few things to try to clarify that the Epub is better to read on mobiles. Did you read it on your phone?"

great & good luck! on my iMac"


Oh, you mean your Mac!

message 14: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL yes lol
how would you call apple products?
?? laptop
iMac - desktop = Mac?

Shira da wrote: "yes lol
how would you call apple products?
?? laptop
iMac - desktop = Mac?"

Well, Mac is what we always called it back in the day.

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