Emily May's Reviews > Elon Musk

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
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bookshelves: memoirs-or-bios, nonfiction, 2023

Walter Isaacson really is a fantastic biographer. It also helps that the material he is working with here is fascinating... there's no denying that Elon Musk has had a very interesting life and is himself quite unlike any other human. Though often not in a good way.

We start this book in his childhood in South Africa and follow him through his difficulties with his father, his move to the United States, and several tumultuous businesses and relationships. He certainly did not have his wealth and success handed to him, but earned it through a combination of being brilliant and being an asshole.

Isaacson is neither judgy, nor overly forgiving, and Elon Musk gets portrayed as the volatile idealogue he is. I do believe, after reading this book, that he is genuinely motivated by his own desire to better the planet and humanity, though his definition of bettering is suspect and he is not afraid to trample the little people to achieve his lofty goals. He's a genius, I guess. A savant. And a total dick. Thank goodness I can be fairly sure our paths will never cross.

Edit: After reading some of the comments, I wanted to add one more thing. Despite what some people seem to have assumed, Isaacson is far from uncritical of Musk. This is not propaganda written by a fanboy; Isaacson portrays Musk as chaotic, mean, immature and obsessive. He documents his childish outbursts and what he calls his "demon mode". Having read Isaacson before, I didn't expect any less.
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June 14, 2023 – Shelved
September 14, 2023 – Started Reading
September 22, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

message 1: by Juhi (new)

Juhi I had the feeling about his desire to better the planet and humanity after reading the first bio on him. What followed after, support of republican climate change denying politicians, daily private jet trips, whole twitter drama made me feel like he’s like all other billionaires. He might be a genius but certainly not thinking beyond himself.

message 2: by Claire (new)

Claire Holliday A very clever review Emily! I dislike him intensely but do want to understand him better. Perhaps I’ll give it a try.

message 3: by Heather Jo (new) - added it

Heather Jo Brilliant review. I've added it to my TBR list.

Emily May Juhi wrote: "I had the feeling about his desire to better the planet and humanity after reading the first bio on him. What followed after, support of republican climate change denying politicians, daily private..."

To be fair, that is all addressed in the book. He does not agree with most Republicans, especially those who refuse to acknowledge climate science, but he sees the policies of the Democrats as being more restrictive of human growth and progress. I'm not saying he's right, but I am convinced he made the decision based on a genuine belief that it was better for humanity.

Emily May Claire wrote: "A very clever review Emily! I dislike him intensely but do want to understand him better. Perhaps I’ll give it a try."

Thank you, Claire. I do think this book helps to understand him a lot. I'm with you, he sounds absolutely awful, but it was interesting to get a look inside why he is like he is.

Emily May Heather wrote: "Brilliant review. I've added it to my TBR list."

Thanks, Heather :) Hope you enjoy also!

message 7: by Erika (new)

Erika I have this on hold at the library. I’m number 87 😂
Great review! Yes, Elon is fascinating…he is like a computer

message 8: by Cyndriana (new)

Cyndriana I absolutely loved reading his Steve Jobs biography, you've convinced me to pick this one next.

message 9: by Andrea (new)

Andrea I've met him and he's vile. I'll take a pass on this one.

message 10: by Hoolia (new)

Hoolia What is it like trying to square his public behavior with the character described in this book? It’s hard for me to describe anyone of his demeanor as a genius….

message 11: by İdil (new)

İdil Yeah I’ll take a pass on this one as well. I think we all know that this book, regardless of the skill of the biographer, isn’t going to be an unbiased account one way or the other.

message 12: by Logan (new)

Logan Seems like the Musk propaganda is working just as well as he would have hoped if you came away feeling this positive about his desire to better the world.

For Elon Musk bettering the world is letting most people be left behind and harmed while a select few spread humanity through the galaxy. That isn’t anywhere in my definition of better.

Emily May Hoolia wrote: "What is it like trying to square his public behavior with the character described in this book? It’s hard for me to describe anyone of his demeanor as a genius…."

I don't think "genius" and "obnoxious asshole" are mutually exclusive at all. A lot of smart men are dicks.

Emily May İdil wrote: "Yeah I’ll take a pass on this one as well. I think we all know that this book, regardless of the skill of the biographer, isn’t going to be an unbiased account one way or the other."

True. There's no such thing as an unbiased biography.

Emily May Logan wrote: "Seems like the Musk propaganda is working just as well as he would have hoped if you came away feeling this positive about his desire to better the world.

For Elon Musk bettering the world is lett..."

Sorry, but did you read what I wrote? The guy is a total douche. No argument there. But I do believe he thinks he is bettering mankind. I disagree with his methods entirely. Bullying and belittling people as part of a grandiose scheme to better mankind is bettering nothing.

message 16: by Ray (new)

Ray You believe in a carefully constructed facade made by the biographer. This book is a narrative ploy

Emily May Ray wrote: "You believe in a carefully constructed facade made by the biographer. This book is a narrative ploy"

I don't agree with you. I think Walter Isaacson would have done a better job if his intention was to warm us to Musk. I actually felt like he had a lot of disdain and incredulity for Musk that he tried to mask with neutrality.

message 18: by Logan (new)

Logan I did read the review, but to me calling him an asshole you don't want to be around while saying he genuinely wants to make the world better doesn't actually express the reality of the latter. That could just mean he's a strong willed mean person to the people in his orbit but he's actually doing right by the world at large.

Observing Elon's actions over the last couple years would make it fairly clear he _thinks_ he's doing the right thing at all times in some very particular fiction of the world he has concocted in his head. But to express that as him genuinely wanting to better the world I think does a disservice to the world of people experiencing real harm for each step of "progress" he takes.

I don't doubt that you don't like Elon musk, but the wording of the original review comes off as a bit of an Elon apologist review IMO, which was striking to me because it didn't seem compatible with how you view the world in your other reviews that I've been following for years.

Emily May Logan wrote: "I did read the review, but to me calling him an asshole you don't want to be around while saying he genuinely wants to make the world better doesn't actually express the reality of the latter. That..."

Fair enough. Sometimes I assume people can infer things from my review, and in this case it seems I was wrong. I have extended the sentence to, hopefully, make it clear I don't agree with his idea of "bettering" the world. I had thought my calling him an asshole made that clear. Also, it never occurred to me that past readers of my reviews could possibly mistake me for an Elon Musk apologist, but yet again my assumptions are incorrect.

message 20: by Hoolia (new)

Hoolia Fair point! I don’t think I’ll wind up reading this, I think I already have to talk to too many men like this in my life haha, but I appreciate your reviews! :)

Emily May Hoolia wrote: "Fair point! I don’t think I’ll wind up reading this, I think I already have to talk to too many men like this in my life haha, but I appreciate your reviews! :)"

God, I feel that 😂

Johnnysbookreviews Did Walter talk about Neurolink in the book? The company Elon has formed to help depression or control our minds. Second, did Walter talk about Elon's sexual harassment case?

message 23: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Biondi I can't express enough how much I love your reviews. The way you’re able to be critical without being too biased (as humans we're all subject to SOME bias but you seem to have incredible control over yours). It's so refreshing and an under-appreciated skill. Please never stop doing what you're doing.

Emily May Johnnysbookreviews wrote: "Did Walter talk about Neurolink in the book? The company Elon has formed to help depression or control our minds. Second, did Walter talk about Elon's sexual harassment case?"

Yes, he talks about both. There's a lot on Neurolink, especially.

Emily May Lauren wrote: "I can't express enough how much I love your reviews. The way you’re able to be critical without being too biased (as humans we're all subject to SOME bias but you seem to have incredible control ov..."

Thank you so much, Lauren :)

Marquise Excellent review, Emily! One of your best.

I saw an interview with Isaacson a few days ago, and from what he said in it, he gave me the exact same impression of what he thinks of Musk as you said: not overly judgy but not uncritical. Not sure why others think he is, but perhaps they can't handle him with the same reserved balance? He does elicit a host of extreme emotions, for sure.

Emily May Marquise wrote: "Excellent review, Emily! One of your best.

I saw an interview with Isaacson a few days ago, and from what he said in it, he gave me the exact same impression of what he thinks of Musk as you said..."

Thank you, Marquise!

I expected strong reactions about Musk himself but I thought Isaacson was more widely-respected and people knew him as a thoughtful and critical biographer. I was taken aback by comments like "You believe in a carefully constructed facade made by the biographer. This book is a narrative ploy" because he's really not Elon's publicity team. That's just not what he does 🤷‍♀️

Marquise Emily May wrote: "That's just not what he does 🤷‍♀️"

Yeah, exactly! His body of work speaks for itself, and you'd think people would take that into consideration.

Marty Fried Enjoyed the review; it made me want to read the book. Sorry you seem to be bearing the brunt of so many people's negative opinions based on perceived motives of both him and yourself. I certainly didn't interpret your review as being a Musk apologist. It's too bad that the current political climate seems to push opinions to extremes, where everyone needs to be either all perfect or all cancelled.

Emily May Marty wrote: "Enjoyed the review; it made me want to read the book. Sorry you seem to be bearing the brunt of so many people's negative opinions based on perceived motives of both him and yourself. I certainly d..."

Thank you, Marty :)

message 31: by Nataliya (new)

Nataliya Excellent review, Emily! I really admire how you can review the book without reviewing the personality of Elon Musk. (I can only assume that the majority of reviews here will be the latter and not the former.) I read a couple of biographies by Isaacson, and he’s really good as a biographer, presenting things more objectively than I think most writers would be able to.

Emily May Nataliya wrote: "Excellent review, Emily! I really admire how you can review the book without reviewing the personality of Elon Musk. (I can only assume that the majority of reviews here will be the latter and not ..."

Thanks, Nataliya! Yes, I think Isaacson has a lot of journalistic integrity. Obviously, noone is without personal bias but I think he tries to portray Musk as he truly is-- a person who has done incredible and awful things.

message 33: by Crhistian (new) - added it

Crhistian Ghamaliel How could you read it so fast?! I've just saw it in the book stores some days ago! 😱

Emily May Crhistian wrote: "How could you read it so fast?! I've just saw it in the book stores some days ago! 😱"

It released September 12th and I started it just after! Also, lots of short chapters and engaging writing help 😁

message 35: by Marzena (new)

Marzena Emily May wrote: "Juhi wrote: "I had the feeling about his desire to better the planet and humanity after reading the first bio on him. What followed after, support of republican climate change denying politicians, ..."

You mean what Elon believes is better for humanity, with complete disregard of Science and empirical evidence. No rich and powerful NARCISSIST is able to look outside of themselves. The book may want to paint a certain picture if the man but that's just words. Look into his actions and then tell me what kind of person he truly is.

Emily May Marzena wrote: "Emily May wrote: "Juhi wrote: "I had the feeling about his desire to better the planet and humanity after reading the first bio on him. What followed after, support of republican climate change den..."

That's exactly what I said in my review. Stop looking for a fight with people who agree with you.

message 37: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Sullivan The fact that people keep hounding you makes me worry for their reading comprehension. Sigh. Keep doing what you’re doing Ms Em. :)

message 38: by Aurelian (new)

Aurelian “demon mode” is fucking hilarious, you could tell the man plays too many video games

Emily May Melissa wrote: "The fact that people keep hounding you makes me worry for their reading comprehension. Sigh. Keep doing what you’re doing Ms Em. :)"

Thanks, Melissa :)

message 40: by Natalie (new) - added it

Natalie I’m interested in reading this myself but wonder if his being on the spectrum makes ppl feel like he’s mean or a “dick”?

Emily May Natalie wrote: "I’m interested in reading this myself but wonder if his being on the spectrum makes ppl feel like he’s mean or a “dick”?"

It definitely plays a part but I don't think that excuses all of his behaviour.

message 42: by leah (new) - added it

leah Fantastic review!

Emily May leah wrote: "Fantastic review!"

Thank you, leah :)

message 44: by Peter (new)

Peter A couple of recent New Yorker pieces seem to indicate Isaacson was a bit soft on the Musk-o-vite. Good to see tall stacks of this book unsold in Tokyo.

Emily May Peter wrote: "A couple of recent New Yorker pieces seem to indicate Isaacson was a bit soft on the Musk-o-vite. Good to see tall stacks of this book unsold in Tokyo."

Was there a particular article you meant? I only found the one by Jill Lepore, which says:
As I read it, Isaacson found much to like and admire in Jobs but is decidedly uncomfortable with Musk. (He calls him, at one point, “an asshole.”) Still, Isaacson’s descriptions of Jobs and Musk are often interchangeable. “His passions, perfectionism, demons, desires, artistry, devilry, and obsession for control were integrally connected to his approach to business and the products that resulted.” (That’s Jobs.) “It was in his nature to want total control.” (Musk.) “He didn’t have the emotional receptors that produce everyday kindness and warmth and a desire to be liked.” (Musk.)


“Sometimes great innovators are risk-seeking man-children who resist potty training,” Isaacson concludes in the last lines of his life of Musk.

I'm not sure what more people were expecting from Isaacson.

message 46: by Andrea (new) - added it

Andrea Sottoriva Thanks for a great and balanced review , Emily !

Elisabeth Mayer I think your review is spot on! All the nit pickers are just looking to be just that... a bunch of nit pickers with nothing else to do. Your review is thoughtful and accurate. I too am extremely impressed by Walter Isaacson, and I'm looking forward to reading his other works. Elon Musk might be the most fascinating human being alive. No wonder he's obsessed with space travel and getting to Mars. He's as martian-like as you can get.

Emily May Elisabeth wrote: "I think your review is spot on! All the nit pickers are just looking to be just that... a bunch of nit pickers with nothing else to do. Your review is thoughtful and accurate. I too am extremely im..."

Thank you, Elisabeth! Definitely read more Isaacson; he's written some really great books :)

ReadingWithMyCats Allie Cat meow Great review !

Emily May ReadingWithMyCats wrote: "Great review !"

Thank you! :)

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