Jos's Reviews > Elon Musk

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
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My hatred for Elon Musk is great, but not greater than my love for gossip
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Reading Progress

September 13, 2023 – Shelved
September 13, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
September 14, 2023 – Started Reading
September 14, 2023 –
September 27, 2023 –
4.0% "Detesto a Elon, pero detesto a su padre aún más"
October 27, 2023 –
6.0% "Esto de estudiar, trabajar y traducir no me da mucho tiempo libre para leer"
November 16, 2023 –
11.0% "Hace siglos no actualizaba esto lol"

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Andrea this book has SO MUCH gossip. it's what kept me going

message 2: by Jos (new) - added it

Jos From the beginning Isaacson was SPILLING the tea🍵

message 3: by Amanda (new) - added it

Amanda Alexandre Girl, same

message 4: by Aleza C. L. (new)

Read's Aleza C. L. Mood: Latina (activado)

Carlos Neves Ok. So, you should read it. Because most bad things and hate are founded in lies and gossip.
If you want the truth...
And Walter I. is a very good person and biographer.

message 6: by Heather (new)

Heather  Lovick ❤ I love elon!

message 7: by Jos (new) - added it

Jos @Carlos I started reading it already, but my hatred (even though I used such a strong word for dramatism, is mere dislike) for Elon is based on his actions alone, not on gossip I heard about him

message 8: by Jos (new) - added it

Jos @Heather to each their own! Haha

message 9: by Rowan White (new)

Rowan White Damn, I might have to read this one! Can’t stand the man, and I am down for gossip about him.

Cathy Agreed! My love of dishy gossip compelled me to read this book and Walter Isaacson's superb writing. It's fascinating to see what makes Musk run and how he operates. I still can't decide how much control Musk has over his own life and ambition.

message 11: by Jos (new) - added it

Jos @Cathy I think Elon is somewhat of a crazy man that has his own version of what the world is in his head and follows those rules, and it has worked out for him, even if I don't like him as a person, is kinda impressing ngl

message 12: by Blake (new) - added it

Blake Real

Olivia This made me laugh.

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