C's Reviews > Elon Musk

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
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did not like it

Extremely tedious in my opinion: reads like an overview of the desk calendar of a borderline sociopath. It’s puzzling to me that society gives a pass to a rich man who self-diagnoses himself with Aspergers as a cover for abusive and controlling behavior towards everyone in his orbit. After learning of the deliberate cruelty against the monkeys tortured for Neuralink to test its implants, it’s clear to me that there’s a subset of the population who doesn’t care at all about the ramifications of their self-aggrandizement. Unfortunately too many of them are powerful enough and wealthy enough (or have enough employees to browbeat into utterly appalling behavior. Too bad there’s not a person with massive wealth and political influence who cares about REALLY improving the planet’s health instead of this Mars bull$hit. I wonder if he breeds so much so he can put his kids in his Mars mission vehicles in the future and I wonder how they will feel about that🫥
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September 15, 2023 – Started Reading
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message 1: by Vanwhelan (new) - added it

Vanwhelan So...do you hate Musk or do you hate the book?

message 2: by C (new) - rated it 1 star

C Why not both? The book doesn’t show him to particularly smart. It doesn’t show him to be a visionary either. It definitely doesn’t show him to be terribly interesting either. I don’t know him; I don’t want to know him either. He is just another rich white guy with too much money and too much power.

Ross Moody I don’t think we read the same book. Sure Elon is a man child, but to say he is not smart or visionary is preposterous. He’s been pivotal in reshaping space and automotive industries.

Gizzard Smart yes. Visionary, based on my slog through this book, so far, he hasn't been able to implement anything that didn't already exist. Neuralink, solar roofing, hyperloop. Watching him being cheered while he spirals into his fantasy life, where he is a God, is very disturbing.

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