da AL's Reviews > Write for Life: Creative Tools for Every Writer

Write for Life by Julia Cameron
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it was amazing
bookshelves: non-fiction

My first week in, and experiencing the magic already! “Write for Life,” Cameron's newest creativity workbook of many, is a scant 6 weeks long, half of her typical 12-weeks. By the second night after I started it, I awoke at 3am with my eyes seeing differently. Besides other things, Cameron assigns the mainstays of daily writing, weekly outings, and a couple of weekly walks. My, oh, my, I can be so truly grudging about doing them, every single time only to be absolutely blown away by how much they help me. So far they’ve never failed to bring fresh insights.
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Finished Reading
September 28, 2023 – Shelved
September 28, 2023 – Shelved as: non-fiction

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