Cheryl's Reviews > Robert Frost Selected Poems

Robert Frost Selected Poems by Robert Frost
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: poetry, mesmerizing, vintage

Since I was a little girl, Frost could do no wrong. He still can't. The cadence of his lines, the lucidity of his poetry, always transports me. I'm a little upset that my edition isn't listed here on GR though. Mine has quite a few more poems from his earlier and later life.
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Reading Progress

May 6, 2013 – Started Reading
May 7, 2013 – Shelved
May 9, 2013 –
page 50
34.72% "And the dead leaves lie huddled and still,
No longer blown hither and thither;
The last lone aster is gone;
The flowers of the witch-hazel wither;
The heart is still aching to seek,
But the feet question "Whither?""
May 13, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Karen· (new)

Karen· Do you have an ISBN for your edition? I can have a go at adding it.

Cheryl That will be great! I'm not at home now and my copy's sitting on my coffee table. I'll get it to you tomorrow. Thanks, Karen! :-)

Cheryl Yay! Yet another author we both like!

Cheryl Karen wrote: "Do you have an ISBN for your edition? I can have a go at adding it."

Karen can you tell me if this works: ISBN 978-1-4351-2670-1 ?

message 5: by Karen· (new)

Karen· Have a look here:

If it's the one you have, there should be an option "Switch to this edition".

Cheryl How did I miss this one? I usually try to comb through for editions. Thanks, Karen! I guess that's why GR needs librarians like you huh? :-)

Cheryl Btw, Karen, off topic: I have yet to read Proust. I may just go through your 2013 Proust shelf to pick the first one for my 2013 classics challenge shelf :-)

message 8: by Karen· (new)

Karen· Cheryl wrote: "How did I miss this one? I usually try to comb through for editions. Thanks, Karen! I guess that's why GR needs librarians like you huh? :-)"

I did nothing: it was already there. I quite enjoy fossicking about with that kind of thing, anyway. GR knows that there are people like me out there, amateur perfectionists.
As for Proust: beware! It is one novel in seven volumes. Once you're hooked...

Cheryl Ha! I will heed the Proust warning :)

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