Berengaria's Reviews > The Vaster Wilds

The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2024-reads, historical-fiction, north-american-lit, spirituality

4.5 stars

short review for busy readers: Unique historical adventure set against the backdrop of raw survival in the New World. Highly competently structured and written. Excellent pacing, lots of vivid nature descriptions without becoming overly detailed. Glimpses into the Powhatan civilization, 17th century English life and the early English colonies in America. Descriptions of hunting/eating wild animals for survival, disease and an instance of cannibalism (all historically accurate).

This is a story meant to be heard, not read. So *best on audio.*

in detail:
Early 1600s. Jamestown, Virginia.

"Girl," the servant of a clergyman and his family who was never asked if she wanted to go to the New World, escapes the Jamestown settlement ravaged by hunger, disease and religion-fueled cruelty after witnessing an instance of cannibalism.

Walking north to find the French she has heard have their own settlements, Girl must face not only the dangers of the wild, but also her crumbling worldview, which shatters every belief she ever accepted as true.

Traditionally, there have been 4 types of stories (man vs technology is a recent 5th):

man vs society
man vs man
man vs himself
man vs nature

They say this final one - man vs nature - is the hardest to write and therefore the rarest, as a novel without people or human structures is often of little interest to readers and can become quite repetitive if not handled with extraordinary care. (In literature think of Jack London's work such as To Build a Fire and in cinema, the movie "Castaway," "The Martian" or the show "Alone".)

Lauren Groff took up the challenge -- and that massively successfully. I was never once bored or found the narrative lacking in tension.

Her characterisation and feel for pacing is excellent, as she seamlessly intersperses flashbacks to Girl's life in London with the dramatic challenges of her current flight. Groff gives us an unrelenting 360° view of the 17th century life of a person with no name or importance, but who nonetheless has a depth of emotion, belief and understanding that far outstrips the people around her.

While Girl's iconoclastic thought trains may seem very modern - and some are - most are in keeping with the thoughts of English religious "crazies" of that time period, such as the Quakers, who believed so much in the equality of all people that they were often jailed or disowned for their beliefs.

The Vaster Wilds is not a happy story (view spoiler), but it is a beautiful story, full of the wonders, and horrors, of the natural world.

It is historical fiction, but only as flavouring. The real focus of the narrative is on our place in nature and the universe, on our relationship with all that surrounds us.

It is also one of those rare stories best heard, not read. I realised this almost half way through the print version, so if this book interests you, I'd highly suggest opting for an audio version if you can.
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Reading Progress

March 4, 2024 – Shelved
March 12, 2024 – Started Reading
March 14, 2024 –
page 136
50.0% "one of the best "man vs nature" I've ever read. (so far)"
March 15, 2024 –
page 227
March 16, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by inciminci (new)

inciminci Awesome review B, glad it was a hit for you!

message 2: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Love this review! I often learn so much from your thoughts, especially when you analyse books from a writing perspective. I've never looked at books with a 'man vs. x' lens, and find it intriguing how nature creates the most complicated opponent to pen. I'm going to try this... I'm audio!

Berengaria inciminci wrote: "Awesome review B, glad it was a hit for you!"

Thanks, Inci! I'll surely read more by her in the future.

message 4: by Ruxandra Grrr (new)

Ruxandra Grrr this sounds amazing, definitely putting it on my list! great review :)

Sarah I love your "man vs. nature" list, B. I'd add that awesome show Alone to the mix ~ have you seen it?

I'm a sucker for this sort of thing, so I'm adding it now (audio version). Thank you!

Berengaria Rosh (is busy; will catch up soon!) wrote: "Love this review! I "

I do wonder why it is so difficult for many to make nature into a literary source of conflict. If we think about even just plain old farming, nature is quite a challenge! Bad weather, insects, wild animals, fungus, disease, rot. Where's the lack of conflict and struggle there?

But that'd be me. I can understand that humanless stories might not interest too many readers. Hope you enjoy the story just as much as I did when you get to it!

Berengaria Ruxandra Grrr wrote: "this sounds amazing, definitely putting it on my list! great review :)"

Hope you like it when/if you get to it!

Berengaria Sarah wrote: "I love your "man vs. nature" list, B. I'd add that awesome show Alone to the mix ~ have you seen it? "

No, I haven't as I don't watch TV, but I'll add it to the list. Thanks!

Hope you get as much out of the story as I did! I think you very well might, though. It's just the right blend of nature and an independent thinker questioning traditional religion in order to come to their own understanding of God that would be right up your alley. 😇

message 9: by Tina (new)

Tina This sounds amazing and thanks for the tip that it's best on audio! I've noted it! A fab review B 🙌

message 10: by hawk (new) - rated it 5 stars

hawk and definitely re it being great heard :D

message 11: by Anna Carina (new) - added it

Anna Carina S. Da ist mir tatsächlich deine Rezi hier entgangen. Bin grad auf Instagram auf das Buch gestoßen und sehr interessiert. Wenn du auch so begeistert bist, dann lese ich das definitiv! 👍

message 12: by Alexander (new)

Alexander Carmele Es ist nicht zum Lesen, sondern zum Hören ... schade, ich höre keine Bücher, ich kann das nicht. Weiß nicht warum. Ich lese mal rein.

Berengaria hawk wrote: "and definitely re it being great heard :D"

Almost wish I had access to audio books to hear it again!

Berengaria Alexander wrote: "Es ist nicht zum Lesen, sondern zum Hören ... schade, ich höre keine Bücher, ich kann das nicht. Weiß nicht warum. Ich lese mal rein."

Ich hab's auch gelesen, nicht gehört. Fand ich auch als Text super, nur ist wahrscheinlich als Hörbuch *noch* besser.

Man muss sich nur auf eine Geschichte einlassen, in der nur sehr wenige Menschen vorkommen, dafür aber sehr viel Natur, und es geht. 🌳🦅🐇

Berengaria Anna Carina wrote: "Da ist mir tatsächlich deine Rezi hier entgangen. Bin grad auf Instagram auf das Buch gestoßen und sehr interessiert. Wenn du auch so begeistert bist, dann lese ich das definitiv! 👍"

Hoffe, du wirst auch so begeistert sein wie ich es war!

Du musst dich nur auf eine Geschichte einlassen, in der sehr wenige Menschen vorkommen, dafür aber sehr viel Natur. Das ist der Knackpunkt für viele Leser, die die Natur (Kälte, Wasserfälle, Raubtiere) nicht als richtigen Konfliktherd sehen können.

Und naturlich, es ist keine happy Geschichte. Viel Böses und Schwieriges passiert...aber der Schreibstil und die Figur von Girl sind großartig, finde ich, und machen es allemal lesenswert.

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