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Lemony Snicket
“If anyone taller than you has ever reached down to push you by the shoulder, then you know it is not a pleasant way to travel”
Lemony Snicket, The Penultimate Peril

Terry Pratchett
“Zoology, eh? That's a big word, isn't it?"
"No, actually it isn't," said Tiffany. "Patronizing is a big word. Zoology is really quite short.”
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

“There is many a true word written in jest.”
H g wells, War of the Worlds: Blood of Mars

“And Dora is right sometimes, though she is our elder sister.”
Edith Nesbit, The Story of the Treasure Seekers

“But he was one of those weak creatures, void of pride, timorous, anæmic, hateful souls, full of shifty cunning, who face neither God nor man, who face not even themselves.”
H G Wells, War of the Worlds: Blood of Mars