Error in running VertexAI on GCP


I'm running VertexAI to generate some data and can run it locally, yet when I try to run it on GCP, it hits an error.
The error is quite generic: 


"Error: [VertexAI.GoogleGenerativeAIError]: exception posting request

    at generateJob (...)

as shown in picture. Any clues how to debug?

Solved Solved
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I went through the documentation some more and tinkering with my settings. I was looking up the integration of my project with VertexAI but it seems to integrate and yet not show any available resources, as shown bellow.



But the documentation does not give any clues on how to actually view resources in these rows.
The one thing mentioned was finding an appropriate region, and setting all resources to the same region, which I have.

Any clues on how to proceed? 🙂

I have had a similar experience with my Vertex AI Node JS client. It works perfectly fine locally. But once I deploy on Cloud Run GCP, it returns error "exception posting request to model". I initially thought it was a service account permissions issue because it happened on a local container I built and ran as well. However, I've given all of the necessary permissions including Service Account User, Vertex AI agent, Vertex AI Admin, Cloud Run user etc to the service account. Still doesn't solve the issue. However, it runs perfectly locally with my service account. 


Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 08.17.47.png

Very minor update.
Project on freeze on my end, I don't know when (if ever) I'll update this issue.
Found no solution so far.

I was able to resolve it on my end. I found out it was my node version that was the issue. It requires Node.Js version 18+ to work. I used the right version and the issue stopped. 

Thanks for the tip 🙂
I checked and we're running node v20.11.1
Could still be node version issue, but it's not an outdated node issue.

Can you say what version do you use?

I use Node v18.

Thank you so much, now it works, you literally saved me