Google Dialogflow CX - Wrapup Event

Checking logs from the Google Dialogflow CX project I'm working with, I occasionally see this error




No handler is defined for the event: wrapup. Define one or define a handler for the system event: sys.unknown-event, that catches events without defined handlers.



Now, normally this would be a quick solution, go into the agent, at the top of each flow set an event handler for Unknown Event, and move on, but I have a question/suggestion

If this wrapup event is triggered on all terminated sessions, can it be accessed to use a webhook for post-session logging/output, even on sessions that were abandoned? 

It would be preferable to trying to collect it at designed endpoints and reduce duplicate logging where the session data is set once at the beginning of the session and then updated as the user goes through the agent.

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Hi anwhite,

Unfortunately, the wrapup event cannot be accessed to use a webhook for post-session logging/output after it was triggered on all terminated sessions, even on sessions that were abandoned in Dialogflow.

Alternative Approach for Abandoned Session:

To capture data from abandoned sessions, here is an example strategy:

Session Expiration - Set a session timeout in Dialogflow. When a session expires due to inactivity, you can trigger a webhook set for session expiration. This can capture data for some abandoned sessions but might miss those that end very quickly.

The error "No handler is defined for the event: wrapup" appears in Dialogflow because it doesn't have a built-in "wrapup" event to signify general session termination. This event might be present in other systems you're working with. You may refer to the event handlers for more information.

Here's a breakdown of why you’re seeing this error and alternative solutions in Dialogflow:

  • Why the error occurs:
    • Dialogflow relies on explicit intent and event triggering. There's no built-in "wrapup" event for all sessions.
    • You might be encountering this error if you're used to working with systems that have a "wrapup" event.

Alternative Approaches for Capturing Session Data:

  • Conversation End Detection and Webhooks:
    • Utilize conversation end intents and events (e.g., END_FLOW intent in CX) to trigger a webhook.
    • The webhook can capture session data at the conversation end but might miss data from abruptly abandoned sessions.

By implementing this approach, you can capture session data throughout the conversation flow, reducing redundancy and providing a more detailed record of user interactions in Dialogflow.

I hope this helps.

View solution in original post


Hi anwhite,

Unfortunately, the wrapup event cannot be accessed to use a webhook for post-session logging/output after it was triggered on all terminated sessions, even on sessions that were abandoned in Dialogflow.

Alternative Approach for Abandoned Session:

To capture data from abandoned sessions, here is an example strategy:

Session Expiration - Set a session timeout in Dialogflow. When a session expires due to inactivity, you can trigger a webhook set for session expiration. This can capture data for some abandoned sessions but might miss those that end very quickly.

The error "No handler is defined for the event: wrapup" appears in Dialogflow because it doesn't have a built-in "wrapup" event to signify general session termination. This event might be present in other systems you're working with. You may refer to the event handlers for more information.

Here's a breakdown of why you’re seeing this error and alternative solutions in Dialogflow:

  • Why the error occurs:
    • Dialogflow relies on explicit intent and event triggering. There's no built-in "wrapup" event for all sessions.
    • You might be encountering this error if you're used to working with systems that have a "wrapup" event.

Alternative Approaches for Capturing Session Data:

  • Conversation End Detection and Webhooks:
    • Utilize conversation end intents and events (e.g., END_FLOW intent in CX) to trigger a webhook.
    • The webhook can capture session data at the conversation end but might miss data from abruptly abandoned sessions.

By implementing this approach, you can capture session data throughout the conversation flow, reducing redundancy and providing a more detailed record of user interactions in Dialogflow.

I hope this helps.