Differences in call-to-action buttons for LinkedIn Pages and LinkedIn Premium Company Pages

Last updated: 2 months ago

A custom call-to-action button can be used by admins who manage a free LinkedIn Page or a Premium Company Page to boost engagement with members.

For each Page type, you can select from a list of names for the call-to-action and customize it with a unique URL. To review the list of custom action text you can use for a custom call-to-action, learn more about Custom call-to-action buttons for your LinkedIn Page.

Custom call-to-action buttons for LinkedIn Premium Company Pages 

Custom buttons that are set up on a Premium Company Page will appear at the top of the Page.  

Admins of Premium Company Pages also have the option to enable increased button visibility. This feature displays the button on the Page header, page posts and search results, making it easily accessible for members. Admins can use this feature to analyze trends or insights for custom button clicks across LinkedIn in Visitor Analytics. 

Important to know

Custom call-to-action buttons are currently not available for sponsored posts on LinkedIn Premium Company Pages.  

Custom call-to-action buttons for LinkedIn free Pages 

Custom buttons that are set up on a free LinkedIn Page will appear when a member clicks More or taps the  More menu on your Page. 

Admins of a free LinkedIn Page have the option of reviewing the number of times that members click on the custom call-to-action in the Visitor highlights section of Visitor analytics. 

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