Campaign Manager delivery metrics

Last updated: 4 months ago

In Campaign Manager, you can view your delivery metrics, such as the reach or average frequency of your ads, to help you measure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.  

Here's a tip

To view delivery metrics, select Delivery from the Columns dropdown menu on your reporting dashboard in Campaign Manager. The metrics shown are based on the objective and ad format selected.

Delivery metrics are available at the campaign group, campaign, and ad level on your reporting dashboard in Campaign Manager. You can also filter by breakdown for On/Off Network, but not for other breakdowns, which include placement, device type, conversions, and carousel. 

You can view these metrics for a maximum 92-day duration. For instance, you can view the metrics for 92 days from today, the past four days, or any combination of dates as long as it doesn’t exceed 92 days. You can create a report from more than 92 days ago as long as the maximum time between the start and end dates is 92 days. 

Important to know

Due to industry-wide privacy changes, we increasingly use modeling to predict member accounts reached on the LinkedIn Audience Network for portions of traffic where member-level information is no longer available. As we iterate on our models, the metric values could change over time. We recommend using these metrics only directionally, and not for historical performance comparisons.

When reviewing performance for your campaign, keep in mind that, due to the modeling involved in our calculations, it typically takes between 24-36 hours for the delivery metrics to be available. For example: 

  • If you select Yesterday as your time range, the data for reach and average frequency metrics might not be available in Campaign Manager. 
  • If you select Last 7 Days as your time range, your previous day's reach might not be reflected in your delivery metrics. 

Delivery metrics for a campaign are modeled, not exact. They include: 

  • Reach - The number of unique member accounts with at least one impression.

    Important to know

    Members are required by our user agreement to have only one account per person. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons, some members might occasionally have more than one account.  

  • Average frequency - The average number of impressions shown to each member account that received at least one impression.

  • Cost per 1,000 member accounts reached - The total spent on your ads, divided by every 1,000 member accounts reached.

Other metrics available for your ad campaign include: 

  • Performance 
  • Engagement 
  • Sponsored Messaging 
  • Conversions and leads 
  • Video 
  • Bid and budget 
  • Job applicants 

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