Engagement metrics in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 1 month ago

Select engagement metrics as a column view from the reporting dashboard or when exporting a report to see details about how different social actions have added to the performance of the campaign.

Engagement metrics for a campaign

Engagement metrics for a campaign include:

Metric Definition

Average CTR

Percentage of chargeable clicks relative to impressions (clicks divided by impressions).
Average Dwell Time

Time spent viewing the ad when at least 50% of the pixels are present on the screen. Duplicate views are counted.

  • Dwell time isn’t available for viral metrics.
  • For LinkedIn Audience Network - Average Dwell Time is measured on a sample of impressions where viewability signals are available. There may be circumstances where it doesn’t represent your campaign's full delivery.  
  • For Connected TV - Since viewability signals aren’t available, we factor in video completion rates to measure Average Dwell Time.
Reactions Number of positive reactions your ad received.
Comments Number of comments your ad received.
Shares Number of times your ad was shared.

Number of additional clicks when members follow:

  • Your organization's LinkedIn Page by clicking the Follow button on your Sponsored Content or Follower ad.
  • A member who has been sponsored by your Page by clicking the Follow button on the sponsored post.

With this metric, keep in mind:

  • You must select the Engagement objective for your campaign.
  • Follow clicks are both a paid and social click. They’re counted under the Clicks column and Total Social Actions column, and they're not double-counted in the Total Engagement column.
  • The Follows metric is different than the Followers metric on your LinkedIn Page. The Page keeps a running total of all your followers. Campaign Manager only tracks the follows gained from the Follow button from your Sponsored Content, or from the post of the member who was sponsored by your Page.
Other Other clicks on your ad include: View all comments, see more description, see social count, see list of likes, and more.
Total Social Actions Volume of social engagement your ad received. Includes reactions, comments, shares, follow clicks, reaction clicks, and other engagements.
Clicks to Landing Page Clicks to your website landing page.
Clicks to LinkedIn Page Clicks to your LinkedIn Page, including parent Company and Showcase Pages. 
Total Engagement The sum of all social actions, clicks to Landing Page, and clicks to LinkedIn Page, both chargeable and free.
Total Video Engagement The sum of all full screen plays, social actions, clicks to Landing Page, and clicks to LinkedIn Page, both chargeable and free. 
Engagement Rate  Number of times members interacted with your ad (paid and free clicks divided by total impressions).

The number of members whose first click on the ad in the feed is the Subscribe button. Any clicks on +Subscribe on subsequent pages, for example, the newsletter article page or the newsletter landing page, aren't counted as part of this metric. More detailed newsletter analytics are available to Page Admins on their Company Page Analytics tab. 

Note – Only for sponsored newsletter articles on LinkedIn feed. The Subscribe button isn’t available on sponsored newsletter articles delivered on LinkedIn Audience Network.

Viral engagement metrics

Viral metrics are also available if you export a Campaign performance or Ad performance report. Viral metrics result from users sharing a Sponsored Content ad to their own network of connections.

Engagement viral metrics include:
Metric Definition
Viral Impressions Impressions resulting from users sharing a Sponsored Content ad to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions.

Viral Clicks

Number of clicks on viral impressions.
Viral Reactions Number of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Content ads which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses.
Viral Comments Number of comments received from viral impressions.
Viral Shares Number of shares from viral impressions.
Viral Follows Number of follows from viral impressions.
Viral Other Clicks Number of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category.
Viral Subscriptions

The number of members whose first click on the post is the Subscribe button that resulted from other members sharing a sponsored newsletter article to their own connections. Data from some members might be excluded due to privacy settings.

Note – Only for sponsored newsletter articles.

Important to know

For each impression by each member, we only charge for the first engagement and subsequent engagements are deduped. For example, if someone likes and then comments, we only charge for the like, but we report both the like and the comment, which would result in Total Engagement being more than Clicks.

Starting in February 2024, viral metrics will only be reported for members in the European Economic Area and Switzerland who have chosen to connect their marketing solutions service to their core LinkedIn experience. Additionally, there will be a reporting delay for these metrics of up to 36 hours.

Learn more about other metrics available for your ad campaign

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