LinkedIn conversion window

Last updated: 4 months ago

A conversion window, also known as a lookback window, is the timeframe for when conversions are attributed to a LinkedIn ad. Advertisers can customize their conversion windows based on their reporting preferences.

LinkedIn records conversions within the selected conversion window in two ways:

  • View-through conversion - When a member sees a LinkedIn ad.
  • Post-click conversion - When a member clicks on a LinkedIn ad.

You can set your conversion window timeframe to 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days. The default conversion window for post-click conversions is 30 days and view-through conversions is 7 days.

Example - How conversions are tracked based on different conversion windows

Using the following timeline of conversion events as an example, you can see how conversions would be tracked based on different conversion window values in the table below.
View-through window (in days) Post-click window (in days) Number of post-view conversions Number of post-click conversions Total number of conversions
1 1 0 0 0
1 7 0 1 1
7 30 0 1 1
7 28 0 1 1
28 1 1 0 1
28 7 0 1 1
30 30 0 1 1

How conversions are counted within the conversion window

For most conversion types, we use the last-touch attribution model. If a member converts multiple times within the conversion window, we'll count it as a single conversion. The conversion will then be attributed to the most recent ad click or view from that member.

However, when you select Purchase or Add to Cart as the conversion type, multiple conversion events may be reported by one member. If one member converts multiple times within the conversion window, we’ll count each of the conversion events.  

The attribution model for Conversion Tracking

You can also select how each ad interaction is credited for a conversion across multiple campaigns. The attribution model can be set to either Last touch - Each campaign if your conversion action is associated with multiple campaigns, or Last touch - Last campaign if your conversion is associated with a single campaign.

Important to know

Conversion windows will only affect how conversions are counted after the change is made and won't affect the number of historic conversions.

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