Set up and create conversions using Hightouch

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

The LinkedIn Conversions API directly connects data from Hightouch and LinkedIn.

Who can use this feature?

We’re currently testing Hightouch integration and the feature is still in development.

To send conversions data from Hightouch:

Step 1: Select Hightouch as your source 

  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager. 

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown. 

  3. Click Analyze on the left menu, then click Conversion tracking

  4. Click the Create conversion dropdown menu and select Conversions API or CSV conversion.

  5. Select Hightouch, then click Next step.

Step 2: Create a conversion rule

  1. Name your conversion rule. This name will only be visible in Campaign Manager. 

  2. Click the Define the key conversion behavior you want to track dropdown menu and select a behavior. For example, Download or Sign up

  3. Optional: Below Set the value of the conversion, add a monetary value for your conversion. 

  4. Click the dropdown menus below Clicks and Views to select a time frame for when your clicks and views can be counted.

  5. Below Select the attribution model to specify how each ad interaction is credited, use the dropdown menu to select either:

    • Last Touch - Each campaign
    • Last Touch - Last campaign 
  6. Click Next step

Step 3: Choose the campaigns you want to track with the conversion  

  1. Select the checkboxes next to the campaigns where you’d like to apply your conversion. 

    • To find a specific campaign, use the search bar at the top or filter using the Campaign status dropdown menu. 
  2. Click Create

Step 4: Set up Conversion Uploader and associate it with the conversion rule

After you’ve created your conversion in Campaign Manager, you must go to the Hightouch website to complete setting up your conversion and to stream data to Campaign Manager.  

Important to know

You must complete this step for every new conversion rule you create.

  1. Use the Hightouch set up instructions to set up your connection and associate a conversion.

  2. Choose the conversion rule name you created in step 2.  

Step 5: Check the status of your conversion

After you’ve completed the set up, you can check the status in Campaign Manager to help ensure that it’s set up correctly and receiving data.

  1. On your Conversion Tracking page in Campaign Manager, find your conversion rule. 

  2. Check the Status column. 

  3. If the status is Unverified, check that your connection is set up correctly and that the conversion events are being sent to LinkedIn. 

Here's a tip

The time it takes for the status to update depends on the type of conversion. Check the status based on the typical frequency of the conversion event.

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