Tagged in “Professional Identity”

7 articles
  • Privacy changes in the advertising industry

    Professional Identity

    Protecting member data and privacy continues to be top of mind for LinkedIn and our members, and the broader advertising industry. Reliance on third-party cookies has started to decline as browsers and devices increase restrictions of third-party…

  • Maximize performance and privacy with LinkedIn

    Professional Identity

    New regulations and platform changes are evolving the way marketers reach audiences and measure campaign performance. LinkedIn takes a members-first approach to how we build products, and works closely with customers and partners in our commitment…

  • LinkedIn Private Testing

    Professional Identity

    LinkedIn is committed to protecting member privacy. As a result, we've moved towards privacy-enhancing technologies like Group Identity. Group Identity uses our first-party data to group member accounts based on shared professional traits, like job…

  • Group Identity for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity

    LinkedIn is committed to protecting member privacy. As a result, we're changing the way we identify audiences for our ads. Generally, we've been using individual identifiers to determine if a LinkedIn member account has viewed or engaged with an ad…

  • Professional identity and demographics for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity and Performance Reporting

    As an advertiser, after a member interacts with your ad, we provide reports that measure your ad's performance, including demographic traits of your audience. We generally measure demographic dimensions for each LinkedIn member who takes an action…

  • Using modeled conversions to measure conversions for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity and Conversion Tracking

    We generally measure conversions for each LinkedIn member who takes an action on your ad. However, to protect member privacy, we don’t always measure conversions at the individual member level. More specifically, we don't always use individual-level…

  • On-device conversion tracking for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity and Conversion Tracking

    To capture the most conversions possible, we use multiple methods to track conversions for your LinkedIn ads. To protect member privacy, we limit our processing of third-party member data. One way that we protect user privacy when tracking…