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2.24.3 • Public • Published

Migrated to: @bytescale/sdk

JavaScript File Upload Library
(With Integrated Cloud Storage)

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Get Started — Try on CodePen

Upload.js Demo

100% Serverless File Upload Library
Powered by Bytescale

DMCA CompliantGDPR Compliant99.9% Uptime SLA
Supports: Rate Limiting, Volume Limiting, File Size & Type Limiting, JWT Auth, and more...


Install via NPM:

npm install upload-js

Or via YARN:

yarn add upload-js

Or via a <script> tag:

<script src="https://js.bytescale.com/upload-js/v2"></script>

Usage — Try on CodePen

To upload a file from the browser:

// <input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)" />

import { Upload } from "upload-js";

const upload = Upload({ apiKey: "free" }); // Get production API keys from Bytescale

const onFileSelected = async (event) => {
  const [ file ]    = event.target.files;
  const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(file, { onProgress });
  console.log(`File uploaded: ${fileUrl}`);

const onProgress = ({ progress }) => {
  console.log(`File uploading: ${progress}% complete.`)

Full Working Example (Copy & Paste)

Try on CodePen / Copy to IDE & Run:

    <script src="https://js.bytescale.com/upload-js/v2"></script>
      const upload = Upload({
        // Get production API keys from Bytescale
        apiKey: "free"

      const onFileSelected = async (event) => {
        try {
          const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(
            { onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(`${progress}% complete`) }
          alert(`File uploaded!\n${fileUrl}`);
        } catch (e) {
    <input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)" />

Examples with Popular Frameworks

Upload Files with React — Try on CodePen

const { Upload } = require("upload-js");
const upload = Upload({ apiKey: "free" });

const MyUploadButton = () => {
  const onFileSelected = async (event) => {
    try {
      const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(
        { onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(`${progress}% complete`) }
      alert(`File uploaded!\n${fileUrl}`);
    } catch (e) {

  return <input type="file" onChange={onFileSelected} />;

Upload Files with Angular — Try on CodePen

const { Upload } = require("upload-js");
const upload = Upload({ apiKey: "free" });
  .module("exampleApp", [])
  .controller("exampleController", $scope => {
    $scope.uploadFile = async (event) => {
      try {
        const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(
          { onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(`${progress}% complete`) }
        alert(`File uploaded!\n${fileUrl}`);
      } catch (e) {
  .directive("onChange", () => ({
    link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
      element.on("change", scope.$eval(attrs.onChange));

Upload Files with Vue.js — Try on CodePen

const { Upload } = require("upload-js");
const upload = Upload({ apiKey: "free" });
const uploadFile = async (event) => {
  try {
    const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(
      { onProgress: ({ progress }) => console.log(`${progress}% complete`) }
    alert(`File uploaded!\n${fileUrl}`);
  } catch (e) {
const vueApp = new Vue({
  el: "#example",
  methods: { uploadFile }

Upload Files with jQuery — Try on CodePen

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://js.bytescale.com/upload-js/v2"></script>
      const upload = Upload({
        // Get production API keys from Bytescale
        apiKey: "free"

      $(() => {
        $("#file-input").change(async (event) => {

          try {
            const { fileUrl } = await upload.uploadFile(
              event.target.files[0], {
              onProgress: ({ progress }) => $("#title").html(`File uploading... ${progress}%`)

              File uploaded:
              <a href="${fileUrl}" target="_blank">${fileUrl}</a>`
          } catch (e) {

    <h1 id="title">Please select a file...</h1>
    <input type="file" id="file-input" />

Upload Multiple Files with jQuery — Try on CodePen

Please refer to the CodePen example (link above).

Overview of the code:

  1. Call Upload once at the start of your app.
  2. Call uploadFile from your <input onchange="..."> handlers.
  3. Use onProgress to display the upload progress for each input element.
  4. When onUploaded fires, record the fileUrl from the callback's argument to a local variable.
  5. When onUploaded has fired for all files, the form is ready to be submitted.

Note: file uploads will safely run in parallel, despite using the same Upload instance.

🌐 API Support

🌐 File Management API

Bytescale provides an Upload API, which supports the following:

  • File uploading.
  • File listing.
  • File deleting.
  • And more...

Uploading a "Hello World" text file is as simple as:

curl --data "Hello World" \
     -u apikey:free \
     -X POST "https://api.bytescale.com/v1/files/basic"

Note: Remember to set -H "Content-Type: mime/type" when uploading other file types!

Read the Upload API docs »

🌐 Image Processing API (Resize, Crop, etc.)

Bytescale also provides an Image Processing API, which supports the following:

Read the Image Processing API docs »

Manually Cropping Images — Try on CodePen

To embed crop dimensions into an image:

    <script src="https://js.bytescale.com/upload-js/v2"></script>
      const upload = Upload({
        // Get production API keys from Bytescale
        apiKey: "free"

      // Step 1: Upload the original file.
      const onOriginalImageUploaded = async (originalImage) => {

        // Step 2: Configure crop geometry.
        const crop = {
          // Type Def: https://github.com/bytescale/upload-image-plugin/blob/main/src/types/ParamsFromFile.ts
          inputPath: originalImage.filePath,
          pipeline: {
            steps: [
                geometry: {
                  // Prompt your user for these dimensions...
                  offset: {
                    x: 20,
                    y: 40
                  size: {
                    // ...and these too...
                    width: 200,
                    height: 100,
                    type: "widthxheight!"
                type: "crop"

        // Step 3: Upload the crop geometry.
        const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(crop)], {type: "application/json"});
        const croppedImage = await upload.uploadFile(blob);

        // Step 4: Done! Here's the cropped image:
        return croppedImage;

      const onFileSelected = async (event) => {
        const [ file ]      = event.target.files;
        const originalImage = await upload.uploadFile(file);
        const croppedImage  = await onOriginalImageUploaded(originalImage)

        alert(`Cropped image:\n${croppedImage.fileUrl.replace("/raw/", "/image/")}`)
    <input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)" />

Full Documentation

Upload.js Full Documentation »

Need a File Upload Widget?

See our File Upload Widget. (Built with Upload.js. Supports: image cropping, cancellation, progress, etc).

Upload.js Demo

👋 Create your Bytescale Account

Upload.js is the JS client library for Bytescale: the best way to serve images, videos, and audio for web apps.

Create a Bytescale account »

Can I use my own storage?

Yes: Bytescale supports AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Storage, and DigitalOcean Spaces.

To configure a custom storage backend, please see:


Building From Source




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