
ESLint Bot

  • A Yeoman generator for creating ESLint plugins/rules

    published 5.1.0 2 months ago
  • An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser built on Acorn

    published 10.1.0 a month ago
  • JSDoc parser

    published 3.0.0 6 years ago
  • An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript.

    published 9.7.0 5 days ago
  • Default ESLint configuration for ESLint projects.

    published 11.0.0 a month ago
  • An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree

    published 22.0.0 5 years ago
  • An ESLint plugin to lint JavaScript in Markdown code fences.

    published 5.1.0 6 days ago
  • ESLint Release Tools

    published 3.2.2 5 months ago
  • Codemods for upgrading eslint rules

    published 3.0.0 a month ago
  • ECMAScript scope analyzer for ESLint

    published 8.0.2 5 days ago
  • Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST.

    published 4.0.0 5 months ago
  • Run ESLint on GitHub pull requests

    published 0.1.0 5 years ago
  • The legacy ESLintRC config file format for ESLint

    published 3.1.0 2 months ago
  • Utility to create ESLint config files.

    published 1.1.6 6 days ago
  • ESLint JavaScript language implementation

    published 9.7.0 5 days ago
  • A visual tool for inspecting and understanding your ESLint flat configs

    published 0.5.2 13 hours ago
  • Compatibility utilities for ESLint

    published 1.1.1 6 days ago
  • Configuration migration for ESLint

    published 1.1.2 6 days ago
  • An object schema merger/validator

    published 2.1.4 a month ago
  • General purpose glob-based configuration matching.

    published 0.17.0 22 days ago
  • Runtime-agnostic core of ESLint

    published 0.2.0 6 days ago
  • JSON linting plugin for ESLint

    published 0.1.0 9 days ago