Election Results 2008

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
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Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
30% 30-44 59% 39% data not available
41    45-64 60    38    data not available
18    65+ 52    47    data not available


Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
48% Male 58% 38% data not available
52    Female 60    38    data not available


Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
82% White 57% 41% data not available

No matter how you voted today, do you think of yourself as:

No matter how you voted today, do you think of yourself as:
Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
36% Democrat 95% 4% data not available
25    Republican 10    90    data not available
39    Independent or something else 58    37    data not available


Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
56% Protestant/Other Christian 50% 48% data not available
15    Catholic 63    35    data not available
20    None 72    26    data not available

Geographic area

Geographic area
Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
10% Big cities 91% 7% data not available
18    Small cities 54    43    data not available
54    Suburbs 57    40    data not available
8    Small towns 55    44    data not available
10    Rural areas 50    48    data not available


Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
9% $15,000 - $29,999 63% 31% data not available
20    $30,000 - $49,999 64    34    data not available
23    $50,000 - $74,999 52    44    data not available
16    $75,000 - $99,999 65    33    data not available
17    $100,000 - $149,999 55    44    data not available

What was the last grade of school you completed?

What was the last grade of school you completed?
Percentof voters Groups Obama McCain Shift from ’04
More Dem. Percent points changed from 2004 More Rep.
15% High school graduate 53% 44% data not available
34    Some college or associate degree 57    41    data not available
33    College graduate 62    35    data not available
15    Postgraduate study 64    35    data not available
Source: Edison Media Research/Mitofsky International