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C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals - Seventh Edition
C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals - Seventh Edition

C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals: Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 7, Blazor, and EF Core 7, Seventh Edition

By Mark J. Price
€14.99 per month
Book Nov 2022 818 pages 7th Edition
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€14.99 Monthly

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C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals - Seventh Edition

Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

In this first chapter, the goals are setting up your development environment; understanding the similarities and differences between modern .NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin, and .NET Standard; creating the simplest application possible with C# 11 and .NET 7 using various code editors; and then discovering good places to look for help.

The GitHub repository for this book has solutions using full application projects for all code tasks and notebooks when possible:

Simply press the . (dot) key or manually change .com to .dev in the link to convert the GitHub repository into a live code editor based on Visual Studio Code using GitHub Codespaces, as shown in Figure 1.1:

Figure 1.1: GitHub Codespaces live editing the book’s GitHub repository

We provide you with a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book. You can download this file...

Setting up your development environment

Before you start programming, you’ll need a code editor for C#. Microsoft has a family of code editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), which include:

  • Visual Studio 2022 for Windows
  • Visual Studio 2022 for Mac
  • Visual Studio Code for Windows, Mac, or Linux
  • Visual Studio Code for the Web
  • GitHub Codespaces

Third parties have created their own C# code editors, for example, JetBrains Rider.

Choosing the appropriate tool and application type for learning

What is the best tool and application type for learning C# and .NET?

When learning, the best tool is one that helps you write code and configuration but does not hide what is really happening. IDEs provide graphical user interfaces that are friendly to use, but what are they doing for you underneath? A more basic code editor that is closer to the action while providing help to write your code is better while you are learning...

Understanding .NET

.NET 7, .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin are related and overlapping platforms for developers used to build applications and services. In this section, I’m going to introduce you to each of these .NET concepts.

Understanding .NET Framework

.NET Framework is a development platform that includes a Common Language Runtime (CLR), which manages the execution of code, and a Base Class Library (BCL), which provides a rich library of classes to build applications from.

Microsoft originally designed .NET Framework to have the possibility of being cross-platform, but Microsoft put their implementation efforts into making it work best with Windows.

Since .NET Framework 4.5.2, it has been an official component of the Windows operating system. Components have the same support as their parent products, so 4.5.2 and later follow the life cycle policy of the Windows OS on which they are installed. .NET Framework is installed on over one billion computers...

Building console apps using Visual Studio 2022

The goal of this section is to showcase how to build a console app using Visual Studio 2022 for Windows.

If you do not have a Windows computer or want to use Visual Studio Code, then you can skip this section since the code will be the same; just the tooling experience is different.

Managing multiple projects using Visual Studio 2022

Visual Studio 2022 has a concept named a solution that allows you to open and manage multiple projects simultaneously. We will use a solution to manage the two projects that you will create in this chapter.

Writing code using Visual Studio 2022

Let’s get started writing code!

  1. Start Visual Studio 2022.
  2. In the Start window, click Create a new project.
  3. In the Create a new project dialog, enter console in the Search for templates box, and select Console App, making sure that you have chosen the C# project template rather than another language, such as Visual Basic...

Building console apps using Visual Studio Code

The goal of this section is to showcase how to build a console app using Visual Studio Code and the dotnet command-line interface (CLI).

If you never want to try Visual Studio Code or .NET Interactive Notebooks, then please feel free to skip this section and the next, and then continue with the Reviewing the folders and files for projects section.

Both the instructions and screenshots in this section are for Windows, but the same actions will work with Visual Studio Code on the macOS and Linux variants.

The main differences will be native command-line actions such as deleting a file: both the command and the path are likely to be different on Windows or macOS and Linux. Luckily, the dotnet CLI tool is identical on all platforms.

Managing multiple projects using Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code has a concept named a workspace that allows you to open and manage multiple projects simultaneously. We will use a workspace...

Exploring code using .NET Interactive Notebooks

This is a bonus section for the chapter that is available online at

Using .NET Interactive Notebooks for the code in this book

Throughout the rest of the chapters, I will not give explicit instructions to use notebooks, but the GitHub repository for the book has solution notebooks when appropriate. I expect many readers will want to run my pre-created notebooks for language and library features covered in Chapters 1 to 11 that they want to see in action and learn about without having to write a complete application:

Reviewing the folders and files for projects

In this chapter, you created two projects named HelloCS and AboutMyEnvironment.

Visual Studio Code uses a workspace file to manage multiple projects. Visual Studio 2022 uses a solution file to manage multiple projects. You might have also created a .NET Interactive notebook.

The result is a folder structure and files that will be repeated in subsequent chapters, although with more than just two projects, as shown in Figure 1.20:

Figure 1.20: Folder structure and files for the two projects in this chapter

Understanding the common folders and files

Although .code-workspace and .sln files are different, the project folders and files such as HelloCS and AboutMyEnvironment are identical for Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code. This means that you can mix and match between both code editors if you like:

  • In Visual Studio 2022, with a solution open, navigate to File | Add Existing Project… to add...

Making good use of the GitHub repository for this book

Git is a commonly used source code management system. GitHub is a company, website, and desktop application that makes it easier to manage Git. Microsoft purchased GitHub in 2018, so it will continue to become more closely integrated with Microsoft tools.

I created a GitHub repository for this book, and I use it for the following:

  • To store the solution code for the book that can be maintained after the print publication date.
  • To provide extra materials that extend the book, like errata fixes, small improvements, lists of useful links, and longer articles that cannot fit in the printed book.
  • To provide a place for readers to get in touch with me if they have issues with the book.

Raising issues with the book

If you get stuck following any of the instructions in this book, or if you spot a mistake in the text or the code in the solutions, please raise an issue in the GitHub repository:


Looking for help

This section is all about how to find quality information about programming on the web.

Reading Microsoft documentation

The definitive resource for getting help with Microsoft developer tools and platforms is Microsoft Docs, and you can find it at the following link:

Getting help for the dotnet tool

At the command line, you can ask the dotnet tool for help with its commands:

  1. To open the official documentation in a browser window for the dotnet new command, enter the following at the command line or in the Visual Studio Code terminal:
    dotnet help new
  2. To get help output at the command line, use the -h or --help flag, as shown in the following command:
    dotnet new console -h
  3. You will see the following partial output:
    Console App (C#)
    Author: Microsoft
    Description: A project for creating a command-line application that can run on .NET Core on Windows, Linux and macOS...

Practicing and exploring

Let’s now test your knowledge and understanding by trying to answer some questions, getting some hands-on practice, and going into the topics covered throughout this chapter in greater detail.

Exercise 1.1 – Test your knowledge

Try to answer the following questions, remembering that although most answers can be found in this chapter, you should do some online research or code writing to answer others:

  1. Is Visual Studio 2022 better than Visual Studio Code?
  2. Is .NET 5 and later better than .NET Framework?
  3. What is .NET Standard and why is it still important?
  4. Why can a programmer use different languages, for example, C# and F#, to write applications that run on .NET?
  5. What is a top-level program and how do you access any command-line arguments?
  6. What is the name of the entry point method of a .NET console app and how should it be explicitly declared if you are not using the top-level program feature?
  7. ...


In this chapter, we:

  • Set up your development environment.
  • Discussed the similarities and differences between modern .NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin, and .NET Standard.
  • Used Visual Studio 2022 for Windows and Visual Studio Code with the .NET SDK to create some simple console apps managed with a solution or workspace.
  • Used .NET Interactive Notebooks to execute snippets of code.
  • Learned how to download the solution code for this book from its GitHub repository.
  • And, most importantly, learned how to find help.

In the next chapter, you will learn how to “speak” C#.

Join our book’s Discord space

Join the book’s Discord workspace for Ask me Anything sessions with the author.

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Key benefits

  • Explore the newest additions to C# 11, the .NET 7 class libraries, and Entity Framework Core 7
  • Create professional websites and services with ASP.NET Core 7 and Blazor
  • Build your confidence with step-by-step code examples and tips for best practices


Extensively revised to accommodate the latest features that come with C# 11 and .NET 7, this latest edition of our guide will get you coding in C# with confidence. You’ll learn object-oriented programming, writing, testing, and debugging functions, implementing interfaces, and inheriting classes. Next, you’ll take on .NET APIs for performing tasks like managing and querying data, working with the filesystem, and serialization. As you progress, you’ll also explore examples of cross-platform projects you can build and deploy, such as websites and services using ASP.NET Core. Instead of distracting you with unnecessary graphical user interface code, the first eleven chapters will teach you about C# language constructs and many of the .NET libraries through simple console applications. Having mastered the basics, you’ll then start building websites, web services, and browser apps. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create rich web experiences and have a solid grasp of object-oriented programming that you can build upon.

What you will learn

Build rich web experiences using Blazor, Razor Pages, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and other features of ASP.NET Core Write, test, and debug functions Query and manipulate data using LINQ Integrate and update databases in your apps using Entity Framework Core models Build and consume powerful services using the latest technologies, including Web API and Minimal API For .NET 6 developers: C# 11 can be used with .NET 6, including features like raw string literals EF Core 7 targets .NET 6, so you can benefit from its new features like ExecuteUpdate and ExecuteDelete for more efficient data modifications

Product Details

Country selected

Publication date : Nov 8, 2022
Length 818 pages
Edition : 7th Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781803237800
Vendor :
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Product Details

Publication date : Nov 8, 2022
Length 818 pages
Edition : 7th Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781803237800
Vendor :
Category :

Table of Contents

19 Chapters
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET! Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Speaking C# Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Controlling Flow, Converting Types, and Handling Exceptions Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Packaging and Distributing .NET Types Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Working with Common .NET Types Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
12. Introducing Web Development Using ASP.NET Core Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
13. Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
14. Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
15. Building and Consuming Web Services Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
16. Building User Interfaces Using Blazor Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
17. Epilogue Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
18. Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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