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Mastering Amazon EC2
Mastering Amazon EC2

Mastering Amazon EC2: Unravel the complexities of EC2 to build robust and resilient applications

By Badri Kesavan
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Book May 2024 404 pages 1st Edition
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Mastering Amazon EC2

Introduction to Amazon EC2 and Its Benefits

This chapter forms the foundational bedrock of your understanding of Amazon EC2. We begin by unraveling the concepts of cloud computing and how Amazon EC2 stands as a pioneering solution in this domain. This chapter also highlights the distinctive advantages of what Amazon EC2 brings to businesses—from scalability to cost-effectiveness—and outlines real-world use cases that further underline its practical applications. We will also explore how EC2 stacks up against traditional hosting methods. Through the lens of this chapter, you will not only grasp the importance of EC2 in today’s tech-centric world but also start shaping your path toward mastering its use cases.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Unveiling Amazon Web Services and EC2
  • Benefits of EC2
  • Amazon EC2 versus traditional hosting
  • EC2 use cases
  • Amazon EC2’s standout features compared to other cloud platforms

Unveiling Amazon Web Services and EC2

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform that provides an extensive suite of provisioned services such as computing power, storage, and databases to businesses, developers, and researchers across the globe. With its formidable infrastructure, unparalleled scalability, and economical pricing model, AWS has become the go-to choice for millions of customers, including startups, established enterprises, and organizations within the public sector.

At the heart of AWS lies one of its core services: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Amazon EC2 is a web service that allows users to lease virtual servers, known as instances, for running workloads and applications within the AWS ecosystem. The scaling of EC2 instances can be easily adjusted to meet fluctuating demand, with users being charged purely for the resources they utilize. This flexibility, combined with the wide variety of instances and configurations, renders EC2 an ideal solution for virtually any computational requirement.

Amazon EC2 has been instrumental in the transformation of computing. By significantly reducing the complexities of handling physical servers, EC2 allows developers to very much concentrate on writing code and creating innovative solutions without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Moreover, the on-demand characteristic of EC2 allows businesses to react quickly to changing market conditions, scaling their computing resources as needed to stay competitive and efficient.

We will be diving deeper into the world of EC2 in the upcoming chapters, where you will be exploring its features, benefits, and best practices. This book aims to provide you the valuable insights and practical guidance to make the most of Amazon EC2, which will allow you to unlock the full potential of cloud computing. Without any more waiting, let’s embark on this learning journey together and unlock the full potential of Amazon EC2!

Benefits of EC2

Amazon EC2 offers many advantages, making it a popular choice for businesses and developers alike. In this section, we will be discussing the key benefits of Amazon EC2 and its merits to understand how it can transform your application and revolutionize the way you build, deploy, and scale in the cloud.

Figure 1.1 – Benefits of EC2

Figure 1.1 – Benefits of EC2

  • Cost efficiency: One of the most compelling benefits of EC2 is the cost efficiency. With a pay-as-you-go pricing model, users only pay for the computing resources they use, eliminating the need for upfront investments in hardware or long-term commitments. This model simply allows organizations to adjust their computing resource flexibly to match their actual demand without pre-planning extensively, as is required for purchasing traditional servers. Additionally, Amazon EC2 offers several pricing options such as On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances, each with its own set of advantages and use cases. On-Demand Instances allow you to pay for an hour or second, with no long-term commitments, while Reserved Instances let you reserve an instance for a specific period (say, one or three years) at a discounted price. Spot Instances, on the other hand, enable you to bid for unused EC2 capacity and can provide significant cost savings for workloads that can tolerate interruptions.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Another key advantage of Amazon EC2 is its ability to allow users to quickly scale their resources up or down based on demand. This benefit is particularly useful for businesses that experience fluctuating workloads or seasonal peaks in traffic. It enables them to handle these situations without overprovisioning or underutilizing resources.

    Amazon EC2 also offers a wide array of instance types, with each of them designed to cater to specific workload types, such as memory optimized or compute-intensive tasks. This makes it very flexible for users to choose the most suitable instances for their needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.

  • High availability and reliability: Amazon EC2 is built on top of a highly available infrastructure, ensuring a highly available and reliable computing environment for applications hosted in the cloud. Inside a region, there are multiple data centers clustered together to form an availability zone, and there are multiple availability zones in the region. This similar setup is spread across different geographic regions (see AWS Global Infrastructure at, enabling EC2 to provide redundancy and fault tolerance ensuring that your application remains up and running even in the face of hardware failures or other issues.

    Furthermore, Amazon EC2 also offers advanced features such as auto-scaling and Elastic Load Balancing, which help distribute incoming traffic and automatically scale instances based on predefined conditions. All these features not only improve the availability and reliability of your application but also help you maintain optimal performance as your workloads change.

  • Security: Security is a top priority for EC2. The platform provides several built-in features and tools to help you safeguard your data and applications. For example, with Amazon VPC, you can create a private and isolated section of the AWS cloud. This allows you to launch EC2 inside the custom network with custom network access control lists.

    Additionally, EC2 offers features, such as security groups, that allow you to control inbound and outbound traffic to your instances and securely access them using SSH or RDP. Furthermore, you can augment additional access control to your EC2 instances with AWS identity and access management (IAM) to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your EC2 resources. It is also important to recognize that AWS adopts a shared responsibility model for security. In this paradigm, AWS is responsible for securing the underlying cloud infrastructure that supports cloud services, including the physical security of data centers, networking, and the virtualization layer, while customers are responsible for protecting their data, identity and access policies, and application-specific security settings. This shared responsibility model basically allows AWS to lay the foundation for securing the cloud environment while customers have the flexibility and responsibility to enforce their security constraints for their cloud deployments.

  • Ease of management: Amazon EC2 simplifies the management of your computing resources, allowing you to focus on your business tasks rather than spending time on maintaining your infrastructure. AWS offers a multitude of interfaces, such as the management console, CLIs, or SDKs, to easily monitor your instances, including launching, stopping, and terminating them as needed.

    Additionally, Amazon EC2 supports purpose-driven services such as Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, which allows you to monitor your instances and set alarms based on specific metrics such as CPU utilization or freeable memory. These alarms can help you to proactively address performance issues or identify opportunities for optimization.

    Amazon EC2 also supports the automation of resource management through AWS services such as AWS CloudFormation. This allows you to define and manage your infrastructure as a code, making it easy to deploy, update, and version your resources. This automation also extends to patch management with the AWS Systems Manager (SSM), which simplifies the process of applying patches and updates to your EC2 instances and other resources.

  • Integration with other AWS services: Amazon EC2 seamlessly integrates with a wide array of other AWS services, providing you with a comprehensive and flexible ecosystem to support your applications. For example, you can store your application data on object storage services such as Amazon S3, block storage services such as Amazon EBS, or a relational database service such as Amazon RDS. Furthermore, you can leverage the superior kin of Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, for serverless computing.

    Integration with other AWS services enables you to build powerful, end-to-end solutions that leverage the full potential of the AWS cloud. This can lead to increased productivity, reduced operational complexity, and lower costs.

  • Support for various operating systems and processor architectures: Selecting the ideal operating system or processor architecture for an application can often be challenging, but not when using Amazon EC2, which offers an extensive list of options that cater directly to those needs. Well-known options such as Linux, macOS, and Windows and architectures such as x86 or ARM being available on the platform give users greater variety in choosing what best suits their requirements without worrying about modifying their entire application framework to meet specifications. This allows for smooth functionality with ease across all selections!
  • Support from global infrastructure: Amazon EC2 is widely supported across multiple regions and availability zones (see AWS Global Infrastructure at This broad geographical support allows you to deploy your applications in closer proximity to your end users. This closer proximity provides a better user experience by reducing latency when a user accesses your application, thereby increasing the overall customer satisfaction.

    Furthermore, when you deploy your application across multiple regions and availability zones, you build a very highly available and fault-tolerant system, ensuring that your service remains operational in the face of any infrastructure failures or other regional issues.

  • Robust security and compliance: Security is a top priority for AWS, and Amazon EC2 is not an exception. The platform offers various features and tools that can help guard the security posture of your application and data. You can use Amazon VPC to create an isolated network in the cloud and host your application inside your network perimeter. This allows your application to remain accessible only to authorized users and systems. Additionally, you can further improve your instance security posture by configuring security groups and network access control lists to define granular access to your instances.

    Amazon EC2 also supports integration with AWS IAM, allowing you to further enhance access control to your EC2 resources by defining permissions and policies for the users and groups who are accessing your resources. You can apply the principle of least privilege with IAM, ensuring that your users have the minimum necessary access to perform their tasks on your EC2 resources.

    Furthermore, it also gives us enormous confidence that AWS will continuously monitor our infrastructure and services to maintain its compliance in accordance with industry standards and certifications such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This allows us to build applications on EC2 that meet our organizations’ regulatory requirements and maintain a strong security posture.

  • Continuous improvement: Just subscribe to the AWS blog’s RSS feed and you will be delightfully bombarded by the constant updates on exciting new features and new announcements every single day! Amazon EC2 greatly benefits from this continuous improvement effort by AWS and ensures its platform always stays up to date with the latest technologies and best practices. Specific to EC2, AWS regularly introduces new instance types and performance enhancements, allowing you to take advantage of them for your applications hosted inside EC2. For example, EC2 support for powerful instance types that leverage cutting-edge hardware such as ARM processors and GPUs enables you to run high-performance workloads, such as machine learning and scientific simulation, at a lower cost.


More on ARM processors and GPUs will be covered in Chapter 4, Choosing the Right Amazon EC2 Instance Type and Size.

So, by choosing Amazon EC2 as your computing platform, your application can benefit from AWS’s ongoing innovation and commitment to excellence, ensuring that your applications are running on a state-of-the-art platform that evolves with your needs.

In summary, the benefits we discussed highlight that EC2 is a powerful and flexible computing platform for businesses and developers, making it a compelling choice for building and deploying applications in the cloud. Embracing these benefits allows EC2 to help you unlock the full potential of cloud computing, driving more innovation and, of course, amplifying the IT transformation of your organization.

As we delve further into this chapter, we will dive deeper into why EC2 outshines traditional hosting solutions and what values it brings to your plate. Let’s continue to explore how EC2 fundamentally reshapes the landscape of hosting services.

Amazon EC2 versus traditional hosting

In this modern digital world, it is imperative for businesses to establish and maintain a strong online presence to make their businesses more reachable by end users and to stay ahead of their competitors. As you envision a highly available and durable online presence, you will need to have reliable hosting solutions that can support your applications and websites. The choice between Amazon EC2 and traditional hosting can be your pivotal choice here. So, let’s embark on a comparison journey between the two hosting alternatives.

The traditional hosting can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Shared hosting: In shared hosting, multiple applications will be residing on a single server sharing system resources such as CPU, memory, and storage. While this option is most cost-effective, on the flip side, it may potentially lead to performance bottlenecks if the neighboring sites experience high traffic or consume excessive system resources.
  • Virtual private servers: In the virtual private servers hosting model, you will have more control and dedicated resources by allocating a virtual partition on a physical server. Nevertheless, the virtual partition still shares the underlying host with the other virtual private instances.
  • Dedicated servers: Dedicated servers stand on the other side of the rope, offering the highest level of control, but they can be pricey and also demand substantial management efforts.

Enter Amazon EC2, a groundbreaking cloud computing service that has revolutionized the hosting landscape forever. EC2 provides virtual servers or instances operating on AWS’s worldwide global infrastructure. EC2 offers a flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient alternative that makes it stand out clearly from traditional hosting solutions. Unlike shared hosting or virtual private servers, EC2 instances have more controlled resource allocation, which helps to greatly reduce the impact of the “noisy neighbor” problem that is quite prevalent in traditional shared hosting environments. In contrast to dedicated servers, EC2 delivers top performance with reduced management efforts and lower costs.

Let’s take some important metrics for application hosting and compare them between Amazon EC2 and traditional hosting:

  • Scalability: Traditional hosting often requires manual intervention to scale resources, such as upgrading hardware or adding additional servers. In contrast, EC2 enables you to scale resources on demand or even automatically through integration features such as auto-scaling and Elastic Load Balancing. This ensures that your application can effectively handle surges in traffic by automatically scaling the resources on demand.
  • Flexibility: Traditional hosting often restricts you to specific software and hardware configurations, and switching to a different software or hardware configurations when needed involves great effort. This often constrains your ability to adapt to evolving business requirements. In contrast, EC2 offers a wide array of selection choices, granting you the freedom to choose the best match for your needs with just a push button configuration with very minimal downtime.
  • Reliability: The vast majority of traditional hosting providers typically operate in a single data center, which can potentially be a single point of failure. In contrast, EC2 instances can be distributed across multiple availability zones within a region, and each of the availability zones comprises multiple independent data centers, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. This means even if any of the data centers or availability zones are down or not accessible for any reason, the same or other availability zones will still be available as they are supported by many redundancies, and your application will continue to be up and running.
  • Automation: Amazon EC2 allows you to automate tasks such as deploying applications and managing infrastructure by leveraging its APIs and lifecycle hooks. EC2 also provides natural integration support with other automation services such as CloudFormation and CodePipeline to automate infrastructure provisioning and application deployment. This allows you to save time and minimize your human effort, making your operations more efficient and dependable.
  • Total cost of ownership: Traditional hosting typically requires a fixed fee for a predetermined set of resources, regardless of its usage. It often involves hidden costs such as hardware maintenance and software licensing. In contrast, EC2 offers a pay-as-you-go approach, charging only for the resources you utilize. In totality, when considering the total cost of ownership, including human effort, data center licensing, and infrastructure management, EC2 clearly emerges as the most cost-effective choice.

In conclusion, it is very easy for you to see how Amazon EC2 stands out over traditional hosting solutions by means of scalability, reliability, automation, and total cost of ownership. By opting for EC2, you stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your applications can run smoothly, efficiently, and securely. So, it is high time you say goodbye to traditional hosting and welcome the power of the cloud with Amazon EC2.

Now, let’s proceed to explore various EC2 use cases to understand how this cloud service can be applied in a multitude of scenarios.

EC2 use cases

In this section, we will be exploring three diverse Amazon EC2 use cases, showcasing its remarkable flexibility and adaptability. The highlighted use cases illustrate EC2’s potential to be employed in various situations to enhance efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, meeting the needs of a broad range of audiences.

Web application hosting

One of the most popular use cases of Amazon EC2 is web application hosting. Businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, can harness the potential of EC2 to deploy and scale their applications with ease. Consider, for example, an e-commerce firm that currently relies on traditional hosting and is experiencing a sudden surge in traffic due to a successful marketing campaign for its Black Friday sale. In this case, the traditional hosting may struggle to handle the increased load because of the fixed system resources, ultimately leading to a slow website performance or even downtime, frustrating its potential customers.

Now, imagine hosting the e-commerce application in Amazon EC2. In this case, the e-commerce application can quickly scale its infrastructure on demand by adding more instances to meet additional demand. Well, you can obviously rely on auto-scaling to scale the instances on demand automatically, ensuring you always have an appropriate number of instances provisioned to handle the traffic efficiently. Moreover, you can combine EC2 with additional AWS services such as EBS or S3 for storage and RDS for database management to create a seamless and highly available infrastructure for your applications. This level of flexibility and simplicity in creating a resilient and durable application allows you to maintain optimal application performance even during peak times, fostering a positive customer experience and encouraging customer loyalty.

Big data processing and analytics

In today’s data-driven world, companies dealing with large amounts of data can benefit from the power and flexibility of Amazon EC2 for big data processing and analytics. EC2 provides a platform for data analysts, scientists, and engineers to perform complex computations, run machine learning models, or process massive data in real time to unlock valuable insights and drive business growth.

Now, imagine a healthcare organization that wants to analyze vast amounts of patient data to improve patient outcomes and the overall productivity in the organization. By leveraging EC2 instances, the organization can quickly set up powerful clusters to process the data and derive actionable insights. They also have the ability to choose from a wide range of instance types optimized for different workloads, ensuring they use the right resources for their specific needs, leading to improved efficiency and cost savings.

Furthermore, Amazon EC2 also supports seamless integration with other AWS data-related services, such as Amazon EMR for running big data frameworks (such as Hadoop and Spark) or Amazon Redshift for data warehousing and analytics. This powerful and comprehensive ecosystem of services empowers organizations to fully harness the potential of their data and drive business innovation and stay ahead of their competition.

A multitude of other use cases

Beyond web application hosting and big data processing, Amazon EC2 offers a versatile platform that caters to diverse needs and a wide array of use cases. EC2’s flexibility and scalability allow organizations to tailor their cloud infrastructure to meet their unique needs, empowering business innovation and unlocking new business opportunities. Let us explore a few examples to understand how EC2 can be applied across different scenarios.

  • Media and content delivery: Media and entertainment companies can leverage EC2 instances to handle business logic processing, storage, and the delivery of multimedia content such as images, video, and audio files. By utilizing EC2 instances with high computing power and low latency networking capabilities, organizations can deliver a seamless and engaging user experience even for high-resolution media content. Also, recall the power of the ecosystem I mentioned earlier. Now, combining EC2 with other services such as CloudFront (a global content delivery network service provided by Amazon) lets your content reach your end users instantaneously and reliably, regardless of their geographic location.
  • Disaster recovery and backup: Amazon EC2 can play a vital role in an organization’s disaster recovery and backup strategies. By provisioning instances across multiple availability zones or even across regions, businesses can build a highly resilient infrastructure that can withstand failures and minimize downtime, delivering a durable application. You can also rely on EC2 instances to store and manage backups, ensuring your critical data is always available when there is a need. By combining EC2 with features such as EBS snapshots, organizations can create point-in-time backups of their data, allowing them to quickly recover from failures in the event of disaster recovery or data loss.
  • High-performance computing (HPC): Organizations involved in research, engineering, and scientific simulations can benefit from EC2 for their high-performance computing tasks. Specialized instance types, such as GPU or instances with high memory and compute capacity, enable users to run compute-intensive workloads with ease. By leveraging the AWS infrastructure, researchers and engineers can virtually access unlimited resources, accelerate meeting their objectives, and push their boundaries of innovation.

These use cases we discussed so far merely scratch the surface of the vast possibility that Amazon EC2 offers. With its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, EC2 has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations build and manage their IT infrastructure, driving business growth and fostering the culture of IT innovation.

Amazon EC2’s standout features compared to other cloud platforms

In this section, we will discuss various standout features of Amazon EC2 in comparison to its major competitors, such as Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs) and Google Compute Engine. This comparison will allow you to understand the unique advantages and capabilities of Amazon EC2 and how it can be actively leveraged to cater to your organization’s needs:

  • Instance variety: One of the key strengths of Amazon EC2 is the extensive range of instance types and configurations it offers. This variety allows EC2 to accommodate a wide variety of workloads, making it an adaptable solution for organizations with diverse requirements. In comparison, Microsoft Azure VMs and Google compute engine also provide various instance types, but the selections available in comparison to EC2 are unparalleled.
  • Global infrastructure: AWS supports running your workloads across a vast global infrastructure. Their extensive network of data centers and edge locations ensures low latency, high availability, and improved performance for the workloads, which are hosted in EC2. Although Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud also have significant global footprints, AWS infrastructure is more expansive, providing a competitive edge for EC2.
  • Integration with AWS Ecosystem: Amazon EC2 benefits from seamless integration with other services in the broader AWS ecosystem. This means that EC2 instances can easily work in combination with other AWS services, such as storage, databases, and analytics, allowing you to create powerful and full-fledged solutions. On the other side, Microsoft Azure VM and Google Compute Engine also offer integration with their respective ecosystems, but the sheer breadth of services within the AWS ecosystem provides EC2 with a unique advantage.
  • Customizable pricing models: Amazon EC2 supports a wide range of pricing models, including On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances. This broad range of pricing models creates flexibility for users, allowing them to select optimal pricing models based on their usage patterns of their workloads. On the other side, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud also provide various pricing options for their VMs and Compute Engine. However, in comparison, EC2’s pricing model gives it an edge as it supports many different commitments to cater to a broader set of use cases.
  • Proven track record: AWS is a pioneer, and Amazon EC2 has been in the market for a considerable amount of time and has a strong reputation for its reliability, durability, performance, and innovation. This proven track record allows users to confidently host their workloads on EC2. Comparably, Microsoft Azure VMs and Google Cloud Compute Engine also provide a reliable and durable hosting environment, but the EC2’s longer market presence makes it comfortably established as a solid foundation.

In summary, Amazon EC2’s standout features make it a very robust and reliable choice for organizations looking to leverage the power of cloud computing for their workloads.


Now that we have reached the end of this chapter, let’s take a moment to understand what we have explored in this fascinating world of Amazon EC2. We started off this chapter by exploring the numerous benefits of EC2, such as scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Following that, we explored traditional hosting solutions, what their key differences with EC2 are, and how EC2 can offer significant advantages to businesses. We then explored various business use cases, emphasizing EC2’s wide applicability across industries. Finally, we concluded the chapter by exploring EC2’s standout features against other cloud computing platforms, showing that it is a powerful choice for hosting our workloads.

In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the essential building blocks of EC2. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its core components, including EC2 instances, AMI, instance types and families, the Elastic Block Store (EBS), Elastic network interfaces (ENI), IP addresses, security groups, and key pairs.

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Key benefits

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of EC2 core components, connectivity, networking, and security best practices
  • Build resilient applications with load balancing, autoscaling and diverse storage options
  • Learn advanced concepts and use cases for serverless, containers, HPC, and hybrid/multi cloud architecture
  • Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook


This comprehensive guide demystifies the complex landscape of Amazon EC2, from fundamentals to advanced concepts. You’ll begin by understanding EC2 core components, creating and managing AMIs, selecting the right instance type and size, establishing networking and connectivity, and implementing security best practices. Next, you’ll start building resilient apps on EC2, load balancing, auto scaling, storage options, performance optimization, monitoring, logging, and auditing. You'll also explore advanced concepts like containers, serverless, hybrid/multi-cloud architectures, high performance computing, big data, and disaster recovery strategies. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to harness the full potential of Amazon EC2.

What you will learn

Discover how to create, manage, and select the right EC2 AMIs Explore load balancing and auto scaling with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) Study EC2 storage options and performance optimization Master monitoring and maintenance with Amazon Web Services (AWS) tools Understand containerization, serverless computing, and EC2 automation Get up to speed with migration, modernization, and compliance in EC2

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Publication date : May 10, 2024
Length 404 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781804616680
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Product Details

Publication date : May 10, 2024
Length 404 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781804616680
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Table of Contents

21 Chapters
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Part 1:Diving into Amazon EC2 Fundamentals Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Amazon EC2 and Its Benefits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Chapter 2: Understanding Core Components of Amazon EC2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Chapter 3: Creating and Managing Amazon Machine Images (AMI) Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Amazon EC2 Instance Type and Size Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Chapter 5: Networking and Connectivity in Amazon EC2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Chapter 6: Implementing Security Best Practices in Amazon EC2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Part 2: Building a Resilient Application on Amazon EC2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Chapter 7: Load Balancing and Auto Scaling with Elastic Load Balancer and Auto Scaling Groups Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Chapter 8: Understanding and Optimizing Amazon EC2 Storage Options Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Chapter 9: Optimizing Performance with Amazon EC2 Placement Groups and Pricing Model Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
12. Chapter 10: Monitoring, Logging, and Maintenance with Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and Backup Strategies Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
13. Chapter 11: Automating Amazon EC2 – AWS CloudFormation and Infrastructure as Code Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
14. Part 3: Advanced Amazon EC2 Concepts and Use Cases Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
15. Chapter 12: Containerization and Serverless Computing in Amazon EC2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
16. Chapter 13: Leveraging AWS Services for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architectures Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
17. Chapter 14: Optimizing Amazon EC2 for High-Performance Computing, Big Data, and Disaster Recovery Strategies Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
18. Chapter 15: Migrating, Modernizing, and Ensuring Compliance in Amazon EC2 Environments Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
19. Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
20. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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