Buy Sublime Merge

Sublime Merge may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use.

If you're looking to upgrade an existing license please visit our upgrade page.

Questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions

License Keys are issued by Sublime HQ Pty Ltd, ABN 48 153 193 661, and covered by the End User License Agreement.
Sublime HQ Pty Ltd is located in Sydney, Australia.

This name will appear on the license key.


Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. Click here to learn more…

Bundled license keys are accepted by ST4 and Sublime Merge, but not by ST3 and earlier

Total: $99 USD

Business licenses are sold on an annual subscription basis, at $75 per user per year.

Information for Software Resellers

Business Details

$ USD per year