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Syncfusion Feedback
Road Map for Essential Studio for JavaScript

Road Map for Essential Studio for JavaScript


Production-ready controls

The following are to be marked as production-ready controls for JavaScript:

  • MultiColumn ComboBox
  • OTP Input

Design system documentation

This feature introduces a comprehensive guide outlining Syncfusion’s design system principles and elements.

Bootstrap 5 CSS variables

This feature updates Syncfusion’s Bootstrap 5 theme with CSS variables for seamless customization of JavaScript control themes.

New control

AI Assist

The AI Assist is a modern UI control designed to integrate AI services. It allows users to send prompts, execute commands, and display responses in an easy-to-use interface. It also supports extensive customization and acts as a flexible interface for various AI services.


Select multiple rows or cells by dragging

This feature allows users to select multiple rows or cells with mouse or touch dragging on a grid.

Adaptive layout for smaller screens

When the adaptive layout feature is enabled, the same layout is rendered on both mobile devices and desktops, by default. Now, DataGrid provides an option that allows rendering an adaptive layout exclusively for mobile screen sizes.

Gantt Chart

Different work time shift support for resource view

This feature supports varying working time ranges for each resource within the project. Users can specify distinct work hours for individuals, ensuring accurate scheduling and resource allocation based on their availability and working hours.


Smooth animation on zooming and panning

Provides smooth animation transitions on zooming and panning the chart.

Animation on sorting

Provides smooth animation transitions when sorting data in the chart.

Stepline without risers

This feature enables users to disable the risers in the step line type series.

Accumulation Chart

Smooth animation on data update

Upon updating data, enhance the accumulation chart’s appearance with seamless animation transitions for the series, data labels, and legends.

Corner radius

This feature helps users provide a corner radius for the pie-type series.

Rich Text Editor

Inline code format

This feature allows users to highlight content using inline code styles, making it easier to specify code snippets within the text. This improvement helps distinguish code from regular text, enhancing readability and understanding.

Implement smart suggestions

This feature enables users to effortlessly apply formatting or insert media and tables by typing the slash (/) key. This key brings up a suggestion list for easy selection and application of the desired format.


Avoid overlapping connectors

This feature automatically adjusts connector paths to prevent connectors from overlapping on the diagram page.


Holiday events

This feature lets you add holiday collections in the Scheduler, preventing the rendering of recurring events on designated holidays.

Copy and paste events

This feature allows users to cut, copy, and paste events to other times.

Prevent overlapping

This feature prevents appointments from overlapping, ensuring a smoother and more efficient scheduling experience.

Document Editor


This feature enables users to insert and preserve shapes and allows grouping them in the Word document when opening and saving it.

PDF Viewer

Import documents

This feature lets users incorporate pages from other PDF documents into a single PDF, allowing for seamless organization according to user preferences.

This feature allows users to search for multiple words simultaneously within a PDF document, enabling efficient text searching.

Image Editor

Redact support

This feature enables users to selectively blur areas of an image, providing a way to conceal specific sections and protect sensitive information from being seen by others.

File Manager

Select items with mouse drag

This feature allows you to select multiple files or folders using mouse drag like Windows Explorer.

Value template

This feature enables you to customize the display of selected values in the Dropdown Tree control to meet your application’s specific needs.



The TextBox control now supports custom prefix and suffix adornments to enhance UI interactivity. Prefix adornments, placed before the input field, clarify expected data like currency symbols. Suffix adornments, positioned after the input field, offer functionality such as formatting tools or input-clearing buttons, making input fields more intuitive and user-friendly.


Time range selection

The DateTimePicker now supports restricting time selection to specific daily ranges, such as business hours. This ensures users can only choose times within defined limits, enhancing accuracy and relevance for scenarios like appointment scheduling and service bookings. The feature improves user experience by allowing easy configuration of time constraints.



The TextArea control now supports custom prefix and suffix adornments to enhance UI interactivity. Prefix adornments, placed before the input field, clarify expected data like currency symbols. Suffix adornments, positioned after the input field, offer functionality such as formatting tools or input-clearing buttons, making input fields more intuitive and user-friendly.


Disabled individual items

The Mention control provide options for individual items to be in an enabled or disabled state for specific scenarios. This ensures that disabled items cannot be selected as values within the control.

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DISCLAIMER: Syncfusion’s products are always changing. Syncfusion makes no representations or warranties of any kind that these features will be in this release or any future release of any Syncfusion product. Features and release builds can change without notice at the sole discretion of Syncfusion. The information provided on this page is only for the purpose of outlining intentions and ideas for future releases. In no way is the roadmap a guarantee, promise, or offer to provide any product or service. Moreover, the material provided is informational in nature and should not be relied on, in any manner, for the purposes of making any business decision.
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