Trying to set up Liberty Server for running wlp locally. I have done this before, but now get an error: Plug-in "com.ibm.ws.st.core" was unable to instantiate class "com.ibm.ws.st.core.internal.launch.WebSphereLaunchConfigurationDelegate". org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaHotCodeReplaceListener

I don't see anything regarding this to dig into it. Anyone have experience with this? On the ibm websphere site, I get web site errors when trying to submit the error to IBM support

  • Which version of Eclipse? Which version of Java is running it? Heck, which version of the Liberty server and its plug-ins?
    – nitind
    Commented Jun 15, 2022 at 3:08
  • Sorry for providing too few details. I had tried several versions of Eclipse and everything else. Eclipse 2022-03 was one, but finally 2021-09. I was using openJDK11 and switched to Java 8. IBM Liberty Developer Tools is what I settled on. Liberty web profile was the most recent I tried. I did find a workaround (solution?) I will enter next
    – lrpowell
    Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 13:11

1 Answer 1

  • Eclipse 2021-09
  • Java 8
  • IBM Liberty Developer Tools
  • Liberty web profile

When installing the Developer tools, I got an "Install Remediation Page". When I was getting the error, I had selected, "Keep my installation the same and modify the items being installed to be compatible". remediation page - modify install The final and successful attempt, I selected "Update my installation t obe compatible with the items being installed" update install

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