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Questions tagged [angular5]

Questions about Angular version 5, the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are specific to only version 5. Use tag Angular for any Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version.

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Ionic 3 issue while generating AAB file

I am trying to create AAB file to upload into play store using Ionic 3 using below 2 commands. This was working fine before, but now it is showing attached issue. Don’t know what has been changed ...
Vishwaprasad H G's user avatar
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How to make Cancellable api calls in loop in Angular?

I have a list containing parameters, such as: [ {a:1a,b:1b,c:1c}, {a:2a,b:2b,c:2c}, {a:3a,b:3b,c:3c} ] For each parameter object, I aim to initiate three consecutive API calls, each with ...
noob21's user avatar
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Add two different index.html in angular.cli.json

I have to add two index.html for prod and dev, I'm using angular5 project need to add under angular.cli.json where and how to add them? I have tried with configuration but this says above version 6
SundaR's user avatar
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Error: Emit attempted before Angular Webpack plugin initialization(Error: Emit attempted before Angular Webpack plugin initialization)

Here what im doing is I have created new project in Angular 15 and moving the code from the Angular version 5. I have fixed all the errors but stuck with this one error.And also here is the my current ...
KKR's user avatar
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Error when executing npm install @types\selenium-webdriver-93afec84\package.json

error when executing npm install: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules\chokidar\node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: ...
ararb78's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mangleWasmImports')

I'm in the process of upgrading my old node 8x project to node 18.18.0. When building a webpack angularjs app I get this error and unsure how to handle this issue. Is this a bug in webpack/webpack-cli ...
jammerman's user avatar
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Compilation errors showing up only locally (Angular)

I am trying to run this application, but I keep getting this errors during compilation that I can't find a solution to. Normally I would know how to solve them but the real problem is that these ...
Glenis Tivari's user avatar
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Angular 5 karma code coverage report generation using webpack

I have an project which we are internally using as an npm package across few other UI applications, currently the code coverage report is not getting generated. Since its an npm pacjage we have not ...
logesh C's user avatar
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In Angular 5 project getting gyp errors on npm install

I am trying "npm install" in angular 5 project, but its giving gyp errors . does anyone have any idea about the errors visible in the following screenshots. I have tried to clear cache , ...
Anjali's user avatar
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[email protected] added to Ionic3+Angular5 app: "Module Parse Failed" due to spread operator "..."

It's a legacy project on life support that I don't have the luxury of upgrading to Ionic7/Angular14+. Works fine other than needing to add Sentry. Upon adding sentry-cordova (1.1.5), building now ...
user1590553's user avatar
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How to add proxy configuration in web.config file and remove from appsettings.json in .NET 6 with Angular 5?

How to Add proxy configuration inside web.config file by removeing proxy from appsettings.json file in .net6 with Angular 5? I tried to add proxy in web.config file by removing from appsetting.json ...
Vinayak Kumbhar's user avatar
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I have to filter out nested object based on condition in angular 14

Below is my json object in which I have nested listofdeciosion object. If listofdecisoion length is greater than 1 and it has decision name as 'AEE' then I have to remove that object from ...
tripti tiwari's user avatar
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Configure Jest to Angular 5

I am working on a project that uses Angular 5 (archaic, I know) and I followed this article to help set up Jest in my project, and my files look like the following: package.json "dependencies&...
Mangled_Aura_Nada's user avatar
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Get Angular Type<> from component instance in Angular 5

First of all, I wanted to make clear that what I want is the Angular Type instance of a component, not the TypeScript definition of that component. The context is the following: I'm inside a service ...
Christian Vincenzo Traina's user avatar
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Angular 4 Semantic UI Tabs only work after i click on them

I have some semantic UI tabs set up in my app.component.html like this: <div class = "ui container"> <h1>Header/h1> <hr> <div style = "background-color: ...
Stefan Drljevic's user avatar
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Property 'artist' does not exist on type 'ArtistItemsComponent'

So I'm new to Angular, and following an Angular5 course on LinkedIn. I'm trying to create a subcomponent named artist-items, and have created the HTML and TS files for it. Okay, apologies for posting ...
NK Rao's user avatar
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Upgrading an existing project from Angular 5 to Angular 14

There were some enhancements needed to be done from an old project but my Angular is angular 14 and the project is in Angular 5. I cannot load the project because of the version compatibility issues. ...
loki_cap's user avatar
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Cannot read property 'write' of undefined - Angular

I am working on an Angular 5 project where I'm facing issue Cannot read property 'write' of undefined while trying to build and run(ng serve): My local @angular/cli version is 1.7.4 and below are ...
The Inquisitive Coder's user avatar
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Is there a solution to run signalR in angular 5 project or is there an alternative to signalR to bild real time notification ??

I have an angular 5 and .Net project, I needed to integrate real time notifications, the solution was to work with signalR. I tested a sipmle signalR example with .Net5 and angular 13 and it works ...
Bilel Feki Dit Kaaniche's user avatar
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How to save data without ngModel in template driven approach

I am stuck in a situation where I have to save data to the database from Angular UI. I am showing a tabular format data where the table data (table header and table value) changes based on some ...
Running Rabbit's user avatar
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Filtering of Array using filter() works fine, but doesn't change in frontend

component.ts searchVideo = (search: string) => { this.query = search; if(this.videos.length == 0){ this.filteredData = []; } if(!this.query){ ...
Souvik Pal's user avatar
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Using the filter or find method to retrieve an object inside a json [closed]

How can I obtain one of these objects by using the filter or find method and looking for a match inside of the fiberAgrupations Array I tried doing this: const landlineRate = this.monolineJsonRates[0]....
Victor York's user avatar
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How to pass the filtered data which is returned from Custom Pipe to Child Component?

Parent Component <app-search-bar (sender)="searchVideo($event)"></app-search-bar> <ng-container *ngFor="let video of videos | search: query; let i=index;"> ... &...
Souvik Pal's user avatar
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How to check for undefined before assigning to variable

Im using a find method to extract an ID (string) but this is returning an undefined as it doesnt exist. const additionalLinePhoneNumber = products.find(product => === 'segundaLinea')....
Victor York's user avatar
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4 votes
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"Error: Unexpected end of JSON input" when trying to update Angular from 5.2 to 6.0

I am attempting to update an old Angular project that has not been updated for a long time from Angular 5.2 to 13.0. I am following the Angular guide ( ...
Ben's user avatar
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Redirect and at the end of navigation call another method. Angular 5

I have a login screen, a landing screen and a Modal Popup Screen. One of the scenarios is User successfully Logs In --> Show Landing page --> Show Modal Popup screen. Login.ts : has the code to ...
WorksOnMyLocal's user avatar
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Tried my best to stop duplicating data on continuous http request by clicking refresh button(for that particular component) Angular 5

The below is my .ts file for the Alarm Component and over HTML I am using a simple *ngFor over criticalObject.siteList to display the records This is not the original code I have simplified this but ...
Anmol Girdhar's user avatar
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Filtering Array of Objects on the base of two fields in type script

I am working in angular 5 I have a problem I have an API response like: modules: Array(6) 0:{name:module1,value:'a',key:10} 1:{name:module2,value:'b',key:20} 2:{name:module3,value:'c',key:20} 3:{...
adnan ahmed's user avatar
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Angular5 use external component in Lazy loaded Module

I has LazyModule which I load lazy, and another one ModuleA. I need to use component Module-A-Component inside LazyModule. How can I access this external component? I use Module-A-Component around all ...
Stoycho Konstantinov's user avatar
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PDF text search in Angular 5+

I am trying to achieve something like below. I want the list of matching text should be listed in right side bar. I am sure it can be done using PDFTron but I am looking for alternatives. Is it ...
Siva's user avatar
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jspdf-autotable when addPage not reset cursorY

I'm using didDrawCell hook to add new page when it draws five rows table, but it seems that after new page, startY is not reseting to 0, but continue the previouse. did I do wrong in my code. Im using ...
ararb78's user avatar
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Angular 8 : What is the best way to store some temp data to transfer between the components

I need to store some temporary data to communicate between the component. (say the data is JSON). We have a lot of ways like LocalStorage, SessionStorage, Service, CustomEvent etc... What is the best ...
AjayVenkatesh's user avatar
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How to fix my angular page from flickering on every rest call in settimeout()

I have checked numerous stackoverflow questions and have not found a solution for the way I am trying to achieve things. Please bare with me as I am an amateur in angular 7. So what I have done is, I ...
Faizan Shaikh Sarkar's user avatar
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Upgrade of Angular version 5

I am trying to upgrade my Angular version from 5 to 6 using the commands shown here, but it doesn't seem to be working: npx @angular/cli@6 update @angular/cli@6 npx @angular/cli@6 update @angular/core@...
Bhushan Khaladkar's user avatar
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Image popup is not working in angular application using jquery

I am trying to display image on the body using jQuery in my angular application. jQuery script is not working in my angular application for popup. I am not able to find out where is the issue.So, How ...
Smart Code's user avatar
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Local storage clearing for select users

What could cause specific users to have their local storage cleared, but the rest of the users are unaffected? Is it their firewalls? Is it their anti-virus? Browser? Browser version? Any help would ...
jtslugmaster08's user avatar
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Getting fs.readFileSync is not a function in Ionic3-angular5 app

The scenario is, user will choose a .pdf file and we extract data from the PDF. We are using ionic3 with angular 5. In HTML, we write <ion-input type="file" accept="pdf/*" (change)="...
Nirmalya's user avatar
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Post method receives null when sending an object with a memory size greater than 30MiB

so the first thing i do with my application is have the user select an excel file. I then take that file and send it to the server to parse the file and then i return an object with all the rows. This ...
jtslugmaster08's user avatar
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primeNG p-multiSelect with template driven form, dynamic options

I have two dropdowns in my form. When I click an option in the first dropdown I make an API call to get the options of the second dropdown which is a p-multiselect. My problem is that the options of ...
user08's user avatar
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Angular 5 form submitted flag undefined

I am new at Angular forms and I am not finding where is the problem. I get undefined when I try to access submitted flag of the Form. Also when I do console log of the form there is no submitted field....
user08's user avatar
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how to call search widget event before send request?

I used tradingview in my project(angular 5). I want to call an event when I typing in the search widget before sending a request to the server?
sobhan mozafari's user avatar
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Add [ngClass] only on the element that is clicked on

I have several columns that I need to differentiate when one is clicked to only have the class activate on that one and if a different one is activated to de-activate the previous one and activate ...
Victor York's user avatar
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Error Code: 0 ExceptionMessage: Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error in Angular 5

I am getting this error "Error Code: 0 ExceptionMessage: Http failure response for (unknown URL): 0 Unknown Error" on my Angular 5 project. However, I am not able to recreate this issue, I ...
Sachin's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/core/src/render3': ViewChildren QueryList

(Angular CLI: 1.7.4) I am using ViewChildren in a component. It is working fine if I define it as @ViewChildren(TestComponent) testComponents; However, when I specify the type of testComponents as ...
Abhyuday Singh's user avatar
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Angular5 - Scrolling to anchor

I am trying to do a scroll to an anchor when I redirect to a new page. I have tried different things but without success. Now it scrolls down but it's not showing the whole HTML element I need, it ...
user08's user avatar
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Angular 5 @Input property isn't a known property of component in lazy loaded module

I am trying to lazy load existing components in the angular application. I have imported a module named notification in the login module. Notification is a child component used via its selector name ...
pratik jaiswal's user avatar
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Angular 2 dynamic form with multidimensional array

I'm tyinng to build a form using multiple reusable sections. I'm using a json object to keep the form data. Form is building without an error. I am using angular reactive forms. So I can't add ...
Sameera Herath's user avatar
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patch mattimepicker in angular reactive form

I have an angular mattimepicker. I am using it in a reactive form. I am finding it difficult to patch the value to the edit form <h1>Reactive Form</h1> <form [formGroup]="form&...
gmail 777's user avatar
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SonarQube displaying "Simplify this expression"

SonarQube is returning quite a few code smells where I should simplify a single line of code: this.moduleContestViewModel.hasUserParticipated = (accpetedInteraction.length > 0) ? true : false; and ...
Victor York's user avatar
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SonarQube displaying "Remove this unnecessary cast"

Why is SonarQube giving this error and how could I fix it? Remove this unnecessary cast. Promise.all([ this.customerViewCmr4tProvider.getData(activeNumber), this.customerBillManagementProvider....
Victor York's user avatar
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