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Questions tagged [datepicker]

A datepicker is a user interface element in many frameworks that allows a user to choose a date and also, in some cases, time, often through a visual calendar. When including this tag, it would advantageous to also include details regarding the specific data picker being used as they each have different properties/options/functionality.

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How to style datepicker selected field background color

i have a maybe simple question but i cant find the answer online, how do i remove the blue background from the date picker when for example day is selected, or month or year? because now the black ...
Henrik Hannewijk's user avatar
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Set custom color on a Datepicker Dialog in Kotlin

So, total begginner here and im trying to do a datepicker dialog in android studio. Everything works fine but i have no idea how to change the color of the dialog. My code looks like this val ...
Azyoko's user avatar
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HTML5 Datepicker boundaries not working in Firefox

I am using the HTML5 Datepicker for a project (input=date) and I have realised it has different UX depending on the browser. I have added a minimum and maximum date and is restricting the users to ...
Adrián Manchado's user avatar
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I want to write a function for React native datepicker so that i can restrict user to select to select "FromDate" higher than "ToDate" and vice-versa

const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date()); const [openToDatePicker, setOpenToDatePicker] = useState(false); const [openFromDatePicker, setOpenFromDatePicker] = useState(false); const [fromDate, ...
Shubh's user avatar
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Adding Previous and Next Month dates in Angular Mat-Calendar

Is this possible to show previous and next months dates from first and last week of the current month in the Angular Mat Calendar. Please see picture for reference. Calendar I am unable to find ...
Sameeksha Murdia's user avatar
2 votes
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yearNavigator in p:datePicker appears as spinner instead of dropdown

Since PrimeFaces 14: yearNavigator in datePicker appears as spinner instead of a dropdown. This is totally complicated when you have to (in a list of 100 years) get to 1917 when you are in 2024 and ...
Roger Castillo's user avatar
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How to Navigate NgbDatepicker to Selected Month on Open in Angular?

I'm working with ng-bootstrap's NgbDatepicker in my Angular project, and I'm facing an issue with navigating the datepicker to the selected month when it's opened. Here's a simplified version of my ...
abolfazl_mehdi's user avatar
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How to change the color of the selected date in a colorPicker in Flutter?

i am having problems when trying to change the colors of my DatePicker. That's how I have it now, I did it with the builder parameter and returning a theme because if I tried to change the ...
danimtnz's user avatar
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bootstrap datepicker not showing date dropbox

I have the following script that works fine: <head> <title>DateTimepicker</title> <!-- Include Bootstrap CDN --> <link href= "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn....
FAJAR RAHMADI's user avatar
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R Shiny in Docker - airDatePicker selecting dates works incorrectly

So, this is a weird issue I noticed. Here is a small example app.R: library(shiny) library(shinyWidgets) print("shinyWidgets version:") print(packageVersion("shinyWidgets")) ui &...
mkranj's user avatar
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Check two MUI date pickers for value and show/hide another component

I have two date pickers with a start date and end date <Box sx={{ display: "flex", gap: 2, flexWrap: "wrap" }}> <DatePicker sx={{ ...
beanCounter's user avatar
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Angular Material DatePicker Format

I have an angular application, which is styled with Angular Material. In short, I have a form, which consists of multiple mat-form-field components, among which there is a datepicker one. The idea is ...
Ivo's user avatar
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ag-grid - Date picker in the header filter is not closing on selection

I am using ag-grid in our React application application. I am using the date field and agDateColumnFilter for one of the columns. When I open the filter from the header and select a date, it does not ...
Sai's user avatar
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Datepicker JQuery, Select 1 Date and Outputs 2 range dates based from selected (how many nights section) in a single Text Field

I am using JQuery Datepicker and I am having trouble on how to implement the situation where I can select Number of Nights, Get the value of # of nights and When you select a Date, Date output should ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Controlling position of MUI Datepicker v6 popover in absence of textField

I'm rendering a Datepicker without a text field and it's getting positioned in the upper left hand corner of the screen no matter what slotProps popper properties I pass in to position it. From other ...
Peter Alfvin's user avatar
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