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Questions tagged [datepicker]

A datepicker is a user interface element in many frameworks that allows a user to choose a date and also, in some cases, time, often through a visual calendar. When including this tag, it would advantageous to also include details regarding the specific data picker being used as they each have different properties/options/functionality.

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0 answers

NgbDatePicker- Previous date is getting selected in pacific time zone

In my angular project, I am using NgbDatePicker to show date control. The problem is occuring when i'm changing the time zone to Pacific time(US Canada). When i'm selecting the date 17/07/2024 it is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to set value of Material UI datepicker from browser using query selector

I am using the Material UI v5 library for DatePicker. I am trying to set the value of date picker (Material UI v5) from the browser using query selector, it vanishes when I click on the browser or tab ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to use MUI X Date picker Component inside Joy UI CssVarsProvider wrapper

Crash errors whenever i try to use DatePicker component in a any of my component. package.json "dependencies": { "@emotion/react": "^11.11.4", "@emotion/...
3 votes
3 answers

MatDatePicker shows up at the bottom of the page and with broken style

I'm using angular 8. In my app.module.ts I added: import {MatDatepickerModule} from '@angular/material/datepicker'; import {MatNativeDateModule} from '@angular/material'; and I added them in the @...
0 votes
2 answers

Padding between two jquery datepicker tables

I need spacing between the two tables inside the jquery date picker which as common header.I tried with various solutions like giving padding to the parent div,but I"m unable to resolve it.Can anyone ...
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0 answers

Error update value when using DatePicker of PrimeVue v4 in project Vue + Inertia + laravel

I am a newbie in VueJS and I have a problem when I choose the first value of the DatePicker it works correctly, but when I update it by choosing another year it has an error.error when change year](...
8 votes
4 answers

Setting "DD/MM/YYYY" format in MUI

In my MUI form I'm using DatePicker to select dates for departure and return of users. But when I used .toLocaleDateString() it set my dates in mm-dd-yyyy format. But I wanted to set them as dd-mm-...
6 votes
3 answers

ReactJS Ant Design - Open DatePicker on button click

I am using ant design framework for ReactJS, where I am trying to find a solution to open DatePicker on button click, however this seems not possible with the framework component, I have tried to use ...
1 vote
1 answer

Date Selection Issue with Shadcn Calendar Component in User Modal in Next JS

I'm encountering an issue with date selection in a modal using a custom Calendar component. Here's my setup: I have a UserModal component where I'm using react-hook-form for form management and zod ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I make Date Components of Horizon Calendar in SwiftUI work with today's date?

Im trying to pass today's date as my start date in my code and every time I try to run a preview my app crashes. Do y'all see what I need to do to fix this? import SwiftUI import HorizonCalendar ...
0 votes
0 answers

NgbDatepicker days names are displaced by one day

The days in my datepicker as displaced by 1 day. Monday says Sunday and so on... I changed the "firstDayOfWeek" attribute and it moves with the error. I localized the app to "es" (...
10 votes
4 answers

DatePicker MUI how to make weeks starting with Monday

I'm using DatePicker from MUI v6 ( And currently I've noticed that weeks in the calendar start with Sunday but I need them to start with Monday. Any ...
-3 votes
0 answers

Cool date pickers for solidjs [closed]

Hey just started trying out solidjs few days ago on a personal website. What date picker would you recommend for solidjs? Tried this looks cool but not all that customizable it seems. And it doesn't ...
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1 answer

Android DatePicker header is not changing color (.Net Maui)

I created a .Net Maui application that has an Android DatePicker. In the directory Platforms/Android/Resources I have two folders values and values-night for the styles.xml of the Android DatePicker ...
0 votes
0 answers

how to set datepicker action in whole Hstack [closed]

HStack(spacing: 10) { let date = utcToLocal(iso8601Formatter.string(from: birthday), from: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", to: "dd-MM-yyy") Text(date) Spacer() ...

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