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Nuxt 3 website integrate with Decap CMS with nuxt content. Cms content not showing after deploy website through netlify

Hello guys I need some help with nuxt content and Decap CMS work together on live.I have tried to set my file nuxt.config.ts file to target 'static". It still doesn't work. Here is my yaml setup ...
TheTalentedRipley's user avatar
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Nuxt content alternative for vue 3 + vite?

I want to create simple blog with netlify cms and i have no idea is there any plugin with same purpose as nuxt content and with complete api in vue 3. I look to Vite Plugin MD, while it's a great ...
Hasan-Almujtaba's user avatar
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parent component is not getting data from child in Nuxt app

This is driving me crazy so I hope that anyone can help. I made a Nuxt app with @nuxt/content and I'm using Netlify-CMS to create content. That all seems to work fine. However I'm trying to display a ...
JarlLyng's user avatar
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How to make a dynamic route my homepage in Nuxt / Netlify

I have a single page site with some content management on the homepage. The homepage content file is here /content/ which references the template home in /pages/_home.vue So I want the build ...
codycustard's user avatar
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Nuxt generated pages return undefined VueX response on page refresh

Feel like I've looked at every forum post on the internet by the time I decided to ask the question myself. My brain is running on fumes so bear with me. I've got a Nuxt project to host a game ...
KatieAdamsDev's user avatar
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Gridsome/Netlify CMS docs lead to broken Graphql

I cannot setup Gridsome with NeflifyCMS by following Gridsome's docs Snippet for setting up Netlify config.yml collections: - name: "posts" label: "Posts" folder: "posts" create: true ...
av0000's user avatar
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Setting meta description on blog post with nuxt and NetlifyCMS

I am using the net Nuxt boilterplate for NetlifyCMS and it all works good, but I have a hard time figuring out how to set meta description on a blog post. My _blog.vue template has this <template&...
Morten Hagh's user avatar
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Is it possible to add pages to a Vuepress site through Netlify CMS back-end dynamically?

I'm trying to add pages to a Vuepress site I created with a Netlify CMS back-end. It seems the only way is to add them statically: sidebar: [ '/welcome', '/test' ], I assume ...
chrisroselli's user avatar
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How to dynamically render strings in Vue?

I am pulling an array on images from Netlify CMS and passing that to vue-picture-swipe component, but the acutal images don't render, even though the path is correct etc. Not sure what I am doing ...
Dan's user avatar
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Automatically add new posts to the Sidebar

I'm using VuePress and NetlifyCMS as Content Management. I have 3 collections (design, front-end and back-end) which contains an indefinite number of pages. Those pages are created through the ...
Quentin's user avatar
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